
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    An `SKNode` subclass used as a container for the visual components that make up a `PlayerBot`'s beam.
import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit
class BeamNode: SKNode, ResourceLoadableType {
    // MARK: Static properties
    struct AnimationActions {
        static var source: SKAction!
        static var untargetedSource: SKAction!
        static var destination: SKAction!
        static var cooling: SKAction!
    /// The size to use for the `BeamNode`'s dot animation textures.
    static var dotTextureSize = CGSize(width: 30.0, height: 30.0)
    static let animationActionKey = "Animation"
    static let lineNodeTemplate: SKSpriteNode = {
        let templateScene = SKScene(fileNamed: "BeamLine.sks")!
        return templateScene.childNode(withName: "BeamLine") as! SKSpriteNode
    // MARK: Properties
    let sourceNode: SKSpriteNode
    let destinationNode: SKSpriteNode
    var lineNode: SKSpriteNode?
    var runningNodeAnimations = [SKNode: SKAction]()
    let debugNode: SKShapeNode
    var debugDrawingEnabled = false
    // MARK: Initializers
    override init() {
        sourceNode = SKSpriteNode()
        sourceNode.size = BeamNode.dotTextureSize
        sourceNode.isHidden = true
        destinationNode = SKSpriteNode()
        destinationNode.size = BeamNode.dotTextureSize
        destinationNode.isHidden = true
        let arcPath = CGMutablePath.init()
        let center = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.0)
        arcPath.addArc(center: center, radius: GameplayConfiguration.Beam.arcLength, startAngle: GameplayConfiguration.Beam.arcAngle * 0.5, endAngle: GameplayConfiguration.Beam.arcAngle * -0.5, clockwise: true)
        arcPath.addLine(to: center)
        debugNode = SKShapeNode(path: arcPath)
        debugNode.fillColor =
        debugNode.lineWidth = 0.0
        debugNode.alpha = 0.5
        debugNode.isHidden = true
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
    // MARK: Actions
    func update(withBeamState state: GKState, source: PlayerBot, target: TaskBot? = nil) {
        // Constrain the position of the target's antenna if it's not already constrained to it.
        if let target = target, let targetNode = target.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self)?.node, destinationNode.constraints?.first?.referenceNode != targetNode {
                let xRange = SKRange(constantValue: target.beamTargetOffset.x)
                let yRange = SKRange(constantValue: target.beamTargetOffset.y)
                let constraint = SKConstraint.positionX(xRange, y: yRange)
                constraint.referenceNode = targetNode
                destinationNode.constraints = [constraint]
        switch state {
            case is BeamIdleState:
                // Hide the source and destination nodes.
                sourceNode.isHidden = true
                destinationNode.isHidden = true
                // Remove the `lineNode` from the scene.
                lineNode = nil
                debugNode.isHidden = true
            case is BeamFiringState:
                    If there is no `lineNode`, create one from the template node.
                    Adding a new copy of the template will ensure the actions are re-started when
                    the beam starts being fired.
                if lineNode == nil {
                    lineNode = BeamNode.lineNodeTemplate.copy() as? SKSpriteNode
                    lineNode!.isHidden = true
                if let target = target {
                    // Show the `sourceNode` with the its firing animation.
                    sourceNode.isHidden = false
                    animate(sourceNode, withAction: AnimationActions.source)
                    // Show the `destinationNode` with its animation.
                    destinationNode.isHidden = false
                    animate(destinationNode, withAction: AnimationActions.destination)
                    // Position the `lineNode` and make sure it's visible.
                    positionLineNode(from: source, to: target)
                    lineNode?.isHidden = false
                else {
                    // Show the `sourceNode` with the its untargeted animation.
                    sourceNode.isHidden = false
                    animate(sourceNode, withAction: AnimationActions.untargetedSource)
                    // Hide the `destinationNode` and `lineNode`.
                    destinationNode.isHidden = true
                    lineNode?.isHidden = true
                // Update the debug node if debug drawing is enabled.
                debugNode.isHidden = !debugDrawingEnabled
                if debugDrawingEnabled {
                    guard let sourceOrientation = source.component(ofType: OrientationComponent.self) else {
                        fatalError("BeamNodees must be associated with entities that have an orientation node")
                        Update the `debugNode` with an arc based off the
                        ratio of the distance from the source to the target.
