New Functions, Data Types, and Constants in QuickTime 7 for Windows

This chapter describes all the new QuickTime functions, data structures, constants, and callbacks available in this software release.

If you are a QuickTime API-level developer, content author, multimedia producer or Webmaster who is currently working with QuickTime, you should read this chapter and use it for reference, as needed, in your application development.

QuickTime 7 API Reference

The following functions, callbacks, structures, and constants are new or changed with this release of QuickTime.


Functions that are new in QuickTime 7 are described in this section; they are listed in alphabetical order.


Adds sample data and a description to a media.

OSErr AddMediaSample2 (
   Media                      theMedia,
   const UInt8                *dataIn,
   ByteCount                  size,
   TimeValue64                decodeDurationPerSample,
   TimeValue64                displayOffset,
   SampleDescriptionHandle    sampleDescriptionH,
   ItemCount                  numberOfSamples,
   MediaSampleFlags           sampleFlags,
   TimeValue64                *sampleDecodeTimeOut );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A handle to the sample data. The function adds this data to the media specified by theMedia. You specify the number of bytes of sample data with the size parameter.


The number of bytes of sample data to be added to the media. This parameter indicates the total number of bytes in the sample data to be added to the media, not the number of bytes per sample. Use the numberOfSamples parameter to indicate the number of samples that are contained in the sample data.


The duration of each sample to be added, representing the amount of time that passes while the sample data is being displayed. You must specify this parameter in the media’s time scale. For example, if you are adding sound that was sampled at 22 kHz to a media that contains a sound track with the same time scale, you would set durationPerSample to 1. Similarly, if you are adding video that was recorded at 10 frames per second to a video media that has a time scale of 600, you would set this parameter to 60. Note that this is the duration per sample, regardless of the number of samples being added.


A 64-bit time value that specifies the offset between the decode time (the start time of the track plus the duration of all previous samples) and the display time. This value is normally zero unless the sample is frame reordering compressed video.


A handle to a SampleDescription structure. Some media structures may require sample descriptions. There are different descriptions for different types of samples. For example, a media that contains compressed video requires that you supply an ImageDescription structure. A media that contains sound requires that you supply a SoundDescription structure. If the media does not require a SampleDescription structure, set this parameter to NIL.


The number of samples contained in the sample data to be added to the media. The Movie Toolbox considers the value of this parameter as well as the value of the size parameter when it determines the size of each sample that it adds to the media. You should set the value of this parameter so that the resulting sample size represents a reasonable compromise between total data retrieval time and the overhead associated with input and output. You should also consider the speed of the data storage device; CD-ROM devices are much slower than hard disks, for example, and should therefore have a smaller sample size. For a video media, set a sample size that corresponds to the size of a frame. For a sound media, choose a number of samples that corresponds to between 0.5 and 1.0 seconds of sound. In general, you should not create groups of sound samples that are less than 2 KB in size or greater than 15 KB. Typically, a sample size of about 8 KB is reasonable for most storage devices.


Flags that control the add operation; set unused flags to 0:


Indicates that the sample to be added is not a sync sample. Set this flag to 1 if the sample is not a sync sample; set it to 0 if the sample is a sync sample.


A pointer to a time value that represents the sample decode time. After adding the sample data to the media, the function returns in this parameter the time where the sample was inserted. If you don’t want to receive this information, set this parameter to NIL.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error. You can access Movie Toolbox error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError, as well as in the function result.


Your application specifies the sample and the media for the operation. This function updates the media so that it contains the sample data. One call to this function can add several samples to a media. This function replaces AddMediaSample; it adds 64-bit support and support for frame reordering video compression (display offset). This function can return these errors:




Could not allocate memory.


Invalid parameter.


The media does not support nonzero display offsets.


There is already a sample with this display time.


A sample’s display time would be earlier than the display time of an existing sample that does not have the mediaSampleEarlierDisplayTimesAllowed flag set.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7. This function extends and supersedes AddMediaSample. Whereas AddMediaSample takes a Handle+offset+size, AddMediaSample2 takes a Ptr+size.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Adds sample data and description from an encoded frame to a media.

OSErr AddMediaSampleFromEncodedFrame (
   Media theMedia,
   ICMEncodedFrameRef encodedFrame,
   TimeValue64 *sampleDecodeTimeOut );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia


An encoded frame token returned by an ICMCompressionSequence.


A pointer to a time value. After adding the sample data to the media, the function returns the decode time where the first sample was inserted in the time value referred to by this parameter. If you don’t want to receive this information, set this parameter to NULL.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error. You can access Movie Toolbox error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError, as well as in the function result.


This is a convenience API to make it easy to add frames emitted by new ICM compression functions to media. It can return these errors:




Could not allocate memory.


Invalid parameter.


