Is it possible to get the context menu functionality of Finder Sync Extension in File Provider?

Previously, we are using the Finder Sync extension for showing the context menu on the finder items. But now we are planning to use the File Provider extension on Mac OS.

So, as of our learning, we found that the context menu items to be shown on the finder items have to be informed using the 'NSExtensionFileProviderActions' key in the info.plist file and the activation rule also have to be informed there under key 'NSExtensionFileProviderActionActivationRule'.

But in the Finder Sync, we can get both the right-click(to list menu) and menu item clicked(on the context menu shown) calls from the Finder Sync extension.

Like Finder Sync Extension, can we able to get both the calls from the file provider extension?​

Is it possible to get the context menu functionality of Finder Sync Extension in File Provider?