iCloud for Mac is stuck on "waiting to upload"

This has been a bug for a while now on Mac OS. When you sync your desktop/documents folders with iCloud at random moments it gets stuck and never finish uploading. The folder says "waiting to upload" indefinitely. I notice it happens more often when you do a git commit on a folder that is synced with iCloud.

Are there any work around for that?

Empty your trash is the solution to fix waiting to upload bug on iCloud 🔑

I was exporting Pages files to PDFs and not changing the name....everything before the extension stayed the same. I renamed the pdf (added pdf to the name and it immediately synced.

In some cases, I can open a file in a folder that is not syncing and it will upload. Watch the progress indicator in the sidebar.

Disable icloud and then re-enable, while re-enabling uncheck Desktop and Documents folder. Repeat the process again while keeping the previous checkbox unchecked. wait for sometime and It will start working.

I have dealt with this problem for a while. I realized that just because I love apple hardware and most of its software does not mean I have to use every solution they provide. In my opinion their cloud engineering needs some work and for that reason I have decided to use better storage system. I would recommend looking into other non-apple options if sync is critical to you as it is for me. There are a ton of cloud providers out there, this might be your best rather than waiting on apple. Not throwing shame on the company, its by far one of my top favorite enterprises and brands, but just as every company they cannot be good at everything, they are already good at most things they do.

Hope this helps, God bless!

Hi All,

I've tried every other solution and the only thing that has worked was getting rid of the CloudDocs folder and killing the bird process - but the key was killing it twice. Once immediately before removing CloudDocs and once after. I worked it as an easy one-liner here for y'all. Good Luck!

killall bird; rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/CloudDocs; killall bird

I found a very simple solution on (https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/264915/icloud-drive-is-stuck-uploading-items-and-no-longer-syncs) - opposite no 16 in red on the left of the answers: Open Terminal and type in killall bird and it worked in a flash. Whether it has any other consequences, I have no idea!

In Finder, if I just duplicated the stuck file it would make a copy and then the original would immediately sync too.

For me this was a .md file, so I can't vouch that it will fix other files with this problem. But duplicating it seemed to jump start the sync, and then I deleted the copy and that synced right away too. Hope that helps someone. That's under Monterey 12.3.

I am having the same issue with my Mac and now all of the folders and docs have disappeared off my desktop. Any answers to this issue?

Move files off desktop (or off of/out of iCloud area) waiting to upload then replace.

My Scenario: File folder located on Desktop stuck in 'waiting to upload' status is moved to removable drive. Delete folder waiting to upload off Desktop. Them move folder back from removable drive to Desktop. Folder then uploaded. That has solved my issue for the moment. Hope it helps.

i found that renaming the folder restarted the sync process. if you have a lot of folders in the state "Waiting to Upload" then this simple technique may not be suitable. In my case i had two desktop folders, one very small and the other quite large(~4GB) but the rename process worked for both of them

Was having waiting to upload issues, and logging in Issues. tried a number of the solution suggested nothing worked. I eventually found a the solution .I had Radio silence App running in the background . It was blocking network communication with icloud. I removed the the app. All issues have been resolved

I have had this issue twice. The first time was resolved when I updated my Monterey operating system. Recently it happened again. I believe I know what caused it, at least in my instance. I created a file in the FILES app on my phone and immediately deleted it. I don't think it had a chance to upload to iCloud and when I check the folders on my M1 Air, Waiting to Upload appeared.

This time I shut off Desktop and Documents on both Apple devices that I had syncing (M1 Air and iPhone). I deleted the Documents folder as that was the one hung up. I reloaded the documents from a backup that I had created prior. Once everything syncs all was well again. It was a pain and I only have about 15GB of documents. Hopefully Apple will get this worked out. I'm not holding my breath as many of these posts go back years. In the meantime, I'm going to give everything plenty of time to sync before I delete files.

This seems like an absurd solution, but it definitely worked for me. I had a number of apps open for quite a while, so I closed all of them, and the small file that had been hung up for days uploaded instantly. I'm on an iMac with an M1 chip. Try it, it's an easy solution if it works and no sweat if it doesn't.

Having the same problem but besides the solution mentioned here, but cabled internet works also. Much easier. Do not know if it works for everyone though

I logout of the Mac and login immediately , the files upload right away. But this seems to defeat the whole purpose of icloud. I use dropbox in the past and never has this problem!

iCloud for Mac is stuck on "waiting to upload"