WatchKit Changes for Swift
Modified WatchKitErrorCode [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum WatchKitErrorCode : Int { case UnknownError case ApplicationDelegateWatchKitRequestReplyNotCalledError case InvalidArgumentError case MediaPlayerError case DownloadError } extension WatchKitErrorCode : _BridgedNSError { } extension WatchKitErrorCode : _BridgedNSError { } |
To | enum WatchKitErrorCode : Int { case UnknownError case ApplicationDelegateWatchKitRequestReplyNotCalledError case InvalidArgumentError case MediaPlayerError case DownloadError case RecordingFailedError } extension WatchKitErrorCode : _BridgedNSError { } extension WatchKitErrorCode : _BridgedNSError { } |
Modified WKInterfaceController
Declaration | |
From | class WKInterfaceController : NSObject { init() func awakeWithContext(_ context: AnyObject?) var contentFrame: CGRect { get } func willActivate() func didDeactivate() func didAppear() func willDisappear() func pickerDidFocus(_ picker: WKInterfacePicker) func pickerDidResignFocus(_ picker: WKInterfacePicker) func pickerDidSettle(_ picker: WKInterfacePicker) func table(_ table: WKInterfaceTable, didSelectRowAtIndex rowIndex: Int) func handleActionWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String?, forRemoteNotification remoteNotification: [NSObject : AnyObject]) func handleActionWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String?, forLocalNotification localNotification: UILocalNotification) func handleUserActivity(_ userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) func setTitle(_ title: String?) func pushControllerWithName(_ name: String, context context: AnyObject?) func popController() func popToRootController() class func reloadRootControllersWithNames(_ names: [String], contexts contexts: [AnyObject]?) func becomeCurrentPage() func presentControllerWithName(_ name: String, context context: AnyObject?) func presentControllerWithNames(_ names: [String], contexts contexts: [AnyObject]?) func dismissController() func presentTextInputControllerWithSuggestions(_ suggestions: [String]?, allowedInputMode inputMode: WKTextInputMode, completion completion: ([AnyObject]?) -> Void) func presentTextInputControllerWithSuggestionsForLanguage(_ suggestionsHandler: ((String) -> [AnyObject]?)?, allowedInputMode inputMode: WKTextInputMode, completion completion: ([AnyObject]?) -> Void) func dismissTextInputController() func presentMediaPlayerControllerWithURL(_ URL: NSURL, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, completion completion: (Bool, NSTimeInterval, NSError?) -> Void) func dismissMediaPlayerController() func presentAudioRecordingControllerWithOutputURL(_ URL: NSURL, preset preset: WKAudioRecordingPreset, maximumDuration maximumDuration: NSTimeInterval, actionTitle actionTitle: String?, completion completion: (Bool, NSError?) -> Void) func dismissAudioRecordingController() func contextForSegueWithIdentifier(_ segueIdentifier: String) -> AnyObject? func contextsForSegueWithIdentifier(_ segueIdentifier: String) -> [AnyObject]? func contextForSegueWithIdentifier(_ segueIdentifier: String, inTable table: WKInterfaceTable, rowIndex rowIndex: Int) -> AnyObject? func contextsForSegueWithIdentifier(_ segueIdentifier: String, inTable table: WKInterfaceTable, rowIndex rowIndex: Int) -> [AnyObject]? func animateWithDuration(_ duration: NSTimeInterval, animations animations: () -> Void) func presentAlertControllerWithTitle(_ title: String?, message message: String?, preferredStyle preferredStyle: WKAlertControllerStyle, actions actions: [WKAlertAction]) func presentAddPassesControllerWithPasses(_ passes: [PKPass], completion completion: () -> Void) func dismissAddPassesController() func addMenuItemWithImage(_ image: UIImage, title title: String, action action: Selector) func addMenuItemWithImageNamed(_ imageName: String, title title: String, action action: Selector) func addMenuItemWithItemIcon(_ itemIcon: WKMenuItemIcon, title title: String, action action: Selector) func clearAllMenuItems() func updateUserActivity(_ type: String, userInfo userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, webpageURL webpageURL: NSURL?) func invalidateUserActivity() class func openParentApplication(_ userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject], reply reply: (([NSObject : AnyObject], NSError?) -> Void)?) -> Bool func beginGlanceUpdates() func endGlanceUpdates() } extension WKInterfaceController { class func reloadRootControllers(_ namesAndContexts: [(name: String, context: AnyObject)]) func presentController(_ namesAndContexts: [(name: String, context: AnyObject)]) } extension WKInterfaceController { class func reloadRootControllers(_ namesAndContexts: [(name: String, context: AnyObject)]) func presentController(_ namesAndContexts: [(name: String, context: AnyObject)]) } |
