JavaServer Pages

JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a specification that describes what a servlet-based content creation system should do. One of its main purposes is to facilitate the creation of dynamic Web pages.

You can directly access WebObjects components in your JSP pages. These components can be WOComponents or WODirectActions. This allows you to create JSP-based applications that take advantage of WebObjects technologies, such as Enterprise Objects.

When your servlet container receives a request addressed to a JSP page, the container reads the .jsp file and compiles it into a workhorse servlet that processes the HTTP requests and produces responses to them.

This chapter addresses the following topics:

JSP Page Writing Guidelines

To be able to use WebObjects components in your JSP pages, you have to include the WOtaglib_1_0.tld custom tag library. It’s located in /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaWOJSPServlet.framework/Resources. This custom tag library uses the tag library descriptor format defined in a DTD (Document Type Definition) from Sun. This DTD is available at

The elements you use in your JSP pages have the form <wo:elementName>. elementName indicates the type of element you want to use. For example, to use a component element within a JSP page, you add code like the following to the .jsp file:

<wo:component ...>

Version 1.0 of the custom tag library defines five tags as described in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1  Custom elements defined in WOtaglib_1_0.tld






Top-level element. Specifies the component that is used in the JSP page.



Top-level element. Specifies the direct action that is used in the JSP page.



Specifies the extra HTTP headers to be passed to the component or direct action.



Specifies the key-value pair to be passed to the containing wo:component for binding.



Specifies the form value to be passed to the containing wo:directAction.

For detailed information on the WebObjects custom tag library, see Custom-Tag Reference.

To use the wo:component or wo:directAction elements on a JSP page, you must add the following directive to the page:

<%@ taglib uri="/WOtaglib_1_0.tld" prefix="wo" %>

When you need to access WebObjects classes or objects from your JSP page, you need to copy all the framework and application JAR files necessary into the WAR file or single deployment directory. You accomplish this by calling the initStatics method of the WOServletAdaptor class:

<% WOServletAdaptor.initStatics(application); %>

Note that you need to invoke the initStatics method only once during the lifetime of an application. Furthermore, the method is invoked automatically anytime wo:component or wo:directAction elements are used in a JSP page.

You also need to import the appropriate packages before using the classes with the import attribute of the page directive in your JSP page:

<%@ page import = "com.webobjects.jspservlet.*" %>

These directives need to be performed only once per page. However, additional invocations have no ill effect. Referencing classes directly is useful when using components that require binding values. For example, a WORepetition whose list attribute is bound to an array of enterprise-object instances.

This is an example of a directAction definition:

<wo:directAction actionName="random" className="DirectAction">
    <wo:formValue key = "formKey" value = '<%= "formValue" %>'/>
    <wo:extraHeader key = "headerKey" value = '<%= "headerValue" %>'/>

This is an example of a component definition:

<wo:component className="MyImageComponent">
    <wo:binding key="filename" value='<%= "start.gif" %>' />

To embed dynamic elements in a JSP page, such WOConditional and WORepetition, you have to wrap them in a WebObjects component, which you then use in your JSP page.

Developing a JavaServer Pages–Based Application

This section shows you how to create a simple JSP-based WebObjects application. In it you learn how to use wo:component elements in a JSP page.

  1. Launch Project Builder and create a WebObjects application project called JSP_Example.

  2. In the J2EE Integration pane of the Project Builder Assistant, select “Deploy in a servlet container.”

  3. In Project Builder, create a component called Hello (make sure you assign it to the Application Server target). Edit the component using WebObjects Builder so that it looks like Figure 2-1.

    Figure 2-1  JSP_Example project—the Hello component
    JSP_Example project—the Hello component
  4. Set the servlet application directory. (See Deploying a Servlet for details.)

  5. In the Finder, navigate to the Servlet Resources folder, located in the JSP_Example folder, and create a folder called jsp.

  6. Using a text editor, create a file with the following contents:

    <%-- Welcome.jsp --%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WOtaglib" prefix="wo" %>
        <TITLE>Welcome to JavaServer Pages in WebObjects</TITLE>
        <wo:component className="Hello">
  7. Save the file as Welcome.jsp in the jsp directory.

  8. Build the JSP_Example project (if necessary, restart your servlet container).

You should now be able to connect to your application. In Tomcat, you use the following URL:


A page similar to the one in Figure 2-2 should appear in your browser. (Otherwise, consult your servlet container’s documentation to make sure that it’s configured properly.)

Figure 2-2  JSP_Example project—the output of Welcome.jsp
JSP_Example project—the output of Welcome.jsp

Passing Data From a JSP Page to a Component

In this section, you expand the JSP_Example project to include

The FavoriteFood component contains two attributes: visitorName and favoriteFood. When the DiningWell workhorse servlet receives a request, it passes two strings to the FavoriteFood component. The FavoriteFood component then uses those strings to render its HTML code.

