Developer Tools

Apps that provide tools for app development, management, and distribution.

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PR Focus is a macOS app that makes it easy to keep track of pull requests without having to visit GitHub. PR Focus provides a single destination for information about important pull requests. Find out about new PRs in repositories you watch. Ignore PRs you don't care about. Watch PRs you're reviewing, or your own PRs. More details, including App Preview videos, are available on the PR Focus website. ( PR Focus has been in development for - way too long. This is my final release candidate. The release summary was for my internal beta test group and only mentions the IAP, but I welcome any feedback!
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Hello everyone, we are about to release our MacOS app "Changelog Publisher". The release candidate is now available for testing in TestFlight. We would be very grateful to anyone who would be interested in participating in the beta test for our MacOS app.
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Hi all, I've added a search feature to JuxtaCode and would like to get as much feedback as possible before releasing it. JuxtaCode is a Git diff and merge tool that lets you: Browse commits Compare code changes See file history Resolve merge conflicts You can also compare and merge any plain text. Thanks for taking a look! :)
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Hi there! During last time we (me and my friend) were building an app to clean various stuff after Xcode. I was fed up as a developer that Apple related things load my drive and need hundreds of gigabytes just to do my job. Brief feature list: Simulators cleanup. It's a correct cleanup via 'simctl' so you even don't need to restart Xcode for it to take effect SPM repos cache. Swift PM stores github repos for packages separately and never removes them unless you ask it via cli. Derived Data, a first thing you try to fix weird Xcode linking issue :) Some features currently in development: Desktop widget, so you can delete derived data with a single mouse click Support for more package managers like CocoaPods; they also have substantial caches that appear to be ignored We're currently in public beta, and we'd love your feedback and feature requests. Get the latest build on TestFlight: We also have a separate GitHub repo (we're developers, right?) to track issues and feature requests:
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As an APP developer I always encounter problems when trying to find good testers for the apps and I especially miss having a way to encourage users to send feedback. With this in mind I developed an initial version of an application called "Test My App/Test An App". What's in this Beta version: Account creation for anyone who wants to test apps Profile creation for developers to publish their apps. (The functionality to publish APPs is already implemented and its free to use) I have already published some of my APPs for testing but as soon as developers register they will publish theirs. All users receive notification when a new APP is published. Testers are able to record the interaction with the apps to be tested and share them with the developer. Testers are able to send contributions to the developer (comments, bug reports, feature suggestions, APP evaluation, etc.), with images and videos. (The contributions are visible to all other testers). Users earn XP and can level up as they test the applications. Users earn Badges for their contributions. Anyone who registers during the Beta period will receive an exclusive badge