CoreAudio Changes for Swift
Removed AudioBuffer.init(mNumberChannels: UInt32, mDataByteSize: UInt32, mData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)
Removed AudioChannelFlags.AllOff
Removed AudioTimeStampFlags.NothingValid
Removed SMPTETimeFlags.Unknown
Added AudioBuffer.init(mNumberChannels: UInt32, mDataByteSize: UInt32, mData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?)
Added UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer.subscript(_: Range<Int>) -> MutableRandomAccessSlice<UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer>
Modified AudioBuffer [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct AudioBuffer { var mNumberChannels: UInt32 var mDataByteSize: UInt32 var mData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> init() init(mNumberChannels mNumberChannels: UInt32, mDataByteSize mDataByteSize: UInt32, mData mData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) } extension AudioBuffer { init<Element>(_ typedBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>, numberOfChannels numberOfChannels: Int) } extension AudioBuffer { init<Element>(_ typedBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>, numberOfChannels numberOfChannels: Int) } |
To | struct AudioBuffer { var mNumberChannels: UInt32 var mDataByteSize: UInt32 var mData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? init() init(mNumberChannels mNumberChannels: UInt32, mDataByteSize mDataByteSize: UInt32, mData mData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) init<Element>(_ typedBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>, numberOfChannels numberOfChannels: Int) } extension AudioBuffer { init<Element>(_ typedBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>, numberOfChannels numberOfChannels: Int) } |
Modified AudioBuffer.mData
Declaration | |
From | var mData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
To | var mData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? |
Modified AudioBufferList [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct AudioBufferList { var mNumberBuffers: UInt32 var mBuffers: (AudioBuffer) init() init(mNumberBuffers mNumberBuffers: UInt32, mBuffers mBuffers: (AudioBuffer)) } extension AudioBufferList { static func sizeInBytes(maximumBuffers maximumBuffers: Int) -> Int static func allocate(maximumBuffers maximumBuffers: Int) -> UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer } extension AudioBufferList { static func sizeInBytes(maximumBuffers maximumBuffers: Int) -> Int static func allocate(maximumBuffers maximumBuffers: Int) -> UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer } |
To | struct AudioBufferList { var mNumberBuffers: UInt32 var mBuffers: (AudioBuffer) init() init(mNumberBuffers mNumberBuffers: UInt32, mBuffers mBuffers: (AudioBuffer)) static func sizeInBytes(maximumBuffers maximumBuffers: Int) -> Int static func allocate(maximumBuffers maximumBuffers: Int) -> UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer } extension AudioBufferList { static func sizeInBytes(maximumBuffers maximumBuffers: Int) -> Int static func allocate(maximumBuffers maximumBuffers: Int) -> UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct AudioChannelBitmap : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var Bit_Left: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_Right: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_Center: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_LFEScreen: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_LeftSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_RightSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_LeftCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_RightCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_CenterSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_LeftSurroundDirect: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_RightSurroundDirect: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_TopCenterSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_VerticalHeightLeft: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_VerticalHeightCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_VerticalHeightRight: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_TopBackLeft: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_TopBackCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var Bit_TopBackRight: AudioChannelBitmap { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct AudioChannelBitmap : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var bit_Left: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_Right: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_Center: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_LFEScreen: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_LeftSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_RightSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_LeftCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_RightCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_CenterSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_LeftSurroundDirect: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_RightSurroundDirect: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_TopCenterSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_VerticalHeightLeft: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_VerticalHeightCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_VerticalHeightRight: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_TopBackLeft: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_TopBackCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } static var bit_TopBackRight: AudioChannelBitmap { get } func intersect(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> AudioChannelBitmap func exclusiveOr(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> AudioChannelBitmap mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) func isSubsetOf(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool } extension AudioChannelBitmap { func union(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> AudioChannelBitmap func intersection(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> AudioChannelBitmap func symmetricDifference(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> AudioChannelBitmap } extension AudioChannelBitmap { func contains(_ member: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: AudioChannelBitmap) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: AudioChannelBitmap) mutating func remove(_ member: AudioChannelBitmap) -> AudioChannelBitmap? mutating func update(with newMember: AudioChannelBitmap) -> AudioChannelBitmap? } extension AudioChannelBitmap { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) } extension AudioChannelBitmap { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == AudioChannelBitmap>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: AudioChannelBitmap...) mutating func subtract(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) func isSubset(of other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> AudioChannelBitmap var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: AudioChannelBitmap) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_Center
