Apple Music API

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Apple Music API integrates streaming music with Apple Music content.

Posts under Apple Music API tag

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Fetch with time in Apple music API
I'm trying to pull library songs, playlist and artist from authorized user. The API gives me data in alphabetical order and there's no timestamp in the response, is it possible to fetch data with the most recent ones first? It is very difficult to pull all the data and filter ourselves, is it possible to fetch only the first 30-60 most recent ones?
Aug ’23
Apple Music API - Add Tracks to beginning of Library Playlist
We are using the following endpoint to add songs to a user's library playlist: However, it looks like it is currently only possible to add tracks to the end of a playlist, and there is no way of re-ordering the tracks either. It would be great if we were able to pass an index of the position where the object should be added within the playlist, or if that's too complicated, then at least have a param that allows to add tracks to the beginning of the playlist. Adding new tracks at the end of a playlists that already has a lot of songs just isn't effective as they won't be discovered.
Aug ’23
MusicDataRequest responding with an Internal Service Error when creating a playlist folder
I am trying to create a new playlist folder in Apple Music using MusicKit on iOS 16. However, I am receiving an Internal Service Error when sending the request. This is the code: let urlString = "" let url = URL(string: urlString)! let body = LibraryPlaylistFolderCreationRequest( attributes: .init( name: "test-playlist-folder"), relationships: .init( parent: .init( data: [.init(id: "playlistsroot", type: "library-playlist-folders")]))) var urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url) urlRequest.httpMethod = "POST" urlRequest.httpBody = try JSONEncoder().encode(body) let request = MusicDataRequest(urlRequest: urlRequest) let response = try await request.response() let responseString = String(data:, encoding: .utf8) print(responseString) When I print the request body using the following code snippet, I get the output as seen below: let jsonBody = try JSONEncoder().encode(body) print(String(data: jsonBody, encoding: .utf8)) Output of the above snippet: Optional("{\"attributes\":{\"name\":\"test-playlist-folder\"},\"relationships\":{\"parent\":{\"data\":[{\"id\":\"playlistsroot\",\"type\":\"library-playlist-folders\"}]}}}") Which should conform to the JSON scheme provided in the docs: And this is the error output: [DataRequesting] Failed to perform MusicDataRequest.Context( url: "", currentRetryCounts: [.other: 1] ) with MusicDataRequest.Error( status: 500, code: 50000, title: "Internal Service Error", detailText: "", id: "VK23VIZ6AAM5IVP4GIFQ6VXPLU", originalResponse: MusicDataResponse( data: 111 bytes, urlResponse: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x000000028042b0c0> ) ). After a lot of trial and error, I don't think I know what the underlying issue is. Is MusicDataRequest not designed to issue POST requests? Is it something else? Kind regards!
Sep ’23
Response data for playlists and songs in Apple Music API
I was thinking about paying to join the Apple Developer program for access to the Apple Music API, and making an app just for practice in improving my skills. I was looking at the sample response data in the documentation online, and noticed there's some stuff missing that I would want to use. Mainly what songs are in a playlist (it looks like you get that info for a catalog playlist but not a library playlist, which seems backwards but maybe I'm confused about what those mean), and information about particular songs in a user's library like number of plays, date last played, etc. Basically I thought you'd get access to anything you can see in the Apple Music Player on the desktop version. It seems like that's obviously not true but I was surprised, so I thought I'd ask to see if anyone who has used the API can tell me for sure. Probably don't want to pay if you don't get access to all the data I was thinking about.
Sep ’23
Music app on my iPad not working as intended
Hi! I have a 4th gen iPad Air with 17.1 beta 1 version loaded on it. When trying to edit a playlist, every time I remove a song, it always goes back to the top of my playlist, causing me to have to scroll back down. But that’s not the only problem; once I do get back to where I was in my list, and before I can do anything else it will just go back to the top of my list without me doing anything! it doesn’t happen every time but enough times to make it hard for me to continue what I’m trying to do. I have closed the app several times, and even restarted my iPad a few times but still the issues persist! Help? 😅
Oct ’23
Share Extension - App no longer showing after Xcode/IOS Update
I recently updated to Xcode 15 and IOS 17 and now my Share Extension is no longer appearing. The share extension is meant to take the URL from a song when a user selects share in Apple Music. It was working perfectly before the update, so I'm wondering if I missed something that would cause this error or if this is happening or has happened to anyone else. If so, what's the best way to fix it? Here's my Activation Rule for reference: <dict> <key>NSExtension</key> <dict> <key>NSExtensionAttributes</key> <dict> <key>NSExtensionActivationRule</key> <dict> <key>NSExtensionActivationSupportsWebURLWithMaxCount</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> </dict> <key>NSExtensionMainStoryboard</key> <string>MainInterface</string> <key>NSExtensionPointIdentifier</key> <string></string> </dict> </dict>
