SceneKit Changes for Swift
Modified SCNCamera
Declaration | |
From | class SCNCamera : NSObject, SCNAnimatable, SCNTechniqueSupport, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding { convenience init() class func camera() -> Self var name: String? var xFov: Double var yFov: Double var zNear: Double var zFar: Double var automaticallyAdjustsZRange: Bool var usesOrthographicProjection: Bool var orthographicScale: Double func projectionTransform() -> SCNMatrix4 func setProjectionTransform(_ projectionTransform: SCNMatrix4) var focalDistance: CGFloat var focalSize: CGFloat var focalBlurRadius: CGFloat var aperture: CGFloat var categoryBitMask: Int } |
To | class SCNCamera : NSObject, SCNAnimatable, SCNTechniqueSupport, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding { convenience init() class func camera() -> Self var name: String? var xFov: Double var yFov: Double var zNear: Double var zFar: Double var automaticallyAdjustsZRange: Bool var usesOrthographicProjection: Bool var orthographicScale: Double func projectionTransform() -> SCNMatrix4 func setProjectionTransform(_ projectionTransform: SCNMatrix4) var focalDistance: CGFloat var focalSize: CGFloat var focalBlurRadius: CGFloat var aperture: CGFloat var categoryBitMask: Int } extension SCNCamera { convenience init(MDLCamera mdlCamera: MDLCamera) class func cameraWithMDLCamera(_ mdlCamera: MDLCamera) -> Self } |
Modified SCNGeometry
Declaration | |
From | class SCNGeometry : NSObject, SCNAnimatable, SCNBoundingVolume, SCNShadable, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding { convenience init() class func geometry() -> Self var name: String? var materials: [SCNMaterial] var firstMaterial: SCNMaterial? func insertMaterial(_ material: SCNMaterial, atIndex index: Int) func removeMaterialAtIndex(_ index: Int) func replaceMaterialAtIndex(_ index: Int, withMaterial material: SCNMaterial) func materialWithName(_ name: String) -> SCNMaterial? convenience init(sources sources: [SCNGeometrySource], elements elements: [SCNGeometryElement]) class func geometryWithSources(_ sources: [SCNGeometrySource], elements elements: [SCNGeometryElement]) -> Self var geometrySources: [SCNGeometrySource] { get } func geometrySourcesForSemantic(_ semantic: String) -> [SCNGeometrySource] var geometryElements: [SCNGeometryElement] { get } var geometryElementCount: Int { get } func geometryElementAtIndex(_ elementIndex: Int) -> SCNGeometryElement var levelsOfDetail: [SCNLevelOfDetail]? var subdivisionLevel: Int var edgeCreasesElement: SCNGeometryElement? var edgeCreasesSource: SCNGeometrySource? } |
To | class SCNGeometry : NSObject, SCNAnimatable, SCNBoundingVolume, SCNShadable, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding { convenience init() class func geometry() -> Self var name: String? var materials: [SCNMaterial] var firstMaterial: SCNMaterial? func insertMaterial(_ material: SCNMaterial, atIndex index: Int) func removeMaterialAtIndex(_ index: Int) func replaceMaterialAtIndex(_ index: Int, withMaterial material: SCNMaterial) func materialWithName(_ name: String) -> SCNMaterial? convenience init(sources sources: [SCNGeometrySource], elements elements: [SCNGeometryElement]) class func geometryWithSources(_ sources: [SCNGeometrySource], elements elements: [SCNGeometryElement]) -> Self var geometrySources: [SCNGeometrySource] { get } func geometrySourcesForSemantic(_ semantic: String) -> [SCNGeometrySource] var geometryElements: [SCNGeometryElement] { get } var geometryElementCount: Int { get } func geometryElementAtIndex(_ elementIndex: Int) -> SCNGeometryElement var levelsOfDetail: [SCNLevelOfDetail]? var subdivisionLevel: Int var edgeCreasesElement: SCNGeometryElement? var edgeCreasesSource: SCNGeometrySource? } extension SCNGeometry { convenience init(MDLMesh mdlMesh: MDLMesh) class func geometryWithMDLMesh(_ mdlMesh: MDLMesh) -> Self } |
Modified SCNGeometryElement
Declaration | |
From | class SCNGeometryElement : NSObject, NSSecureCoding { convenience init(data data: NSData?, primitiveType primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType, primitiveCount primitiveCount: Int, bytesPerIndex bytesPerIndex: Int) class func geometryElementWithData(_ data: NSData?, primitiveType primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType, primitiveCount primitiveCount: Int, bytesPerIndex bytesPerIndex: Int) -> Self var data: NSData { get } var primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType { get } var primitiveCount: Int { get } var bytesPerIndex: Int { get } } extension SCNGeometryElement { convenience init<IndexType : IntegerType>(indices indices: [IndexType], primitiveType primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType) } extension SCNGeometryElement { convenience init<IndexType : IntegerType>(indices indices: [IndexType], primitiveType primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType) } |