                        This allows for easier aiming the closer the source is to
                        the target.
                    let arcPath = CGMutablePath.init()
                    // Only draw beam arc if there is a target.
                    if let target = target {
                        let distanceRatio = GameplayConfiguration.Beam.arcLength / CGFloat(distance(source.agent.position, target.agent.position))
                        let arcAngle = min(GameplayConfiguration.Beam.arcAngle * distanceRatio, 1 / GameplayConfiguration.Beam.maxArcAngle)
                        let center = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
                        arcPath.addArc(center: center, radius: GameplayConfiguration.Beam.arcLength, startAngle: arcAngle * 0.5, endAngle: -arcAngle * 0.5, clockwise: true)
                        arcPath.addLine(to: center)
                    debugNode.path = arcPath
                    debugNode.zRotation = sourceOrientation.zRotation
            case is BeamCoolingState:
                // Show the `sourceNode` with the "cooling" animation.
                sourceNode.isHidden = false
                animate(sourceNode, withAction: AnimationActions.cooling)
                // Hide the `destinationNode`.
                destinationNode.isHidden = true
                // Remove the `lineNode` from the scene.
                lineNode = nil
                debugNode.isHidden = true
    // MARK: Convenience
    func animate(_ node: SKSpriteNode, withAction action: SKAction) {
        if runningNodeAnimations[node] != action {
  , withKey: BeamNode.animationActionKey)
            runningNodeAnimations[node] = action
    func positionLineNode(from source: PlayerBot, to target: TaskBot) {
        guard let lineNode = lineNode else { fatalError("positionLineNodeFrom(_: to:) requires a lineNode to have been created.") }
        // Calculate the source and destination positions.
        let sourcePosition: CGPoint = {
            guard let node = source.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self)?.node, let nodeParent = node.parent else {
                fatalError("positionLineNodeFrom(_: to:) requires the source to have a node with a parent.")
            var position = convert(node.position, from: nodeParent)
            position.x += source.antennaOffset.x
            position.y += source.antennaOffset.y
            return position
        let destinationPosition: CGPoint = {
            guard let node = target.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self)?.node, let nodeParent = node.parent else {
                fatalError("positionLineNodeFrom(_: to:) requires the destination to have a node with a parent.")
            var position = convert(node.position, from: nodeParent)
            position.x += target.beamTargetOffset.x
            position.y += target.beamTargetOffset.y
            return position
        // Set the line's position and rotation.
        let dx = destinationPosition.x - sourcePosition.x
        let dy = destinationPosition.y - sourcePosition.y
        lineNode.position = sourcePosition
        lineNode.zRotation = atan2(dy, dx)
        // Scale the line's length.
        let beamLength = hypot(dx, dy)
        lineNode.xScale = beamLength / BeamNode.lineNodeTemplate.size.width
    // MARK: ResourceLoadableType
    static var resourcesNeedLoading: Bool {
        return AnimationActions.source == nil || AnimationActions.untargetedSource == nil || AnimationActions.destination == nil || AnimationActions.cooling == nil
    static func loadResources(withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> ()) {
        let beamAtlasNames = [
            Preload all of the texture atlases for `BeamNode`. This improves
            the overall loading speed of the animation cycles for the beam.
        SKTextureAtlas.preloadTextureAtlasesNamed(beamAtlasNames) { error, beamAtlases in
            if let error = error {
                fatalError("One or more texture atlases could not be found: \(error)")
            let beamDotAction = AnimationComponent.actionForAllTexturesInAtlas(atlas: beamAtlases[0])
            AnimationActions.source = beamDotAction
            AnimationActions.untargetedSource = beamDotAction
            AnimationActions.destination = beamDotAction
            AnimationActions.cooling = AnimationComponent.actionForAllTexturesInAtlas(atlas: beamAtlases[1])
            // Invoke the passed `completionHandler` to indicate that loading has completed.
    static func purgeResources() {
        AnimationActions.source = nil
        AnimationActions.destination = nil
        AnimationActions.untargetedSource = nil
        AnimationActions.cooling = nil