CloudKit JS

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CloudKit JS provides access from your web app to your CloudKit app’s containers and databases.

Posts under CloudKit JS tag

6 Posts
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CloudKit JS database subscription
Hi, it is possible to accept an invitation to a zone in a shared db using cloudkit js, but can you subscribe to receive change notifications? It doesn't look like you can create a database subscription (and zone or query types don't seem appropriate for shared databases). Does that mean you can't get notified and you have to keep polling the cloudkit container for changes? If so, why such a limitation? Thanks
May ’24
Using CloudKit JS for a React web app
Hello, everyone! I'm currently working in creating a new web app that will replicate the functionalities of an existing iOS and Mac app. However, since those apps rely on CloudKit to manage all user information, we decided on using CloudKit JS as our backend for our web app. The framework we chose for developing our frontend is React. The question is, since this documentation only mentions the CloudKit JS usage through a CDN (embedded directly in the HTML file) I wanted to ask: is there a "suggested" method for using CloudKit JS in a React project other than importing the CDN in the main html file? in case not, should we use a "traditional" server to access data like they suggest in this thread? All your help will be very much appreciated. Best regards, Eduardo
Jan ’24
No effect from CloudKit container API token discoverability checkbox
An iOS app I'm developing also has an external website where users can contribute data to the app's CloudKit public database. Using CloudKit JS, I require users to log in with their Apple ID on the website before submitting data that is sent to the public database. I need to capture the user's name and/or email address from their Apple ID info so the contributed data can be tied to a particular person, I can limit how much data each person contributes, etc. It all works great if I log in with my Apple ID, including that the web app captures my name and saves it to the public database. The problem is that for any other Apple ID I try (a family member's or friend's, or a sandbox one I've created), the web app cannot obtain the user's name or email address, even when they successfully authenticate with their Apple ID. I also can't figure out how to make the web app ask the user for permission for their name or email to be discoverable. On the CloudKit container page where I created the web API token, I checked the box for "Request user discoverability at sign in", but that doesn't make any prompt appear during the login process. Anyone know how to force a prompt to the user to let their info be discoverable? Thanks!
Nov ’23
Database connect or create
I would like to create a database to store data that can be accessed between app users. A user creates an account through the app. Another user can then find it via the name of the user. Importantly, both devices are completely independent and not connected to the same Apple ID. Does anyone there know a solution? Greetings -Janik
Sep ’23
Error loading container details.
#1 As a new starter, I just created a new sample app in Xcode and added iCloud capability. On the CloudKit dashboard I do see the container but selecting the specific container shows the following message in red "Error loading container details." #2 I was able to create a new RecortType via the cloud kit dashboard UI but when I try to create a record form the dashboard UI somehow it does not let me select the record type of the record (I see it in the list but its grayed out). I am not sure what the reason for #1 and #2 and if the two issues are related. Could not find any help online. I am trying to create an app directly with cloudKit and Javascript (not a companion IOS app). Any help would
Aug ’23