To | class SCNGeometryElement : NSObject, NSSecureCoding { convenience init(data data: NSData?, primitiveType primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType, primitiveCount primitiveCount: Int, bytesPerIndex bytesPerIndex: Int) class func geometryElementWithData(_ data: NSData?, primitiveType primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType, primitiveCount primitiveCount: Int, bytesPerIndex bytesPerIndex: Int) -> Self var data: NSData { get } var primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType { get } var primitiveCount: Int { get } var bytesPerIndex: Int { get } } extension SCNGeometryElement { convenience init(MDLSubmesh mdlSubMesh: MDLSubmesh) class func geometryElementWithMDLSubmesh(_ mdlSubMesh: MDLSubmesh) -> Self } extension SCNGeometryElement { convenience init<IndexType : IntegerType>(indices indices: [IndexType], primitiveType primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType) } extension SCNGeometryElement { convenience init<IndexType : IntegerType>(indices indices: [IndexType], primitiveType primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType) } |
Modified SCNLight
Declaration | |
From | class SCNLight : NSObject, SCNAnimatable, SCNTechniqueSupport, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding { convenience init() class func light() -> Self var type: String var color: AnyObject var name: String? var castsShadow: Bool var shadowColor: AnyObject var shadowRadius: CGFloat var shadowMapSize: CGSize var shadowSampleCount: Int var shadowMode: SCNShadowMode var shadowBias: CGFloat var orthographicScale: CGFloat var zNear: CGFloat var zFar: CGFloat var attenuationStartDistance: CGFloat var attenuationEndDistance: CGFloat var attenuationFalloffExponent: CGFloat var spotInnerAngle: CGFloat var spotOuterAngle: CGFloat var gobo: SCNMaterialProperty? { get } var categoryBitMask: Int } |
To | class SCNLight : NSObject, SCNAnimatable, SCNTechniqueSupport, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding { convenience init() class func light() -> Self var type: String var color: AnyObject var name: String? var castsShadow: Bool var shadowColor: AnyObject var shadowRadius: CGFloat var shadowMapSize: CGSize var shadowSampleCount: Int var shadowMode: SCNShadowMode var shadowBias: CGFloat var orthographicScale: CGFloat var zNear: CGFloat var zFar: CGFloat var attenuationStartDistance: CGFloat var attenuationEndDistance: CGFloat var attenuationFalloffExponent: CGFloat var spotInnerAngle: CGFloat var spotOuterAngle: CGFloat var gobo: SCNMaterialProperty? { get } var categoryBitMask: Int } extension SCNLight { convenience init(MDLLight mdlLight: MDLLight) class func lightWithMDLLight(_ mdlLight: MDLLight) -> Self } |
Modified SCNMaterial
Declaration | |
From | class SCNMaterial : NSObject, SCNAnimatable, SCNShadable, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding { convenience init() class func material() -> Self var name: String? var diffuse: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var ambient: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var specular: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var emission: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var transparent: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var reflective: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var multiply: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var normal: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var ambientOcclusion: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var selfIllumination: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var shininess: CGFloat var transparency: CGFloat var lightingModelName: String var litPerPixel: Bool var doubleSided: Bool var cullMode: SCNCullMode var transparencyMode: SCNTransparencyMode var locksAmbientWithDiffuse: Bool var writesToDepthBuffer: Bool var readsFromDepthBuffer: Bool var fresnelExponent: CGFloat var blendMode: SCNBlendMode } |
