Reading data from Payment terminal


Thank you very much for your WWDC NFC sessions! I really like the format and the information you provided in those session :)

I have a question regarding my app that I am planning to develop using an NFC technology. I tried to find a necessary information in WWDC sessions and documentations but I couldn't find anything that might be helpful for me.

The idea is simple. I want to use my app as the proxy between user's payments cards (debit or credit) and the payment terminal. The logic is something like this:

  1. User taps an iPhone to a payment terminal (just like in the Wallet) and my app reads the data from the payment terminal through NFC (merchant name, merchant category, amount to be paid, etc.)
  2. My app receives this information, does some formatting and other operations
  3. My app sends the user's card information to the NFC (a card information is received and stored in my app through some 3rd party service, like Plaid)
  4. Payment terminal receives this information and shows either the payment succeed or failed.

I am wondering is it possible to achieve this using the current API of NFC framework? While I am aware that the NFC framework supports the ISO-7816 standard, based on my research so far, it seems there is no way to achieve this functionality.

Correct me if I am wrong.


Reading data from Payment terminal