The media does not support nonzero display offsets.


There is already a sample with this display time.


A sample’s display time would be earlier than the display time of an existing sample that does not have the mediaSampleEarlierDisplayTimesAllowed flag set.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Adds a sample table to a media.

OSErr AddSampleTableToMedia (
   Media               theMedia,
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable,
   SInt64              startSampleNum,
   SInt64              numberOfSamples,
   TimeValue64         *sampleDecodeTimeOut );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A reference to an opaque sample table object containing sample references to be added to the media.


The sample number of the first sample reference in the sample table to be added to the media. The first sample’s number is 1.


The number of sample references from the sample table to be added to the media.


A pointer to a time value. After adding the sample references to the media, the function returns the decode time where the first sample was inserted in the time value referred to by this parameter. If you don’t want to receive this information, set this parameter to NULL.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error. You can access Movie Toolbox error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError, as well as in the function result.


This function can return these errors:




Could not allocate memory.


Invalid parameter.


The media does not support nonzero display offsets.


There is already a sample with this display time.


A sample’s display time would be earlier than the display time of an existing sample that does not have the mediaSampleEarlierDisplayTimesAllowed flag set.

If errDisplayTimeAlreadyInUse or errDisplayTimeTooEarly is returned, no samples are added.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Obtains information about sample references in a media in the form of a sample table.

OSErr CopyMediaMutableSampleTable (
   Media                      theMedia,
   TimeValue64                startDecodeTime,
   TimeValue64                *sampleStartDecodeTime,
   SInt64                     maxNumberOfSamples,
   TimeValue64                maxDecodeDuration,
   QTMutableSampleTableRef    *sampleTableOut );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A 64-bit time value that represents the starting decode time of the sample references to be retrieved. You must specify this value in the media’s time scale.


A pointer to a time value. The function updates this time value to indicate the actual decode time of the first returned sample reference. If you are not interested in this information, set this parameter to NULL. The returned time may differ from the time you specified with the startDecodeTime parameter. This will occur if the time you specified falls in the middle of a sample.


A 64-bit signed integer that contains the maximum number of sample references to be returned. If you set this parameter to 0, the Movie Toolbox uses a value that is appropriate to the media.


A 64-bit time value that represents the maximum decode duration to be returned. The function does not return samples with greater decode duration than you specify with this parameter. If you set this parameter to 0, the Movie Toolbox uses a value that is appropriate for the media.


A reference to an opaque sample table object. When you are done with the returned sample table, release it with QTSampleTableRelease.

Return Value

An error code. Returns memFullErr if it could not allocate memory, paramErr if there was an invalid parameter, or noErr if there is no error. You can access Movie Toolbox error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError, as well as in the function result.


To find out how many samples were returned in the sample table, call QTSampleTableGetNumberOfSamples.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7. This function supersedes GetMediaSampleReferences and GetMediaSampleReferences64.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Disposes of a MovieExportStageReachedCallbackUPP pointer.

void DisposeMovieExportStageReachedCallbackUPP (
   MovieExportStageReachedCallbackUPP    userUPP );

A MovieExportStageReachedCallbackUPP pointer.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h


Disposes a track property listener UPP.

void DisposeQTTrackPropertyListenerUPP (
   QTTrackPropertyListenerUPP userUPP );

A QTTrackPropertyListenerUPP pointer. See Universal Procedure Pointers in the QuickTime API Reference for more information.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Prepares a media for the addition of a completely new sequence of samples by ensuring that the media display end time is not later than the media decode end time.

OSErr ExtendMediaDecodeDurationToDisplayEndTime (
   Media      theMedia,
   Boolean    *mediaChanged );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A pointer to a Boolean that returns TRUE if any samples in the media were adjusted, FALSE otherwise. If you don’t want to receive this information, set this parameter to NULL.

Return Value

An error code. Returns memFullErr if it could not allocate memory, paramErr if there was an invalid parameter, or noErr if there is no error. You can access Movie Toolbox error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError, as well as in the function result.


After adding a complete, well-formed set of samples to a media, the media’s display end time should be the same as the media’s decode end time (also called the media decode duration). However, this is not necessarily the case after individual sample-adding operations, and hence it is possible for a media to be left with a display end time later than its decode end time (if adding a sequence of frames is aborted halfway, for example).

This may make it difficult to add a new group of samples, because a well-formed group of samples’ earliest display time should be the same as the first frame’s decode time. If such a well-formed group is added to an incompletely finished media, frames from the old and new groups frames might collide in display time.

This function prevents any such collision or overlap by extending the last sample’s decode duration as necessary. It ensures that the next added sample will have a decode time no earlier than the media’s display end time. If this was already the case, it makes no change to the media.

