Integrate iOS device camera and motion features to produce augmented reality experiences in your app or game using ARKit.

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Hey everyone! 👋 I’ve always been interested in AR/VR/mixed reality and was inspired by the release of the Apple Vision Pro to play around with RealityKit on the iOS. I was really impressed with how quick and simple iOS17’s Object Capture API made it to capture lifelike digital copies of objects. Objy is an iOS app with two modes: Capture and Discover. Capture mode (requires LiDAR - pro model iPhones post iPhone 12) guides the user through the process of walking and creating the capture. The app processes these into a digital copy on-device which you can upload to a profile. Discover mode presents a semi transparent box you can position in your environment (using your camera feed). Once set this anchors your object discovery feed as you swipe up and down to discover new objects. You can show your love for your discoveries with a burst of hearts, or save objects to your project like to view anywhere you want at a later time. Your profile holds your captured objects, as well as your saved objects. From your profile you can view any of these objects in your own space as well. You can share objects from your profile, sharing to other iOS devices will open them in the native iOS AR Quick View. Check out a demo video I made: The most recent TestFlight build adds guest mode - so you can see a shorter discovery feed without creating a profile. And it also adds Sign In with Apple. I’d love to get any feedback on the app (design, functionality, bugs!, or more). I am also always up to chatting with people passionate about AR and spatial computing, so feel free to reach out either via the support email address in the app, or on the discord I made for feedback: Thanks, Marcus
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Put on a record, watch the visuals. Don't really know how far I'll go with this yet. For now it is just a volumetric window, with a couple audio reactive particle systems. Got lots of ideas though! Maybe make an immersive space so I can use ARKit somehow....hmmmm.