Oct ’23
Beginner trying to authorize Apple Music API request
I'm a new programmer and I'm trying to work with the Apple Music API as a way to teach myself. So this is probably a dumb question, but I'm using the docs to figure out how to make a request, and I think I have the token all set with the key ID and UNIX time and all that. But I get a 401 Unauthorized back when I send a GET request with it, and I'm having trouble understanding what the docs say about authorization. It says to pass Authorization: Bearer in the header. I'm trying to do that in Insomnia but it must be over my head. I'm guessing there's something obvious that I'm doing wrong, but I'm not sure what. Hoping someone here will take one look at it and be able to tell me. I tried it a few different ways but this is the gist.
Oct ’23
iOS 17.1 Features (Credits, Favorite Artist & Playlist Covers)
Hey there, There was so many awesome new changes introduced in iOS 17.1, and we would love to leverage them via the API! Namely: A new endpoint that returns the credits of a song. A way to add an artist to the library of a user. A way to update the cover of a playlist. All these three features are amazing - please let us know if you plan to add them to the API! All the best, Oskar
Nov ’23
Request for Free Access to the Apple Music API and Apple Link Shortener for Affiliate Links
Dear Apple devs, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek your guidance and assistance in a matter related to my blog, which features affiliate links to the Apple Music store. Currently, I manage all aspects of my blog independently. However, I find myself facing the formidable task of updating 300 articles, and I am exploring options to streamline and automate this process. To achieve this automation, I am looking into the creation of affiliate links through the Apple Music API and the affiliate program. While this approach promises efficiency and enhanced user experience, I must acknowledge a financial constraint. Acquiring a developer account, a prerequisite for API access, involves a cost of €99, which presents a challenge within my budgetary constraints. I have come across information suggesting the possibility of requesting a fee waiver, yet the process entails an initial payment with no guarantees. This leads me to seek your advice on the most viable and cost-effective solution to address this predicament. Your insights and recommendations would be greatly appreciated, as they will guide my decision on the best course of action moving forward. I am committed to upholding the integrity of my blog and ensuring its continued success, and your expertise will be instrumental in achieving this goal. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. I eagerly await your response and look forward to resolving this matter with your support.
Nov ’23
Classical Music App metadata using API
Hi, I'm a newbie here. I've signed up for the developer program hoping to retrieve extended metadata for the Classical music that is avaliable in Classical app. For example, each performer is assigned an instrument or voice. Unfortunately, the test API call did not return extended metadata, just regular metadata from Music App or page. Does anybody knows if there are plans to make this extended metadata available thru API ?
Nov ’23
Apple Music API Extended Features - UPDATE/DELETE
Trying to use the Apple Music API for mirroring playlists from spotify. Wondering if it will ever be on the roadmap to update/reorder playlists, or delete playlists/remove items using the API? Is this something that can't be handled or is it a business decision? I see that there is more flexibility with the MusicKit. Can we expect something like this in the future for the API? Thanks,
Dec ’23
SDK or API limitations/timeouts on 'unattended' use of an Apple Music-interface app
Hi, my team is developing an iOS app which connects to Apple Music (currently most of it is via API, but some tests have been done with MusicKit). In a separate development, we were using a service which competes with A.M., and when their (web) API is used, if the user doesn't interact with the app somehow (scrolling, buttons, etc), the connection will timeout after 30 seconds and force them to reconnect. So, questions I have are: Is there any timeout regarding stopping tracks in Apple Music or does the connection to the A.M. app stay active? If the connection drops on iOS as well, is there any limitation regarding streaming A.M. content via API (aka are there licensing issues as well?)
Dec ’23
Need to write a program to embed album art in purchased Apple Music
I recently downloaded Apple Music for for Windows 10 and started a new music library. Then I downloaded all my purchased music albums to my computer. However, the album art is not embedded in any of the m4a files. It is stored in a separate artwork folder. I have Visual Studio 2022 and was wondering how I might go about accessing the Apple Music app using the API. I want the script to go through all my purchased music and take the album art from the artwork folder and embed it in the purchased m4a files. I found some other programs/scripts online but they are all for iTunes or for Mac. None of the old scripts will work because they don’t recognize the new Apple Music for Windows music library. I can’t go back to iTunes because Apple removed all the music options from the iTunes for Windows app. Any ideas on how to get started writing the app/script would be greatly appreciated. Can I download something from Apple to make it easy to access the API in Visual Studio 2022 for Windows?
Dec ’23