You can call this function before you begin adding samples to a media if you’re not certain that the media was left in a well-finished state. You do not need to call it before adding samples to a newly created media, nor should you call it between sample additions from the same compression session.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the display direction for a decompress sequence.

OSErr GetDSequenceNonScheduledDisplayDirection (
   ImageSequence    sequence,
   Fixed            *rate );

Contains the unique sequence identifier that was returned by the DecompressSequenceBegin function.


A pointer to the display direction. Negative values represent backward display and positive values represent forward display.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Gets the display time for a decompression sequence.

OSErr GetDSequenceNonScheduledDisplayTime (
   ImageSequence    sequence,
   TimeValue64      *displayTime,
   TimeScale        *displayTimeScale );

Contains the unique sequence identifier that was returned by the DecompressSequenceBegin function.


A pointer to a variable to hold the display time.


A pointer to a variable to hold the display time scale.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns the advance decode time of a media.

TimeValue64 GetMediaAdvanceDecodeTime (
   Media    theMedia );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.

Return Value

A 64-bit time value that represents the media’s advance decode time. A media’s advance decode time is the absolute value of the greatest-magnitude negative display offset of its samples, or 0 if there are no samples with negative display offsets. This is the amount that the decode time axis must be adjusted ahead of the display time axis to ensure that no sample’s adjusted decode time is later than its display time. For media without nonzero display offsets, the advance decode time is 0.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Determines the size, in bytes, of the sample data in a media segment.

OSErr GetMediaDataSizeTime64 (
   Media          theMedia,
   TimeValue64    startDisplayTime,
   TimeValue64    displayDuration,
   SInt64         *dataSize );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A 64-bit time value that specifies the starting point of the segment in media display time.


A 64-bit time value that specifies the duration of the segment in media display time.


A pointer to a variable to receive the size, in bytes, of the sample data in the defined media segment.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error. You can access Movie Toolbox error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError, as well as in the function result.


The only difference between this function and GetMediaDataSize64 is that this function uses 64-bit time values and returns a 64-bit size.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the decode duration of a media.

TimeValue64 GetMediaDecodeDuration (
   Media    theMedia );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.

Return Value

A 64-bit time value that repre sents the media’s decode duration. A media’s decode duration is the sum of the decode durations of its samples.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the display duration of a media.

TimeValue64 GetMediaDisplayDuration (
   Media    theMedia );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.

Return Value

A 64-bit time value that represents the media’s display duration. A media’s display duration is its display end time minus its display start time. For media without nonzero display offsets, the decode duration and display duration are the same.


When inserting media with display offsets into a track, use display time:

InsertMediaIntoTrack( track,
                0,                                   // track start time
                GetMediaDisplayStartTime( media ),   // media start time
                GetMediaDisplayDuration( media ),
                fixed1 );
Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the display end time of a media.

TimeValue64 GetMediaDisplayEndTime (
   Media    theMedia );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.

Return Value

A 64-bit time value that represents the media’s display end time. A media’s display end time is the sum of the display time and decode duration of the sample with the greatest display time. For media without nonzero display offsets, the display end time is the same as the media’s decode duration.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the display start time of a media.

TimeValue64 GetMediaDisplayStartTime (
   Media    theMedia );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.

Return Value

A 64-bit time value that represents the media’s display start time. A media’s display start time is the earliest display time of any of its samples. For media without nonzero display offsets, the display start time is always 0.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Searches for decode times of interest in a media.

void GetMediaNextInterestingDecodeTime (
   Media          theMedia,
   short          interestingTimeFlags,
   TimeValue64    decodeTime,
   Fixed          rate,
   TimeValue64    *interestingDecodeTime,
   TimeValue64    *interestingDecodeDuration );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


Flags that determine the search criteria. Note that you may set only one of the nextTimeMediaSample, nextTimeMediaEdit, or nextTimeSyncSample flags to 1. Set unused flags to 0:


Set this flag to 1 to search for the next sample.


Set this flag to 1 to search for the next group of samples.


Set this flag to 1 to search for the next sync sample.


Set this flag to 1 to accept information about elements that begin or end at the time specified by the decodeTime parameter. When this flag is set the function returns valid information about the beginning and end of a media.


Specifies the starting point for the search in decode time. This time value must be expressed in the media’s time scale.


The search direction. Negative values cause the Movie Toolbox to search backward from the starting point specified in the time parameter. Other values cause a forward search.


On return, a pointer to a 64-bit time value in decode time. The Movie Toolbox returns the first time value it finds that meets the search criteria specified in the flags parameter. This time value is in the media’s time scale. If there are no times that meet the search criteria you specify, the Movie Toolbox sets this value to –1. Set this parameter to NULL if you are not interested in this information.