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_Center: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_Center: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_CenterSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_CenterSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_Left
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_Left: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_Left: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_LeftCenter
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_LeftCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_LeftCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_LeftSurround
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_LeftSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_LeftSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_LeftSurroundDirect: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_LeftSurroundDirect: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_LFEScreen
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_LFEScreen: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_LFEScreen: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_Right
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_Right: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_Right: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_RightCenter
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_RightCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_RightCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_RightSurround
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_RightSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_RightSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_RightSurroundDirect: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_RightSurroundDirect: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_TopBackCenter
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_TopBackCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_TopBackCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_TopBackLeft
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_TopBackLeft: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_TopBackLeft: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelBitmap.bit_TopBackRight
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_TopBackRight: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_TopBackRight: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_TopCenterSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_TopCenterSurround: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_VerticalHeightCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_VerticalHeightCenter: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_VerticalHeightLeft: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_VerticalHeightLeft: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var Bit_VerticalHeightRight: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
To | static var bit_VerticalHeightRight: AudioChannelBitmap { get } |
Modified AudioChannelCoordinateIndex [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum AudioChannelCoordinateIndex : UInt32 { case Coordinates_LeftRight case Coordinates_BackFront case Coordinates_DownUp static var Coordinates_Azimuth: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } static var Coordinates_Elevation: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } static var Coordinates_Distance: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } } |
To | enum AudioChannelCoordinateIndex : UInt32 { case coordinates_LeftRight case coordinates_BackFront case coordinates_DownUp static var coordinates_Azimuth: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } static var coordinates_Elevation: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } static var coordinates_Distance: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } } |
Declaration | |
From | static var Coordinates_Azimuth: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } |
To | static var coordinates_Azimuth: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } |
Declaration | |
From | case Coordinates_BackFront |
To | case coordinates_BackFront |
Declaration | |
From | static var Coordinates_Distance: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } |
To | static var coordinates_Distance: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } |
Declaration | |
From | case Coordinates_DownUp |
To | case coordinates_DownUp |
Declaration | |
From | static var Coordinates_Elevation: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } |
To | static var coordinates_Elevation: AudioChannelCoordinateIndex { get } |
Declaration | |
From | case Coordinates_LeftRight |
To | case coordinates_LeftRight |