To | class WKInterfaceController : NSObject { init() func awakeWithContext(_ context: AnyObject?) var contentFrame: CGRect { get } func willActivate() func didDeactivate() func didAppear() func willDisappear() func pickerDidFocus(_ picker: WKInterfacePicker) func pickerDidResignFocus(_ picker: WKInterfacePicker) func pickerDidSettle(_ picker: WKInterfacePicker) func table(_ table: WKInterfaceTable, didSelectRowAtIndex rowIndex: Int) func handleActionWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String?, forRemoteNotification remoteNotification: [NSObject : AnyObject]) func handleActionWithIdentifier(_ identifier: String?, forLocalNotification localNotification: UILocalNotification) func handleUserActivity(_ userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) func setTitle(_ title: String?) func pushControllerWithName(_ name: String, context context: AnyObject?) func popController() func popToRootController() class func reloadRootControllersWithNames(_ names: [String], contexts contexts: [AnyObject]?) func becomeCurrentPage() func presentControllerWithName(_ name: String, context context: AnyObject?) func presentControllerWithNames(_ names: [String], contexts contexts: [AnyObject]?) func dismissController() func presentTextInputControllerWithSuggestions(_ suggestions: [String]?, allowedInputMode inputMode: WKTextInputMode, completion completion: ([AnyObject]?) -> Void) func presentTextInputControllerWithSuggestionsForLanguage(_ suggestionsHandler: ((String) -> [AnyObject]?)?, allowedInputMode inputMode: WKTextInputMode, completion completion: ([AnyObject]?) -> Void) func dismissTextInputController() func presentMediaPlayerControllerWithURL(_ URL: NSURL, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, completion completion: (Bool, NSTimeInterval, NSError?) -> Void) func dismissMediaPlayerController() func presentAudioRecorderControllerWithOutputURL(_ URL: NSURL, preset preset: WKAudioRecorderPreset, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, completion completion: (Bool, NSError?) -> Void) func dismissAudioRecorderController() func contextForSegueWithIdentifier(_ segueIdentifier: String) -> AnyObject? func contextsForSegueWithIdentifier(_ segueIdentifier: String) -> [AnyObject]? func contextForSegueWithIdentifier(_ segueIdentifier: String, inTable table: WKInterfaceTable, rowIndex rowIndex: Int) -> AnyObject? func contextsForSegueWithIdentifier(_ segueIdentifier: String, inTable table: WKInterfaceTable, rowIndex rowIndex: Int) -> [AnyObject]? func animateWithDuration(_ duration: NSTimeInterval, animations animations: () -> Void) func presentAlertControllerWithTitle(_ title: String?, message message: String?, preferredStyle preferredStyle: WKAlertControllerStyle, actions actions: [WKAlertAction]) func presentAddPassesControllerWithPasses(_ passes: [PKPass], completion completion: () -> Void) func dismissAddPassesController() func addMenuItemWithImage(_ image: UIImage, title title: String, action action: Selector) func addMenuItemWithImageNamed(_ imageName: String, title title: String, action action: Selector) func addMenuItemWithItemIcon(_ itemIcon: WKMenuItemIcon, title title: String, action action: Selector) func clearAllMenuItems() func updateUserActivity(_ type: String, userInfo userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, webpageURL webpageURL: NSURL?) func invalidateUserActivity() class func openParentApplication(_ userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject], reply reply: (([NSObject : AnyObject], NSError?) -> Void)?) -> Bool func beginGlanceUpdates() func endGlanceUpdates() } extension WKInterfaceController { class func reloadRootControllers(_ namesAndContexts: [(name: String, context: AnyObject)]) func presentController(_ namesAndContexts: [(name: String, context: AnyObject)]) } extension WKInterfaceController { class func reloadRootControllers(_ namesAndContexts: [(name: String, context: AnyObject)]) func presentController(_ namesAndContexts: [(name: String, context: AnyObject)]) } |