On return, a pointer to a 64-bit time value in decode time. The Movie Toolbox returns the duration of the interesting time in the media’s time coordinate system. Set this parameter to NULL if you don’t want this information; this lets the function works faster.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Searches for display times of interest in a media.

void GetMediaNextInterestingDisplayTime (
   Media          theMedia,
   short          interestingTimeFlags,
   TimeValue64    displayTime,
   Fixed          rate,
   TimeValue64    *interestingDisplayTime,
   TimeValue64    *interestingDisplayDuration );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


Flags that determine the search criteria. Note that you may set only one of the nextTimeMediaSample, nextTimeMediaEdit, or nextTimeSyncSample flags to 1. Set unused flags to 0:


Set this flag to 1 to search for the next sample.


Set this flag to 1 to search for the next group of samples.


Set this flag to 1 to search for the next sync sample.


Set this flag to 1 to accept information about elements that begin or end at the time specified by the decodeTime parameter. When this flag is set the function returns valid information about the beginning and end of a media.


Specifies the starting point for the search in display time. This time value must be expressed in the media’s time scale.


The search direction. Negative values cause the Movie Toolbox to search backward from the starting point specified in the time parameter. Other values cause a forward search.


On return, a pointer to a 64-bit time value in display time. The Movie Toolbox returns the first time value it finds that meets the search criteria specified in the flags parameter. This time value is in the media’s time scale. If there are no times that meet the search criteria you specify, the Movie Toolbox sets this value to –1. Set this parameter to NIL if you are not interested in this information.


On return, a pointer to a 64-bit time value in display time. The Movie Toolbox returns the duration of the interesting time in the media’s time coordinate system. Set this parameter to NIL if you don’t want this information; this lets the function works faster.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Retrieves sample data from a media file.

OSErr GetMediaSample2 (
   Media                      theMedia,
   UInt8                      *dataOut,
   ByteCount                  maxDataSize,
   ByteCount                  *size,
   TimeValue64                decodeTime,
   TimeValue64                *sampleDecodeTime,
   TimeValue64                *decodeDurationPerSample,
   TimeValue64                *displayOffset,
   SampleDescriptionHandle    sampleDescriptionH,
   ItemCount                  *sampleDescriptionIndex,
   ItemCount                  maxNumberOfSamples,
   ItemCount                  *numberOfSamples,
   MediaSampleFlags           *sampleFlags );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A pointer to a buffer to receive sample data. The buffer must be large enough to contain at least maxDataSize bytes. If you do not want to receive sample data, pass NULL.


The maximum number of bytes allocated to hold the sample data.


A pointer to memory where the function returns the number of bytes of sample data returned in the memory area specified by dataOut. Set this parameter to NULL if you are not interested in this information.


The starting time of the sample to be retrieved in decode time. You must specify this value in the media’s time scale.


A pointer to a time value in decode time. The function updates this time value to indicate the actual time of the returned sample data. (The returned time may differ from the time you specified with the time parameter. This will occur if the time you specified falls in the middle of a sample.) If you are not interested in this information, set this parameter to NULL.


A pointer to a time value in decode time. The Movie Toolbox returns the duration of each sample in the media. Set this parameter to NULL if you don’t want this information.


A pointer to a time value. The function updates this time value to indicate the display offset of the returned sample. This time value is expressed in the media’s time scale. Set this parameter to NULL if you don’t want this information.


A handle to a SampleDescription structure. The function returns the sample description corresponding to the returned sample data. The function resizes this handle as appropriate. If you don’t want a SampleDescription structure, set this parameter to NIL.


A pointer to a long integer. The function returns an index value to the SampleDescription structure that corresponds to the returned sample data. You can retrieve the structure by calling GetMediaSampleDescription and passing this index in the descH parameter. If you don’t want this information, set this parameter to NIL.


The maximum number of samples to be returned. The Movie Toolbox does not return more samples than you specify with this parameter. If you set this parameter to 0, the Movie Toolbox uses a value that is appropriate for the media, and returns that value in the field referenced by the numberOfSamples parameter.


A pointer to a long integer. The function updates the field referred to by this parameter with the number of samples it actually returns. If you don’t want this information, set this parameter to NULL.


A pointer to a short integer in which the function returns flags that describe the sample. Unused flags are set to 0. If you don’t want this information, set this parameter to NULL:


This flag is set to 1 if the sample is not a sync sample and to 0 if the sample is a sync sample.

Return Value

You can access this function's error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError. It returns paramErr if there is a bad parameter value, maxSizeToGrowTooSmall if the sample data is larger than maxDataSize, or noErr if there is no error.


