
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    An `SKScene` subclass that handles logic and visuals.
import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit
class GameScene: SKScene {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// Holds information about the maze.
    var maze = Maze()
    /// Whether the solution is currently displayed or not.
    var hasSolutionDisplayed = false
        Contains optional sprite nodes that are used to visualize the maze 
        graph. The nodes are arranged in a 2D array (an array with rows and 
        columns) so that the array index of a sprite node in this array 
        corresponds to the coordinates of the node in the maze graph. A node at 
        an index exists if the corresponding maze node exists; otherwise, the 
        sprite node is nil.
    @nonobjc var spriteNodes = [[SKSpriteNode?]]()
    // MARK: Methods
    /// Creates a new maze, or solves the newly created maze.
    func createOrSolveMaze() {
        if hasSolutionDisplayed {
        else {
        Creates a maze object, and creates a visual representation of that maze
        using sprites.
    func createMaze() {
        maze = Maze()
        hasSolutionDisplayed = false
        Uses GameplayKit's pathfinding to find a solution to the maze, then 
        solves it.
    func solveMaze() {
        guard let solution = maze.solutionPath else {
            assertionFailure("Solution not retrievable from maze.")
        hasSolutionDisplayed = true
    // MARK: SpriteKit Methods
    /// Generates a maze when the game starts.
    override func didMove(to _: SKView) {
    /// Generates sprite nodes that comprise the maze's visual representation.
    func generateMazeNodes() {
        // Initialize the an array of sprites for the maze.
        spriteNodes += [[SKSpriteNode?]](repeating: [SKSpriteNode?](repeating: nil, count: (Maze.dimensions * 2) - 1), count: Maze.dimensions
            Grab the maze's parent node from the scene and use it to
            calculate the size of the maze's cell sprites.
        let mazeParentNode = childNode(withName: "maze") as! SKSpriteNode
        let cellDimension = mazeParentNode.size.height / CGFloat(Maze.dimensions)
        // Remove existing maze cell sprites from the previous maze.
        // For each maze node in the maze graph, create a corresponding sprite.
        let graphNodes = maze.graph.nodes as? [GKGridGraphNode]
        for node in graphNodes! {
            // Get the position of the maze node.
            let x = Int(node.gridPosition.x)
            let y = Int(node.gridPosition.y)
                Create a maze sprite node and place the sprite at the correct 
                location relative to the maze's parent node.
            let mazeNode = SKSpriteNode(
                color: SKColor.darkGray,
                size: CGSize(width: cellDimension, height: cellDimension)
            mazeNode.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
            mazeNode.position = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(x) * cellDimension, y: CGFloat(y) * cellDimension)
            // Add the maze sprite node to the maze's parent node.
                Add the maze sprite node to the 2D array of sprite nodes so we 
                can reference it later.
            spriteNodes[x][y] = mazeNode
        // Grab the coordinates of the start and end maze sprite nodes.
        let startNodeX = Int(maze.startNode.gridPosition.x)
        let startNodeY = Int(maze.startNode.gridPosition.y)
        let endNodeX   = Int(maze.endNode.gridPosition.x)
        let endNodeY   = Int(maze.endNode.gridPosition.y)
        // Color the start and end nodes green and red, respectively.
        spriteNodes[startNodeX][startNodeY]?.color =
        spriteNodes[endNodeX][endNodeY]?.color     =
    /// Animates a solution to the maze.
    func animateSolution(_ solution: [GKGridGraphNode]) {
            The animation works by animating sprites with different start delays.
            actionDelay represents this delay, which increases by
            an interval of actionInterval with each iteration of the loop.
        var actionDelay: TimeInterval = 0
        let actionInterval = 0.005
            Light up each sprite in the solution sequence, except for the
            start and end nodes.
        for i in 1...(solution.count - 2) {
            // Grab the position of the maze graph node.
            let x = Int(solution[i].gridPosition.x)
            let y = Int(solution[i].gridPosition.y)
                Increment the action delay so this sprite is highlighted
                after the previous one.
            actionDelay += actionInterval
            // Run the animation action on the maze sprite node.
            if let mazeNode = spriteNodes[x][y] {
                        [SKAction.colorize(with: SKColor.gray, colorBlendFactor: 1, duration: 0.2),
                            SKAction.wait(forDuration: actionDelay),
                            SKAction.colorize(with: SKColor.white, colorBlendFactor: 1, duration: 0),
                            SKAction.colorize(with: SKColor.lightGray, colorBlendFactor: 1, duration: 0.3)]
// MARK: OS X Input Handling
#if os(OSX)
    extension GameScene {
            Advances the game by creating a new maze or solving the existing maze if
            a key press is detected.
        override func keyDown(with _: NSEvent) {
            Advances the game by creating a new maze or solving the existing maze if
            a click is detected.
        override func mouseDown(with _: NSEvent) {