UI tests on iOS15 is launching but not executing tests

Test UI and unit tests are working fine on 14.3 with XCode 13.0 beta4 but it gets stuck on 15.0 and doesn't execute any test case with no error.

Even I am also facing the same issue in UITests with the latest XCode 13.1 and iOS 15 versions. The loading indicator is not hiding properly & the app is getting stuck and crashing. Textfied also closes automatically before typing text whenever I executed textfield.exists/textfield.isHittable. Taking too much time to build and also freezes the app.

We found workaround!

Two workarounds!


In our case in TheApp has InternalProjectDependency which depends on external dependency that cause deadlock.

We add Environment Variable DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES in to test buld scheme with value $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/TheApp.app/Frameworks/InternalProjectDependency.framework/InternalProjectDependency


Just use TestPlans;)

This problem also exists with XCode 14.0 Beta 4.

We are facing this issue in Xcode 15 beta 5

also facing this issue on XCode 15 beta 6

facing on Xcode 15.0.1

UI tests on iOS15 is launching but not executing tests