  1. Using a text editor, create a file with the following contents:

    <%-- DiningWell.jsp --%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WOtaglib" prefix="wo" %>
        <TITLE>What to eat?</TITLE>
        <wo:component className="Hello" />
        <wo:component className="FavoriteFood" bodyContentOnly="true">
            <wo:binding key="visitorName" value='<%= "Worf" %>' />
            <wo:binding key="favoriteFood" value='<%= "gagh" %>' />

    Note that in this case the bodyContentOnly attribute of the wo:component element is set to true (this is the default, so you don’t need to specify a value for it). This allows you to define the FavoriteFood component as “Full document” (the default setting in WebObjects Builder) instead of “Partial document.” This way, the component can be viewed as a Web page on its own and as a component within a JSP page.

    For faster processing, you can set the bodyContentOnly attribute to false if you are certain that the component includes only the BODY element and not the HTML element.

  2. Save the file as DiningWell.jsp in JSP_Example/Servlet Resources/jsp.

  3. In Project Builder, create a component called FavoriteFood (make sure you assign it to the Application Server target).

  4. Edit the component using WebObjects Builder so that it looks like Figure 2-3. Make sure to add accessor methods to the visitorName and favoriteFood String keys. Also, ensure that the FavoriteFood component is set to “Full document”.

    Figure 2-3  JSP_Example project—the DiningWell component
    JSP_Example project—the DiningWell component

    When you’re done should look like Listing 2-1.

    Listing 2-1

    import com.webobjects.appserver.*;
    import com.webobjects.eocontrol.*;
    import com.webobjects.eoaccess.*;
    public class FavoriteFood extends WOComponent {
        protected String visitorName;
        protected String favoriteFood;
        public FavoriteFood(WOContext context) {
        public String visitorName() {
            return visitorName;
        public void setVisitorName(String newVisitorName) {
            visitorName = newVisitorName;
        public String favoriteFood() {
            return favoriteFood;
        public void setFavoriteFood(String newFavoriteFood) {
            favoriteFood = newFavoriteFood;
  5. Build the project and restart your servlet container, if necessary.

If you’re using Tomcat, you can view the new page in your browser with this URL


The Web page should look like Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4  JSP_Example project—the output of DiningWell.jsp
JSP_Example project—the output of DiningWell.jsp

This is the HTML code your Web browser receives (the listing is indented for easy reading):

        <TITLE>What to eat?</TITLE>
        Hello, World!
        Worf's favorite food is gagh.

Using WebObjects Classes in a JSP Page

This section continues work on the JSP_Example project. It explains how to write a JSP page that makes use of two WebObjects classes, NSArray and NSMutableArray, to pass information to a component called MusicGenres.

  1. Using a text editor, create a file with the contents of Listing 2-2.

    Listing 2-2  InternetRadio.jsp file

    <%-- InternetRadio.jsp --%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WOtaglib" prefix="wo" %>
    <%-- Import statements --%>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="com.webobjects.jspservlet.*" %>
    <%-- Initialize WebObjects–to–servlet-container integration system --%>
    <%-- Create musical-genre list --%>
        NSMutableArray genres = new NSMutableArray();
        genres.addObject(new String("Classical"));
        genres.addObject(new String("Country"));
        genres.addObject(new String("Eclectic"));
        genres.addObject(new String("Electronica"));
        genres.addObject(new String("Hard Rock/Metal"));
        genres.addObject(new String("Hip-Hop/Rap"));
        genres.addObject(new String("Jazz"));
        <TITLE>Music Available on Internet Radio Stations</TITLE>
        <wo:component className="MusicGenres" bodyContentOnly="true">
            <wo:binding key="genres" value='<%= genres %>' />

    Note the invocation of the initStatics method of the WOServletAdaptor class. It performs the initialization of objects needed to integrate WebObjects with your servlet container (for example, adding a WOSession object to the JSPSession object).

  2. Save the file as InternetRadio.jsp in the JSP_Example/Servlet Resources/jsp directory.

  3. In Project Builder, create a component called MusicGenres (make sure you assign it to the Application Server target).

  4. Add the genres and genre keys to MusicGenres using WebObjects Builder. genres is an array of Strings and genre is a String. Add a setter method for genres.

    Alternatively, you can add the following code to

    protected String genre;
    /** @TypeInfo java.lang.String */
    protected NSArray genres;
    public void setGenres(NSArray newGenres) {
        genres = newGenres;
  5. Edit the component using WebObjects Builder so that it looks like Figure 2-5.

    Figure 2-5  JSP_Example project—the MusicGenres component
    JSP_Example project—the MusicGenres component
  6. Tell Project Builder to copy the necessary WebObjects classes to the WAR file or single deployment directory by setting the SERVLET_COPY_JARS build setting to YES.

  7. Build the application and restart your servlet container, if necessary.

To view the output of the InternetRadio JSP page in Tomcat use the following URL:


You should see a page like the one in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6  JSP_Example project—the output of InternetRadio.jsp
JSP_Example project—the output of InternetRadio.jsp

Using Direct Actions in JSP Pages

This section shows you how to create a WebObjects component called FoodInquiry that contains a WOForm element with two WOTextFields and a WOSubmitButton. The FoodInquiry page is displayed by a direct action, which itself is invoked by a JSP page that provides the FoodInquiry component with initial values for its form elements using wo:formValue elements.