Whereas GetMediaSample takes a resizable Handle and a maxSizeToGrow parameter, GetMediaSample2 takes a pointer and a maxDataSize parameter. If you want to read a sample into a Handle, you can use the following code:

 OSErr GetMediaSampleUsingHandle (Media theMedia, Handle dataHOut,
                 ByteCount maxSizeToGrow, ByteCount *size,
                 TimeValue64 decodeTime, TimeValue64 *sampleDecodeTime,
                 TimeValue64 *decodeDurationPerSample,
                 TimeValue64 *displayOffset,
                 SampleDescriptionHandle sampleDescriptionH,
                 ItemCount *sampleDescriptionIndex,
                 ItemCount maxNumberOfSamples,
                 ItemCount *numberOfSamples,
                 MediaSampleFlags *sampleFlags)
      OSErr err = noErr;
      ByteCount actualSize = 0;
      err = GetMediaSample2(theMedia,
      if ((maxSizeToGrowTooSmall == err)
      && ((0 == maxSizeToGrow) || (actualSize <= maxSizeToGrow)) {
          SetHandleSize(dataHOut, actualSize);
          err = MemError();
          if (err) goto bail;
          err = GetMediaSample2(theMedia,
      if( size )
          *size = actualSize;
      return err;
Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7. This function extends and supersedes GetMediaSample. It will only return multiple samples that all have the same decode duration per sample, the same display offset, the same sample description, and the same size per sample.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the balance value for the audio mix of a movie currently playing.

OSStatus GetMovieAudioBalance (
   Movie      m,
   Float32    *leftRight,
   UInt32     flags );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


On return, a pointer to the current balance setting for the movie. The balance setting is a 32-bit floating-point value that controls the relative volume of the left and right sound channels. A value of 0 sets the balance to neutral. Positive values up to 1.0 shift the balance to the right channel, negative values up to –1.0 to the left channel.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The movie’s balance setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is closed. See SetMovieAudioBalance.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the current audio context for a movie.

OSStatus GetMovieAudioContext (
   Movie                movie,
   QTAudioContextRef    *audioContext);

The movie.


A pointer to a variable to receive the audio context.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the current frequency meter levels of a movie mix.

OSStatus GetMovieAudioFrequencyLevels (
   Movie                     m,
   FourCharCode              whatMixToMeter,
   QTAudioFrequencyLevels    *pAveragePowerLevels );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


The applicable mix of audio channels in the movie; see “Movie Audio Mixes”.


A pointer to a QTAudioFrequencyLevels structure (page 310).

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


In the structure pointed to by pAveragePowerLevels, the numChannels field must be set to the number of channels in the movie mix being metered and the numBands field must be set to the number of bands being metered (as previously configured). Enough memory for the structure must be allocated to hold 32-bit values for all bands in all channels. This function returns the current frequency meter levels in the level field of the structure, with all the band levels for the first channel first, all the band levels for the second channel next and so on.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the chosen middle frequency for each band in the configured frequency metering of a particular movie mix.

OSStatus GetMovieAudioFrequencyMeteringBandFrequencies (
   Movie           m,
   FourCharCode    whatMixToMeter,
   UInt32          numBands,
   Float32         *outBandFrequencies );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


The applicable mix of audio channels in the movie; see “Movie Audio Mixes”.


The number of bands to examine.


A pointer to an array of frequencies, each expressed in Hz.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


You can use this function to label a visual meter in a user interface.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the number of frequency bands being metered for a movie’s specified audio mix.

OSStatus GetMovieAudioFrequencyMeteringNumBands (
   Movie           m,
   FourCharCode    whatMixToMeter,
   UInt32          *outNumBands );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


The applicable mix of audio channels in the movie; see “Movie Audio Mixes”.


A pointer to memory that stores the number of frequency bands currently being metered for the movie’s specified audio mix.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the gain value for the audio mix of a movie currently playing.

OSStatus GetMovieAudioGain (
   Movie      m,
   Float32    *gain,
   UInt32     flags );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A 32-bit floating-point gain value of 0 or greater. 0.0 is silent, 0.5 is –6 dB, 1.0 is 0 dB (the audio from the movie is not modified), 2.0 is +6 dB, etc. The gain level can be set higher than 1.0 to allow quiet movies to be boosted in volume. Gain settings higher than 1.0 may result in audio clipping.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The movie gain setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is closed. See SetMovieAudioGain.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the mute value for the audio mix of a movie currently playing.

OSStatus GetMovieAudioMute (
   Movie      m,
   Boolean    *muted,
   UInt32     flags );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


Returns TRUE if the movie audio is currently muted, FALSE otherwise.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The movie mute setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is closed. See SetMovieAudioMute.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the current volume meter levels of a movie.

OSStatus GetMovieAudioVolumeLevels (
   Movie                  m,
   FourCharCode           whatMixToMeter,
   QTAudioVolumeLevels    *pAveragePowerLevels,
   QTAudioVolumeLevels    *pPeakHoldLevels );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


The applicable mix of audio channels in the movie; see “Movie Audio Mixes”.