To | class SCNMaterial : NSObject, SCNAnimatable, SCNShadable, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding { convenience init() class func material() -> Self var name: String? var diffuse: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var ambient: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var specular: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var emission: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var transparent: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var reflective: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var multiply: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var normal: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var ambientOcclusion: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var selfIllumination: SCNMaterialProperty { get } var shininess: CGFloat var transparency: CGFloat var lightingModelName: String var litPerPixel: Bool var doubleSided: Bool var cullMode: SCNCullMode var transparencyMode: SCNTransparencyMode var locksAmbientWithDiffuse: Bool var writesToDepthBuffer: Bool var readsFromDepthBuffer: Bool var fresnelExponent: CGFloat var blendMode: SCNBlendMode } extension SCNMaterial { convenience init(MDLMaterial mdlMaterial: MDLMaterial) class func materialWithMDLMaterial(_ mdlMaterial: MDLMaterial) -> Self } |
Modified SCNNode
Declaration | |
From | class SCNNode : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, SCNAnimatable, SCNActionable, SCNBoundingVolume { convenience init() class func node() -> Self init(geometry geometry: SCNGeometry?) class func nodeWithGeometry(_ geometry: SCNGeometry?) -> SCNNode func clone() -> Self func flattenedClone() -> Self var name: String? var light: SCNLight? var camera: SCNCamera? var geometry: SCNGeometry? var skinner: SCNSkinner? var morpher: SCNMorpher? var transform: SCNMatrix4 var position: SCNVector3 var rotation: SCNVector4 var orientation: SCNQuaternion var eulerAngles: SCNVector3 var scale: SCNVector3 var pivot: SCNMatrix4 var worldTransform: SCNMatrix4 { get } var hidden: Bool var opacity: CGFloat var renderingOrder: Int var castsShadow: Bool var parentNode: SCNNode? { get } var childNodes: [SCNNode] { get } func addChildNode(_ child: SCNNode) func insertChildNode(_ child: SCNNode, atIndex index: Int) func removeFromParentNode() func replaceChildNode(_ oldChild: SCNNode, with newChild: SCNNode) func childNodeWithName(_ name: String, recursively recursively: Bool) -> SCNNode? func childNodesPassingTest(_ predicate: (SCNNode, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> [SCNNode] func enumerateChildNodesUsingBlock(_ block: (SCNNode, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func convertPosition(_ position: SCNVector3, toNode node: SCNNode?) -> SCNVector3 func convertPosition(_ position: SCNVector3, fromNode node: SCNNode?) -> SCNVector3 func convertTransform(_ transform: SCNMatrix4, toNode node: SCNNode?) -> SCNMatrix4 func convertTransform(_ transform: SCNMatrix4, fromNode node: SCNNode?) -> SCNMatrix4 var physicsBody: SCNPhysicsBody? var physicsField: SCNPhysicsField? var constraints: [SCNConstraint]? var filters: [CIFilter]? var presentationNode: SCNNode { get } var paused: Bool unowned(unsafe) var rendererDelegate: SCNNodeRendererDelegate? func hitTestWithSegmentFromPoint(_ pointA: SCNVector3, toPoint pointB: SCNVector3, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> [SCNHitTestResult] var categoryBitMask: Int } extension SCNNode { func addAudioPlayer(_ player: SCNAudioPlayer) func removeAllAudioPlayers() func removeAudioPlayer(_ player: SCNAudioPlayer) var audioPlayers: [SCNAudioPlayer] { get } } extension SCNNode { func addParticleSystem(_ system: SCNParticleSystem) func removeAllParticleSystems() func removeParticleSystem(_ system: SCNParticleSystem) var particleSystems: [SCNParticleSystem]? { get } } |
To | class SCNNode : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, SCNAnimatable, SCNActionable, SCNBoundingVolume { convenience init() class func node() -> Self init(geometry geometry: SCNGeometry?) class func nodeWithGeometry(_ geometry: SCNGeometry?) -> SCNNode func clone() -> Self func flattenedClone() -> Self var name: String? var light: SCNLight? var camera: SCNCamera? var geometry: SCNGeometry? var skinner: SCNSkinner? var morpher: SCNMorpher? var transform: SCNMatrix4 var position: SCNVector3 var rotation: SCNVector4 var orientation: SCNQuaternion var eulerAngles: SCNVector3 var scale: SCNVector3 var pivot: SCNMatrix4 var worldTransform: SCNMatrix4 { get } var hidden: Bool var opacity: CGFloat var renderingOrder: Int var castsShadow: