App version is not showing up in crash reports

Facing crashes with a deamon that I'm working with has info.plist embedded within it. It also has CFBundleVersion, CFBundleShortVersionString properties with the appropriate values. But somehow the macOS is not picking up the version while generating crash reports.

Crash reports just shows ??? in the version field.

Here is info plist within the binary,

I'm using macOS Monterey 12.2.1

First things first, I recommend that you use this little-known debugging feature of launchctl to verify that your property list is set up correctly:

% launchctl plist Test735339
    "CFBundleShortVersionString" = "1.0";
    "CFBundleVersion" = "100.0.0";

If you still see the problem — and based on my testing I think you will — I’d label that as a bug in the system crash reporter and I encourage you to file it as such.

Please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Hi Quinn,

I have verified the same with launchctl as you suggested. The properties are set correctly.

{ "CFBundleExecutable" = "dsAccessService"; "CFBundleShortVersionString" = "22.7.1"; "CFBundleIdentifier" = "net.pulsesecure.JUNS"; "CFBundleDevelopmentRegion" = "English"; "CFBundleName" = "dsAccessService"; "CFBundlePackageType" = "APPL"; "CFBundleVersion" = ""; "CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion" = "6.0"; };

Filed the bug - FB13383050

Appreciate the help!

Thanks, Bharani Nikesh.

Hey, I am also facing the similar issue. I am using one raw binary and have embedded the info.plist in it. The plist is properly embedded, i have confirmed it using launchctl plist binary and it contains both these keys. However the version in Crash report still shows as ???. Any clue?

Thanks, Aparna Joshi

Have you tried this on the current macOS 15 beta seed?

The reason I ask is that Bharani_Nikesh’s bug, FB13383050, linked to another bug that, in turn, suggests that things might have improved there.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

App version is not showing up in crash reports