Widget reload not as good as Complication reload

I like to keep my apps watch face complication up to date when the user completes an activity but calling WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() is not working as well as the old complication update now I want to go back to complications. I used to call CLKComplicationServer.sharedInstance().reloadTimeline(for: <#T##CLKComplication#>) which would update my complication instantly.

The simulator seams to up date widgets immediately but now my app has been released pn the App Store it is not updating.

Any one else experiencing this.

Yep, same exact issue with my watch app

Did you ever find a solution?

Same issue for me! when i call WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines in WKApplicationDelegate after launch nothing alway not update the Complications.

The same happened to me. Migrated ClockKit complications to WidgetKit, and now they won't update. 😕

P.S. Full story here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/735352

Widget reload not as good as Complication reload