Inline Comparison on Commit seems to be forced in XCode 15 Beta 3

Anyone know how to set Side By Side Comparison in the new commit UI? New UI seems to missing a lot of features like multi-select of files to discard/stage...

Xcode 5.1 is out and still no side-by-side view. I'm not bothering to check code in (and use that as a double check before a release) cos it's just too painful with this new method. Crossing my fingers that by 15.2 Apple will see sense and put things back the way they were.

If it ain't broken... just break it! Bring back the previous (working) side-by-side Commit interface, meantime I switched to another tool for commits.

+1 here. What the hell, Apple? This bug has now existed for months. If you don't fix it, people will switch to other workflows for ever, and you might as well never have put all that development effort into commit in the first place!

I switched to Github Desktop a month ago. It's like Xcode used to be: a simple list of changed files, side-by-side comparison and a big blue commit button. A breath of fresh air.

And it works perfectly next to Xcode too e.g. Xcode updates in real time when you check-in. Until Xcode gets fixed I can recommend it.

I can go back and forth between Project Manager, for doing the side by side compares, and Source Control Manager to stage the changes. But another problem is the commit message that always seems to get removed when I change tabs. But I was having a problem with the commit message getting cleared. Like forever I have been able to click on commit and add to the commit message and now it is cleared every time I go in. Just now while trying to figure out what it took to clear the message I accidentally did a commit on half my files using the message "Hi Bob". Insanity.

I agree, the Xcode 15 inline comparison on commit is unusable. I submitted a bug report using Feedback Assistant about 2-1/2 months ago on this issue. I received no response so I closed the issue. Does anyone know how to get the attention of any developers on the Apple Xcode team?

It's an awful view, and both the FBs I filed have been ignored.

I've already had a couple of bugs slip out into my released build which I would have picked up if I could have double checked my code with a commit. Has anyone had any feedback at all from Apple as to when they'll be bringing back the old, perfectly useable, side-by-side commit system and ditch this new unusable inline integrate system?

I have been using Xcode for more than 5 years and this change is sadly the first change that is so bad that I am motivated to post in the Developer Forums for the first time. I've lived through buggy code and missing features but this is the first time where, through lack of design consideration and user experience, they've managed to cripple a key feature. These problem should have been flagged early in the dev cycle and is a problem of technical leadership rather than programming.

I just started using Xcode 15 and this was killing me. Strangely, you can still get side-by-side in the Project Navigator, but not in the Source Control Navigator. See the following link for further information:

I prefer the side by side view, it is way better. Currently if you have added the same code to multiple methods in a file, later you want to remove it from one of the method, the commit view doesn't show the method name, you have to manually move the slash button on left side of the view to reveal method names, which makes it hard to use.

Inline Comparison on Commit seems to be forced in XCode 15 Beta 3