Xcode 14 Beta 3 Core Data Model Editor Style


 Switching Core Data Editor Style has been broken since Xcode 14 Beta 1. Although I can get by, it would be convenient to switch to the Graphical ER diagram style to "visually" study the model for an App.

Regards and Thank You, John

My hunch (based on nothing) is that Apple is setting up Xcode for SwiftData.

So basically, if you want your diagrams, you have to get them by using SwiftData.

Just a hunch.

Hi All,

After the announcement of SwiftData, this new technology from Apple that replaces CoreData, this thread is pretty much over. No need to care about the Graph Editor anymore, like I did in the past, because all things CoreData are now the past. Everyone should put his/her energies in learning and implementing SwiftData in your apps. Thanks for those who cared about the missing, and now dead, Graph Editor.

Cheers, Johel

I agree with JohelSF assessment that this is related to SwiftData.

It is hubris of the highest order. It is a "nudge" to try to get developers using the latest and "greatest" features, but we don't all want or needed that. It goes hand in hand with the forced upgrades of Xcode, I saw no reason to upgrade Xcode but was forced to do so. I am starting a new project targeting iOS 15, as I have seen no need to upgrade to the latest version of iOS.

All that said, I consider Xcode to be a bug in and of itself, its is be far the worst IDE I have had the displeasure of developing with. Apple really need to talk to the likes of JetBrains to understand what it is developers truly want and need from an IDE. Just for starters Xcode's git support is laughable and what if you use a different source management tool?

If it wasn't for the fact that I find iOS to be a far better experience than Android I wouldn't be putting myself through the hell that is using Xcode, I would be using tooling and technologies of my choice and a better/nicer language to boot. </rant>

Still here in July 2024 🥲

Xcode 14 Beta 3 Core Data Model Editor Style