A pointer to a QTAudioVolumeLevels structure that stores the average power level of each channel in the mix, measured in decibels. 0.0 dB for each channel means full volume, –6.0 dB means half volume, –12.0 dB means quarter volume, and –infinite dB means silence. Pass NULL for this parameter if you are not interested in average power levels.


A pointer to a QTAudioVolumeLevels structure that stores the peak hold level of each channel in the mix, measured in decibels. 0.0 dB for each channel means full volume, –6.0 dB means half volume, –12.0 dB means quarter volume, and –infinite dB means silence. Pass NULL for this parameter if you are not interested in peak hold levels.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


If either pAveragePowerLevels or pPeakHoldLevels returns non-NULL, it must have the numChannels field in its QTAudioVolumeLevels structure set to the number of channels in the movie mix being metered and the memory allocated for the structure must be large enough to hold levels for all those channels.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the enabled or disabled status of volume metering of a particular audio mix of a movie.

OSStatus GetMovieAudioVolumeMeteringEnabled (
   Movie           m,
   FourCharCode    whatMixToMeter,
   Boolean         *enabled );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


The applicable mix of audio channels in the movie; see “Movie Audio Mixes”.


Returns TRUE if audio volume metering is enabled, FALSE if it is disabled.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the path of the QuickTime Applications directory.

UINT GetQTApplicationDirectory (
   LPSTR   lpBuffer,
   UINT    uSize );

A pointer to the buffer to receive the null-terminated string containing the path to the QuickTime Applications directory. This path does not end with a backslash unless the system directory is the root directory.


The maximum size of the buffer, in TCHARs. This value should be set to at least MAX_PATH+1 to allow sufficient space for the path and the null terminator.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is the length, in TCHARs, of the string copied to the buffer, not including the terminating null character. If the length is greater than the size of the buffer, the return value is the size of the buffer required to hold the path. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The QuickTime Applications directory contains the QuickTime applications files, such as QuickTime Player and others. Note that this call looks up the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime\InstallDir, which is the root QuickTime folder that the user chose to install into.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7 for Windows.

  • C interface file: QTLoadLibraryUtils.h


Returns the path of the QuickTime Components directory.

UINT GetQTComponentDirectory (
   LPSTR     lpBuffer,
   UINT      uSize );

A pointer to the buffer to receive the null-terminated string containing the path to the QuickTime Components directory. This path does not end with a backslash unless the system directory is the root directory.


The maximum size of the buffer, in TCHARs. This value should be set to at least MAX_PATH+1 to allow sufficient space for the path and the null terminator.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is the length, in TCHARs, of the string copied to the buffer, not including the terminating null character. If the length is greater than the size of the buffer, the return value is the size of the buffer required to hold the path. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The QuickTime Components directory contains any third-party or user-installed component files. Note that this call looks up the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime\QTComponentsDir, which is where you should put your components

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7 for Windows.

  • C interface file: QTLoadLibraryUtils.h


Returns the path of the QuickTime Extensions directory.

UINT GetQTExtensionDirectory (
   LPSTR   lpBuffer,
   UINT    uSize );

A pointer to the buffer to receive the null-terminated string containing the path to the QuickTime Extensions directory. This path does not end with a backslash unless the system directory is the root directory.


The maximum size of the buffer, in TCHARs. This value should be set to at least MAX_PATH+1 to allow sufficient space for the path and the null terminator.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is the length, in TCHARs, of the string copied to the buffer, not including the terminating null character. If the length is greater than the size of the buffer, the return value is the size of the buffer required to hold the path. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The QuickTime Extensions directory contains the QuickTime extensions files, whose names ends with .qtx and .qtr . (A .qtx file contains the data fork of an extension––a Windows DLL, while a .qtr file contains the resource fork of an extension for Macintosh-style resources). Note that this call looks up the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime\QTExtDir, which points to the folder where the extensions are installed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7 for Windows.

  • C interface file: QTLoadLibraryUtils.h


Returns the path of the QuickTime System directory.

UINT GetQTSystemDirectory (
   LPSTR   lpBuffer,
   UINT    uSize );

A pointer to the buffer to receive the null-terminated string containing the path to the QuickTime System directory. This path does not end with a backslash unless the system directory is the root directory.


The maximum size of the buffer, in TCHARs. This value should be set to at least MAX_PATH+1 to allow sufficient space for the path and the null terminator.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is the length, in TCHARs, of the string copied to the buffer, not including the terminating null character. If the length is greater than the size of the buffer, the return value is the size of the buffer required to hold the path. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The QuickTime System directory contains all the necessary QuickTime system files such as extensions––that is, codecs, file importers, and so on––dynamic link libraries, resources, and others. Note that this call looks up the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime\QTSysDir, which points to the folder where the system components are installed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7 for Windows.

