Is there a way to get satellites count using iOS API?

Below resources says that I cannot. I don't see satellite count related API in Core Location framework document also.

1)This is not possible using any publicly available iOS API. (2012/11/8)

2)There is no public available API that allows you to get this kind of detailed information about the GPS satellites. (2010/8/24)

3)Confirmed that your app does not have access to the private API used to suss that information. (2017)

4)Since ios does not provide the number of satellites, and since phone gap is designed as a subset of functionality that runs on all phoneplattform, the num satellites is not available. (2015/11/4)

5)The Public SDK doesn't expose that. (2009/12/17)

6)Can iOS 8 provide info on satellites? No. (2014/8/20)

Above posts are little old so I want to double confirm.

If an Apple developer can reply this then it would be better thanks.

Above posts are little old so I want to double confirm.

"Double confirm" - looks more like "seventh confirm" to me. Do you check everything so thoroughly?

I confirm that you cannot get the number of satellites.

Now a question back at you is: why do you want this information? Is there a location capability your app requires beyond what Core Location already provides?

And here’s a 7th and more recent item for your list:

From that discussion, note that “satellite count” may not even be meaningful in all cases where location data is available. Core Location does the hard work of abstracting away all the complex technology that goes into determining your location, to give you a simple “you are here (in this circle)” result which all that most apps need.

I agree with Roflbot that this would be useful, but it’s clear at this point in history that Apple disagree and it’s not going to change.

I have two use cases. First, sometimes it’s useful to be able to tell users where the location data is coming from. I do get complaints from users who say that my app worked OK on their wifi-only iPad at home, but when they were lost on a mountain it couldn’t show their location. The second is compatibility; the GPX file format has an attribute for the number of satellites, and it would be good to be able to populate that with something accurate.

I may have filed a bug about this in about 2009…….

Thanks for asking! Other commenters are correct that satellite count is not available in the Core Location API.

Scott is also correct to point out that satellite count is not even meaningful in many cases, since Core Location positions are derived from a blend of underlying technologies. If you have a suggestion to improve the API, though, you can file a request through Feedback Assistant for future consideration.

Thanks for replies! @endecotp I guess I'm through more often than not. However, yea, it may be inefficient time usage in some cases. I think it's individual's call/perspective/interpretation.

My colleague found an app (GPS Diagnostic: Satellite Test.) that shows satellite count in the App Store screenshot:

I agree that Apple API (even low level) doesn't provide satellite count directly.

I guess that developer found the count indirectly. I'll email that developer asking broadly how he got the satellite count.

If someone can guess how that developer got the satellite count, for example by using some kind of signal strength that would be helpful for me and people who see this post I think.

If I get email replied back from the developer. I'll submit a thread here also.

Is there a way to get satellites count using iOS API?