
    Copyright (C) 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Additions to the game model classes adding GameplayKit protocols for use with the minmax strategist.
#import "AAPLMinmaxStrategy.h"
@implementation AAPLMove
- (instancetype)initWithColumn:(NSInteger)column {
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        _column = column;
    return self;
+ (AAPLMove *)moveInColumn:(NSInteger)column {
    return [[self alloc] initWithColumn:column];
@implementation AAPLPlayer (MinmaxStrategy)
- (NSInteger)playerId {
    return self.chip;
@implementation AAPLBoard (MinmaxStrategy)
#pragma mark - Managing players
- (NSArray<AAPLPlayer *> *)players {
    return [AAPLPlayer allPlayers];
- (AAPLPlayer *)activePlayer {
    return self.currentPlayer;
#pragma mark - Copying board state
- (__nonnull id)copyWithZone:(nullable NSZone *)zone {
    AAPLBoard *copy = [[[self class] allocWithZone:zone] init];
    [copy setGameModel:self];
    return copy;
- (void)setGameModel:(AAPLBoard *)gameModel {
    [self updateChipsFromBoard:gameModel];
    self.currentPlayer = gameModel.currentPlayer;
#pragma mark - Finding & applying moves
- (NSArray<AAPLMove *> *)gameModelUpdatesForPlayer:(AAPLPlayer *)player {    
    NSMutableArray<AAPLMove *> *moves = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:AAPLBoard.width];
    for (NSInteger column = 0; column < AAPLBoard.width; column++) {
        if ([self canMoveInColumn:column]) {
            [moves addObject:[AAPLMove moveInColumn:column]];
    // Will be empty if isFull.
    return moves;
- (void)applyGameModelUpdate:(AAPLMove *)gameModelUpdate {
    [self addChip:self.currentPlayer.chip inColumn:gameModelUpdate.column];
    self.currentPlayer = self.currentPlayer.opponent;
#pragma mark - Evaluating board state
- (BOOL)isWinForPlayer:(AAPLPlayer *)player {
    // Use AAPLBoard's utility method to find all N-in-a-row runs of the player's chip.
    NSArray<NSNumber *> *runCounts = [self runCountsForPlayer:player];
    // The player wins if there are any runs of 4 (or more, but that shouldn't happen in a regular game).
    NSNumber *longestRun = [runCounts valueForKeyPath:@"@max.self"];
    return longestRun.integerValue >= AAPLCountToWin;
- (BOOL)isLossForPlayer:(AAPLPlayer *)player {
    // This is a two-player game, so a win for the opponent is a loss for the player.
    return [self isWinForPlayer:player.opponent];
- (NSInteger)scoreForPlayer:(AAPLPlayer *)player {
        Heuristic: the chance of winning soon is related to the number and length
        of N-in-a-row runs of chips. For example, a player with two runs of two chips each
        is more likely to win soon than a player with no runs.
        Scoring should weigh the player's chance of success against that of failure,
        which in a two-player game means success for the opponent. Sum the player's number
        and size of runs, and subtract from it the same score for the opponent.
        This is not the best possible heuristic for Four-In-A-Row, but it produces
        moderately strong gameplay. Try these improvements:
            - Account for "broken runs"; e.g. a row of two chips, then a space, then a third chip.
            - Weight the run lengths; e.g. two runs of three is better than three runs of two.
    // Use AAPLBoard's utility method to find all runs of the player's chip and sum their length.
    NSArray<NSNumber *> *playerRunCounts = [self runCountsForPlayer:player];
    NSNumber *playerTotal = [playerRunCounts valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.self"];
    // Repeat for the opponent's chip.
    NSArray<NSNumber *> *opponentRunCounts = [self runCountsForPlayer:player.opponent];
    NSNumber *opponentTotal = [opponentRunCounts valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.self"];
    // Return the sum of player runs minus the sum of opponent runs.
    return playerTotal.integerValue - opponentTotal.integerValue;