  • C interface file: QTLoadLibraryUtils.h


Returns the gain value for the audio mix of a track currently playing.

OSStatus GetTrackAudioGain (
   Track      t,
   Float32    *gain,
   UInt32     flags );

A track identifier, which your application obtains from such functions as NewMovieTrack and GetMovieTrack.


A 32-bit floating-point gain value of 0 or greater. 0.0 is silent, 0.5 is –6 dB, 1.0 is 0 dB (the audio from the track is not modified), 2.0 is +6 dB, etc. The gain level can be set higher than 1.0 to allow quiet tracks to be boosted in volume. Gain settings higher than 1.0 may result in audio clipping.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The track gain setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is closed. See SetTrackAudioGain.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the mute value for the audio mix of a track currently playing.

OSStatus GetTrackAudioMute (
   Track      t,
   Boolean    *muted,
   UInt32     flags );

A track identifier, which your application obtains from such functions as NewMovieTrack and GetMovieTrack.


Returns TRUE if the track’s audio is currently muted, FALSE otherwise.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The track’s mute setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is closed. See SetTrackAudioMute.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the rate of the track edit of a specified track at an indicated time.

Fixed GetTrackEditRate64 (
   Track          theTrack,
   TimeValue64    atTime );

A track identifier, which your application obtains from such functions as NewMovieTrack and GetMovieTrack.


A 64-bit time value that indicates the time at which the rate of a track edit (of a track identified in the parameter theTrack) is to be determined.

Return Value

The rate of the track edit of the specified track at the specified time.


This function is useful if you are stepping through track edits directly in your application or if you are a client of QuickTime’s base media handler.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7. This function is a 64-bit replacement for GetTrackEditRate.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Creates a frame compression options object.

OSStatus ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate (
   CFAllocatorRef                  allocator,
   ICMCompressionSessionRef        session,
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef   *options );

An allocator. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


On return, a reference to a new frame compression options object.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Copies a frame compression options object.

OSStatus ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreateCopy (
   CFAllocatorRef                  allocator,
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef   originalOptions,
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef   *copiedOptions );

An allocator. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


A frame compression options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


On return, a reference to a copy of the frame compression options object passed in originalOptions.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the force key frame flag.

Boolean ICMCompressionFrameOptionsGetForceKeyFrame (
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef   options );

A compression frame options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if frames are forced to be compressed as key frames, FALSE otherwise.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the frame type setting.

ICMFrameType ICMCompressionFrameOptionsGetFrameType (
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef   options );

A compression frame options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate.

Return Value

On return, one of the frame types listed below.


This function can return one of these constants:

kICMFrameType_I = 'I'

An I frame.

kICMFrameType_P = 'P'

A P frame.

kICMFrameType_B = 'B'

A B frame.

kICMFrameType_Unknown = 0

A frame of unknown type.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the value of a specific property of a compression frame options object.

OSStatus ICMCompressionFrameOptionsGetProperty (
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass          inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID             inPropID,
   ByteCount                       inPropValueSize,
   ComponentValuePtr               outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount                       *outPropValueSizeUsed );

A compression frame options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to a variable to receive the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to the number of bytes actually used to store the property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves information about properties of a compression frame options object.

OSStatus ICMCompressionFrameOptionsGetPropertyInfo (
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass          inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID             inPropID,
   ComponentValueType              *outPropType,
   ByteCount                       *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32                          *outPropertyFlags );

A compression frame options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to the size of the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to flags representing the requested information about the property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns the type ID for the current frame compression options object.

CFTypeID ICMCompressionFrameOptionsGetTypeID ( void );
Return Value

A CFTypeID value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Decrements the retain count of a frame compression options object.

void ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRelease (
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef    options );

A reference to a frame compression options object.This reference is returned by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.


If the retain count drops to 0, the object is disposed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Increments the retain count of a frame compression options object.

ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRetain (
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef    options );

A reference to a frame compression options object.This reference is returned by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.

Return Value

A copy of the object reference passed in options, for convenience.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Forces frames to be compressed as key frames.

OSStatus ICMCompressionFrameOptionsSetForceKeyFrame (
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef   options,
   Boolean                         forceKeyFrame );

A compression frame options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


Pass TRUE to force frames to be compressed as key frames, FALSE otherwise.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The compressor must obey this flag if set. By default it is set FALSE.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Requests a frame be compressed as a particular frame type.

