Upgrading bundled login item and app extensions on MacOS

I have a Login Item that is bundled with my .app and can run in the background. The Login Item has a File Provider extension. When a user downloads and installs a new version of the main .app, what's the correct way to handle stopping and restarting the login item and File Provider related processes to make sure they are running the latest code also?

Just to add some context, my current understanding is that when someone downloads a new .app and drops it in their Applications folder, and then launches it, that the system somehow will register this new version of the embedded LoginItem. I also expect that the old version would keep running. So I'm imagining I need to somehow kill that process, at which point I think the system should automatically bring the new one back online? Is that correct? I also have a File Provider within the LoginItem, so I need to make sure I am updating that extension to have the new code but I'm not sure if restarting the LoginItem is sufficient or if I also need to interact with the File Provider extension processes somehow when there is a new copy of the parent .app.

Can someone from Apple please provide us some guidance here?? None of this is documented anywhere, and there's several similar questions unanswered, because the documentation simply doesn't exist! #noOverviewAvailable

Upgrading bundled login item and app extensions on MacOS