  1. Using a text editor, create a file with the following contents:

    <%-- LogIn.jsp --%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WOtaglib" prefix="wo" %>
    <wo:directAction actionName="login" className="DirectAction" bodyContentOnly="false">
        <wo:formValue key="VisitorName" value='<%= "enter name" %>' />
        <wo:formValue key="FavoriteFood" value='<%= "enter food" %>' />
  2. Save the file as LogIn.jsp in JSP_Example/Servlet Resources/jsp.

  3. In Project Builder, create a component called FoodInquiry (make sure you assign it to the Application Server target).

  4. Add the visitorName and favoriteFood String keys to the component (create accessor methods). Also add the showFavoriteFood action returning the FavoriteFood component.

    When you’re done, should look like Listing 2-3. (Note that if you use WebObjects Builder to add the keys and the action, you need to add a couple of lines of code to the showFavoriteFood method.

    Listing 2-3

    import com.webobjects.appserver.*;
    import com.webobjects.eocontrol.*;
    import com.webobjects.eoaccess.*;
    public class FoodInquiry extends WOComponent {
        protected String visitorName;
        protected String favoriteFood;
        public FoodInquiry(WOContext context) {
        public FavoriteFood showFavoriteFood() {
            FavoriteFood nextPage = (FavoriteFood)pageWithName("FavoriteFood");
            // Set the properties of the FavoriteFood component.
            return nextPage;
        public String visitorName() {
            return visitorName;
        public void setVisitorName(String newVisitorName) {
            visitorName = newVisitorName;
        public String favoriteFood() {
            return favoriteFood;
        public void setFavoriteFood(String newFavoriteFood) {
            favoriteFood = newFavoriteFood;
  5. Edit the component using WebObjects Builder so that it looks like Figure 2-7.

    Figure 2-7  JSP_Example project—the FoodInquiry component
    JSP_Example project—the FoodInquiry component
    1. Bind the Submit button to the showFavoriteFood action.

    2. Enter Food Inquiry as the component’s title.

    3. Enter "VisitorName" as the value for the name attribute of the WOTextField that corresponds to the Visitor Name label.

      WOTextFiled Inspector
    4. Enter "FavoriteFood" as the value for the name attribute of the WOTextField that corresponds to the Favorite Food label.

  6. Add the loginAction method (listed below) to the DirectAction class.

    public WOActionResults loginAction() {
        FoodInquiry result = (FoodInquiry)pageWithName("FoodInquiry");
        // Get form values.
        String visitorName = request().stringFormValueForKey("VisitorName");
        String favoriteFood= request().stringFormValueForKey("FavoriteFood");
        // Set the component’s instance variables.
        return result;

To view the output of the LogIn JSP page, use the following URL (restart your servlet container, if necessary):


You should see a page like the one in Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8  JSP_Example project—the output of LogIn.jsp
JSP_Example project—the output of LogIn.jsp

Custom-Tag Reference

The following sections provide details about the custom WebObjects JSP tags that WOtaglib_1_0.tld defines.


You use this element to embed a WebObjects component within a JSP page. Table 2-2 describes its attributes.

Table 2-2  Attributes of the wo:component element






Class name of the WebObjects component.



Indicates whether the JSP page requires only the body content of the response (without <HTML> and </HTML> tags). Values: true or false. Default: true.



Indicates whether the WOResponse headers are to be merged with the ServletResponse headers. Values: true or false. Default: false.


You use this element to embed a direct action within a JSP page. Table 2-3 describes its attributes.

Table 2-3  Attributes of the wo:directAction element






Specifies the direct action name.



Specifies the direct action class name. Default: DirectAction.



Specifies the source of the request’s content; it must be an InputStream (or a subclass).



Indicates whether the JSP page requires only the body content of the response (without <HTML> and </HTML> tags). Values: true or false. Default: true.



Indicates whether the WOResponse headers are to be merged with the ServletResponse headers. Values: true or false. Default: false.


The wo:extraHeader element specifies a key-value pair to be passed to the component or direct action as an HTTP header. A wo:extraHeader element has to be used for each header value; you can pass multiple values for one header by using the same value for the key attribute in multiple wo:extraHeader elements. If the value is not null, it must be a String. Otherwise, the corresponding header is removed from the request before it’s passed to the component or direct action. Table 2-4 describes the attributes of this element.

Table 2-4  Attributes of the wo:extraHeader element






Specifies the HTTP header.



Specifies the value for the HTTP header.


This element specifies a key-value pair to be passed to the component to satisfy one of its bindings. You need a wo:binding element for each of the component’s bindings. Table 2-5 describes its attributes.

Table 2-5  Attributes of the binding element






Specifies the component’s binding.



Specifies the value for the binding.


This element specifies a key-value pair to be passed to the direct action in a query string; it must be a String. You need a wo:formValue for each item in the form. Table 2-6 describes the attributes of this element.

Table 2-6  Attributes of the formValue element






Specifies the form element.



Specifies the value for the form element.