Modified AudioChannelFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct AudioChannelFlags : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var AllOff: AudioChannelFlags { get } static var RectangularCoordinates: AudioChannelFlags { get } static var SphericalCoordinates: AudioChannelFlags { get } static var Meters: AudioChannelFlags { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct AudioChannelFlags : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var allOff: AudioChannelFlags { get } static var rectangularCoordinates: AudioChannelFlags { get } static var sphericalCoordinates: AudioChannelFlags { get } static var meters: AudioChannelFlags { get } func intersect(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> AudioChannelFlags func exclusiveOr(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> AudioChannelFlags mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) func isSubsetOf(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool } extension AudioChannelFlags { func union(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> AudioChannelFlags func intersection(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> AudioChannelFlags func symmetricDifference(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> AudioChannelFlags } extension AudioChannelFlags { func contains(_ member: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: AudioChannelFlags) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: AudioChannelFlags) mutating func remove(_ member: AudioChannelFlags) -> AudioChannelFlags? mutating func update(with newMember: AudioChannelFlags) -> AudioChannelFlags? } extension AudioChannelFlags { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) } extension AudioChannelFlags { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == AudioChannelFlags>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: AudioChannelFlags...) mutating func subtract(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) func isSubset(of other: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: AudioChannelFlags) -> AudioChannelFlags var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: AudioChannelFlags) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Modified AudioChannelFlags.meters
Declaration | |
From | static var Meters: AudioChannelFlags { get } |
To | static var meters: AudioChannelFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var RectangularCoordinates: AudioChannelFlags { get } |
To | static var rectangularCoordinates: AudioChannelFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var SphericalCoordinates: AudioChannelFlags { get } |
To | static var sphericalCoordinates: AudioChannelFlags { get } |
Modified AudioTimeStampFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct AudioTimeStampFlags : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var NothingValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var SampleTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var HostTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var RateScalarValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var WordClockTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var SMPTETimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var SampleHostTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct AudioTimeStampFlags : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var nothingValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var sampleTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var hostTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var rateScalarValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var wordClockTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var smpteTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } static var sampleHostTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } func intersect(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> AudioTimeStampFlags func exclusiveOr(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> AudioTimeStampFlags mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) func isSubsetOf(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool } extension AudioTimeStampFlags { func union(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> AudioTimeStampFlags func intersection(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> AudioTimeStampFlags func symmetricDifference(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> AudioTimeStampFlags } extension AudioTimeStampFlags { func contains(_ member: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: AudioTimeStampFlags) mutating func remove(_ member: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> AudioTimeStampFlags? mutating func update(with newMember: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> AudioTimeStampFlags? } extension AudioTimeStampFlags { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) } extension AudioTimeStampFlags { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == AudioTimeStampFlags>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: AudioTimeStampFlags...) mutating func subtract(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) func isSubset(of other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> AudioTimeStampFlags var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: AudioTimeStampFlags) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Modified AudioTimeStampFlags.hostTimeValid
Declaration | |
From | static var HostTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
To | static var hostTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
Modified AudioTimeStampFlags.rateScalarValid
Declaration | |
From | static var RateScalarValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
To | static var rateScalarValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var SampleHostTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
To | static var sampleHostTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
Modified AudioTimeStampFlags.sampleTimeValid
Declaration | |
From | static var SampleTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
To | static var sampleTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
Modified AudioTimeStampFlags.smpteTimeValid
Declaration | |
From | static var SMPTETimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
To | static var smpteTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var WordClockTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
To | static var wordClockTimeValid: AudioTimeStampFlags { get } |
Modified AudioValueTranslation [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct AudioValueTranslation { var mInputData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var mInputDataSize: UInt32 var mOutputData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> var mOutputDataSize: UInt32 } |
To | struct AudioValueTranslation { var mInputData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer var mInputDataSize: UInt32 var mOutputData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer var mOutputDataSize: UInt32 } |
Modified AudioValueTranslation.mInputData
Declaration | |
From | var mInputData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
To | var mInputData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer |
Modified AudioValueTranslation.mOutputData
Declaration | |
From | var mOutputData: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> |