Modified WKInterfaceDevice
Declaration | |
From | class WKInterfaceDevice : NSObject { class func currentDevice() -> WKInterfaceDevice func addCachedImage(_ image: UIImage, name name: String) -> Bool func addCachedImageWithData(_ imageData: NSData, name name: String) -> Bool func removeCachedImageWithName(_ name: String) func removeAllCachedImages() var screenBounds: CGRect { get } var screenScale: CGFloat { get } var preferredContentSizeCategory: String { get } var cachedImages: [String : NSNumber] { get } var systemVersion: String { get } var name: String { get } var model: String { get } var localizedModel: String { get } var systemName: String { get } func playHaptic(_ type: WKHapticType) } |
To | class WKInterfaceDevice : NSObject { class func currentDevice() -> WKInterfaceDevice func addCachedImage(_ image: UIImage, name name: String) -> Bool func addCachedImageWithData(_ imageData: NSData, name name: String) -> Bool func removeCachedImageWithName(_ name: String) func removeAllCachedImages() var cachedImages: [String : NSNumber] { get } var screenBounds: CGRect { get } var screenScale: CGFloat { get } var preferredContentSizeCategory: String { get } var layoutDirection: WKInterfaceLayoutDirection { get } class func interfaceLayoutDirectionForSemanticContentAttribute(_ semanticContentAttribute: WKInterfaceSemanticContentAttribute) -> WKInterfaceLayoutDirection var systemVersion: String { get } var name: String { get } var model: String { get } var localizedModel: String { get } var systemName: String { get } func playHaptic(_ type: WKHapticType) } |
Modified WKInterfaceObject
Declaration | |
From | class WKInterfaceObject : NSObject { init() func setHidden(_ hidden: Bool) func setAlpha(_ alpha: CGFloat) func setHorizontalAlignment(_ horizontalAlignment: WKInterfaceObjectHorizontalAlignment) func setVerticalAlignment(_ verticalAlignment: WKInterfaceObjectVerticalAlignment) func setWidth(_ width: CGFloat) func setHeight(_ height: CGFloat) func setRelativeWidth(_ width: CGFloat, withAdjustment adjustment: CGFloat) func setRelativeHeight(_ height: CGFloat, withAdjustment adjustment: CGFloat) func sizeToFitWidth() func sizeToFitHeight() var interfaceProperty: String { get } } extension WKInterfaceObject { func setAccessibilityIdentifier(_ accessibilityIdentifier: String?) func setAccessibilityLabel(_ accessibilityLabel: String?) func setAccessibilityHint(_ accessibilityHint: String?) func setAccessibilityValue(_ accessibilityValue: String?) func setIsAccessibilityElement(_ isAccessibilityElement: Bool) func setAccessibilityTraits(_ accessibilityTraits: UIAccessibilityTraits) func setAccessibilityImageRegions(_ accessibilityImageRegions: [WKAccessibilityImageRegion]) } |
To | class WKInterfaceObject : NSObject { init() func setHidden(_ hidden: Bool) func setAlpha(_ alpha: CGFloat) func setSemanticContentAttribute(_ semanticContentAttribute: WKInterfaceSemanticContentAttribute) func setHorizontalAlignment(_ horizontalAlignment: WKInterfaceObjectHorizontalAlignment) func setVerticalAlignment(_ verticalAlignment: WKInterfaceObjectVerticalAlignment) func setWidth(_ width: CGFloat) func setHeight(_ height: CGFloat) func setRelativeWidth(_ width: CGFloat, withAdjustment adjustment: CGFloat) func setRelativeHeight(_ height: CGFloat, withAdjustment adjustment: CGFloat) func sizeToFitWidth() func sizeToFitHeight() var interfaceProperty: String { get } } extension WKInterfaceObject { func setAccessibilityIdentifier(_ accessibilityIdentifier: String?) func setAccessibilityLabel(_ accessibilityLabel: String?) func setAccessibilityHint(_ accessibilityHint: String?) func setAccessibilityValue(_ accessibilityValue: String?) func setIsAccessibilityElement(_ isAccessibilityElement: Bool) func setAccessibilityTraits(_ accessibilityTraits: UIAccessibilityTraits) func setAccessibilityImageRegions(_ accessibilityImageRegions: [WKAccessibilityImageRegion]) } |