Bool var parentNode: SCNNode? { get } var childNodes: [SCNNode] { get } func addChildNode(_ child: SCNNode) func insertChildNode(_ child: SCNNode, atIndex index: Int) func removeFromParentNode() func replaceChildNode(_ oldChild: SCNNode, with newChild: SCNNode) func childNodeWithName(_ name: String, recursively recursively: Bool) -> SCNNode? func childNodesPassingTest(_ predicate: (SCNNode, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> [SCNNode] func enumerateChildNodesUsingBlock(_ block: (SCNNode, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) func convertPosition(_ position: SCNVector3, toNode node: SCNNode?) -> SCNVector3 func convertPosition(_ position: SCNVector3, fromNode node: SCNNode?) -> SCNVector3 func convertTransform(_ transform: SCNMatrix4, toNode node: SCNNode?) -> SCNMatrix4 func convertTransform(_ transform: SCNMatrix4, fromNode node: SCNNode?) -> SCNMatrix4 var physicsBody: SCNPhysicsBody? var physicsField: SCNPhysicsField? var constraints: [SCNConstraint]? var filters: [CIFilter]? var presentationNode: SCNNode { get } var paused: Bool unowned(unsafe) var rendererDelegate: SCNNodeRendererDelegate? func hitTestWithSegmentFromPoint(_ pointA: SCNVector3, toPoint pointB: SCNVector3, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> [SCNHitTestResult] var categoryBitMask: Int } extension SCNNode { convenience init(MDLObject mdlObject: MDLObject) class func nodeWithMDLObject(_ mdlObject: MDLObject) -> Self } extension SCNNode { func addAudioPlayer(_ player: SCNAudioPlayer) func removeAllAudioPlayers() func removeAudioPlayer(_ player: SCNAudioPlayer) var audioPlayers: [SCNAudioPlayer] { get } } extension SCNNode { func addParticleSystem(_ system: SCNParticleSystem) func removeAllParticleSystems() func removeParticleSystem(_ system: SCNParticleSystem) var particleSystems: [SCNParticleSystem]? { get } } |
Modified SCNScene
Declaration | |
From | class SCNScene : NSObject, NSSecureCoding { convenience init() class func scene() -> Self var rootNode: SCNNode { get } var physicsWorld: SCNPhysicsWorld { get } func attributeForKey(_ key: String) -> AnyObject? func setAttribute(_ attribute: AnyObject?, forKey key: String) var background: SCNMaterialProperty { get } convenience init?(named name: String) class func sceneNamed(_ name: String) -> Self? convenience init?(named name: String, inDirectory directory: String?, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func sceneNamed(_ name: String, inDirectory directory: String?, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> Self? convenience init(URL url: NSURL, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) throws class func sceneWithURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) throws -> Self var fogStartDistance: CGFloat var fogEndDistance: CGFloat var fogDensityExponent: CGFloat var fogColor: AnyObject var paused: Bool } extension SCNScene { func addParticleSystem(_ system: SCNParticleSystem, withTransform transform: SCNMatrix4) func removeAllParticleSystems() func removeParticleSystem(_ system: SCNParticleSystem) var particleSystems: [SCNParticleSystem]? { get } } |
To | class SCNScene : NSObject, NSSecureCoding { convenience init() class func scene() -> Self var rootNode: SCNNode { get } var physicsWorld: SCNPhysicsWorld { get } func attributeForKey(_ key: String) -> AnyObject? func setAttribute(_ attribute: AnyObject?, forKey key: String) var background: SCNMaterialProperty { get } convenience init?(named name: String) class func sceneNamed(_ name: String) -> Self? convenience init?(named name: String, inDirectory directory: String?, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) class func sceneNamed(_ name: String, inDirectory directory: String?, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) -> Self? convenience init(URL url: NSURL, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) throws class func sceneWithURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : AnyObject]?) throws -> Self var fogStartDistance: CGFloat var fogEndDistance: CGFloat var fogDensityExponent: CGFloat var fogColor: AnyObject var paused: Bool } extension SCNScene { convenience init(MDLAsset mdlAsset: MDLAsset) class func sceneWithMDLAsset(_ mdlAsset: MDLAsset) -> Self } extension SCNScene { func addParticleSystem(_ system: SCNParticleSystem, withTransform transform: SCNMatrix4) func removeAllParticleSystems() func removeParticleSystem(_ system: SCNParticleSystem) var particleSystems: [SCNParticleSystem]? { get } } |