To | var mOutputData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer |
Modified MPEG4ObjectID [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum MPEG4ObjectID : Int { case AAC_Main case AAC_LC case AAC_SSR case AAC_LTP case AAC_SBR case AAC_Scalable case TwinVQ case CELP case HVXC } |
To | enum MPEG4ObjectID : Int { case aac_Main case AAC_LC case AAC_SSR case AAC_LTP case AAC_SBR case aac_Scalable case twinVQ case CELP case HVXC } |
Modified MPEG4ObjectID.aac_Main
Declaration | |
From | case AAC_Main |
To | case aac_Main |
Modified MPEG4ObjectID.aac_Scalable
Declaration | |
From | case AAC_Scalable |
To | case aac_Scalable |
Modified MPEG4ObjectID.twinVQ
Declaration | |
From | case TwinVQ |
To | case twinVQ |
Modified SMPTETimeFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct SMPTETimeFlags : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var Unknown: SMPTETimeFlags { get } static var Valid: SMPTETimeFlags { get } static var Running: SMPTETimeFlags { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct SMPTETimeFlags : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var unknown: SMPTETimeFlags { get } static var valid: SMPTETimeFlags { get } static var running: SMPTETimeFlags { get } func intersect(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> SMPTETimeFlags func exclusiveOr(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> SMPTETimeFlags mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) func isSubsetOf(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool } extension SMPTETimeFlags { func union(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> SMPTETimeFlags func intersection(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> SMPTETimeFlags func symmetricDifference(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> SMPTETimeFlags } extension SMPTETimeFlags { func contains(_ member: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: SMPTETimeFlags) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: SMPTETimeFlags) mutating func remove(_ member: SMPTETimeFlags) -> SMPTETimeFlags? mutating func update(with newMember: SMPTETimeFlags) -> SMPTETimeFlags? } extension SMPTETimeFlags { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) } extension SMPTETimeFlags { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == SMPTETimeFlags>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: SMPTETimeFlags...) mutating func subtract(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) func isSubset(of other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> SMPTETimeFlags var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: SMPTETimeFlags) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Modified SMPTETimeFlags.running
Declaration | |
From | static var Running: SMPTETimeFlags { get } |
To | static var running: SMPTETimeFlags { get } |
Modified SMPTETimeFlags.valid
Declaration | |
From | static var Valid: SMPTETimeFlags { get } |
To | static var valid: SMPTETimeFlags { get } |
Modified SMPTETimeType [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum SMPTETimeType : UInt32 { case Type24 case Type25 case Type30Drop case Type30 case Type2997 case Type2997Drop case Type60 case Type5994 case Type60Drop case Type5994Drop case Type50 case Type2398 } |
To | enum SMPTETimeType : UInt32 { case type24 case type25 case type30Drop case type30 case type2997 case type2997Drop case type60 case type5994 case type60Drop case type5994Drop case type50 case type2398 } |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type2398
Declaration | |
From | case Type2398 |
To | case type2398 |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type24
Declaration | |
From | case Type24 |
To | case type24 |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type25
Declaration | |
From | case Type25 |
To | case type25 |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type2997
Declaration | |
From | case Type2997 |
To | case type2997 |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type2997Drop
Declaration | |
From | case Type2997Drop |
To | case type2997Drop |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type30
Declaration | |
From | case Type30 |
To | case type30 |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type30Drop
Declaration | |
From | case Type30Drop |
To | case type30Drop |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type50
Declaration | |
From | case Type50 |
To | case type50 |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type5994
Declaration | |
From | case Type5994 |
To | case type5994 |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type5994Drop
Declaration | |
From | case Type5994Drop |
To | case type5994Drop |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type60
Declaration | |
From | case Type60 |
To | case type60 |
Modified SMPTETimeType.type60Drop
Declaration | |
From | case Type60Drop |
To | case type60Drop |
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer { init(_ p: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>) var count: Int { get nonmutating set } var unsafePointer: UnsafePointer<AudioBufferList> { get } var unsafeMutablePointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList> } extension UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer : MutableCollectionType { var startIndex: Int { get } var endIndex: Int { get } subscript (_ index: Int) -> AudioBuffer { get nonmutating set } } | MutableCollectionType |
To | struct UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer { init(_ p: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>) init?(_ p: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>?) var count: Int { get nonmutating set } var unsafePointer: UnsafePointer<AudioBufferList> { get } var unsafeMutablePointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList> } extension UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer : MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection { typealias Index = Int var startIndex: Int { get } var endIndex: Int { get } subscript(_ index: Int) -> AudioBuffer { get nonmutating set } subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> MutableRandomAccessSlice<UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer> typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int> } | MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection |
Declaration | |
From | subscript (_ index: Int) -> AudioBuffer { get nonmutating set } |
To | subscript(_ index: Int) -> AudioBuffer { get nonmutating set } |