OSStatus ICMCompressionFrameOptionsSetFrameType (
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef   options,
   ICMFrameType                    frameType );

A compression frame options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


A constant that identifies a frame type. Pass one of the following but do not assume that there are no other frame types:

kICMFrameType_I = 'I'

An I frame.

kICMFrameType_P = 'P'

A P frame.

kICMFrameType_B = 'B'

A B frame.

kICMFrameType_Unknown = 0

A frame of unknown type.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The frame type setting may be ignored by the compressor if it is not appropriate. By default it is set to kICMFrameType_Unknown.

Do not assume that kICMFrameType_I sets a key frame; if you need a key frame, call ICMCompressionFrameOptionsSetForceKeyFrame.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the value of a specific property of a compression frame options object.

OSStatus ICMCompressionFrameOptionsSetProperty (
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass          inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID             inPropID,
   ByteCount                       inPropValueSize,
   ConstComponentValuePtr          inPropValueAddress );

A compression frame options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


The size of the property value to be set.


A pointer to the value of the property to be set.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Announces the start of a specific compression pass.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionBeginPass (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef      session,
   ICMCompressionPassModeFlags   passModeFlags,
   UInt32                        flags );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


Flags that describe how the compressor should behave in this pass of multipass encoding:

kICMCompressionPassMode_OutputEncodedFrames = 1L<<0

Output encoded frames.

kICMCompressionPassMode_NoSourceFrames = 1L<<1

The client need not provide source frame buffers.

kICMCompressionPassMode_WriteToMultiPassStorage = 1L<<2

The compressor may write private data to multipass storage.

kICMCompressionPassMode_ReadFromMultiPassStorage = 1L<<3

The compressor may read private data from multipass storage.


Reserved. Set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The source frames and frame options for each display time should be the same across passes. During multipass compression, valid displayTimeStamp values must be passed to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame, because they are used to index the compressor’s stored state.

During an analysis pass (kICMCompressionPassMode_WriteToMultiPassStorage), the compressor does not output encoded frames but records compressor-private information for each frame. During repeated analysis passes and the encoding pass (kICMCompressionPassMode_ReadFromMultiPassStorage), the compressor may refer to this information for other frames and use it to improve encoding. During an encoding pass (kICMCompressionPassMode_OutputEncodedFrames), the compressor must output encoded frames. If the compressor sets the kICMCompressionPassMode_NoSourceFrames flag for the pass, the client may pass NULL pixel buffers to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame.

By default, the ICM provides local storage that lasts only until the compression session is disposed. If the client provides custom multipass storage, passes may be performed at different times or on different machines; segments of each pass may even be distributed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Forces a compression session to complete encoding frames.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionCompleteFrames (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef    session,
   Boolean                     completeAllFrames,
   TimeValue64                 completeUntilDisplayTimeStamp,
   TimeValue64                 nextDisplayTimeStamp );

A reference to a video compression session, returned by a previous call to ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


Pass TRUE to direct the session to complete all pending frames.


A 64-bit time value that represents the display time up to which to complete frames. This value is ignored if completeAllFrames is TRUE.


A 64-bit time value that represents the display time of the next frame that should be passed to EncodeFrame. This value is ignored unless ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetDurationsNeeded set TRUE and kICMValidTime_DisplayDurationIsValid was 0 in validTimeFlags in the last call to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame.

Return Value

Returns an error code, or 0 if there is no error. The function may return before frames are completed if the encoded frame callback routine returns an error.


Call this function to force a compression session to complete encoding frames. Set completeAllFrames to direct the session to complete all pending frames. If completeAllFrames is false, only frames with display time stamps up to and including the time passed in completeUntilDisplayTimeStamp will be encoded. If ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetDurationsNeeded set TRUE and you are passing valid display timestamps but not display durations to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame, pass in nextDisplayTimeStamp the display timestamp of the next frame that would be passed to EncodeFrame.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Creates a compression session for a specified codec type.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionCreate (
   CFAllocatorRef                     allocator,
   int                                width,
   int                                height,
   CodecType                          cType,
   TimeScale                          timescale,
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef    compressionOptions,
   CFDictionaryRef                    sourcePixelBufferAttributes,
   ICMEncodedFrameOutputRecord        *encodedFrameOutputRecord,
   ICMCompressionSessionRef           *compressionSessionOut );

An allocator for the session. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


The width of frames. Pass 0 to let the compressor control the width.


The height of frames. Pass 0 to let the compressor control the height.


The codec type.


The timescale to be used for all time stamps and durations used in the session.


A reference to a settings object that configures the session. You create such an object by calling ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate. You can then use these constants to set its properties:


No limit on the number of frames in the compression window.


No time limit on the frames in the compression window.


No CPU time limit on compression.


Required attributes for source pixel buffers, used when creating a pixel buffer pool for source frames. If you do not want the ICM to create one for you, pass NULL. Using pixel buffers not allocated by the ICM may increase the chance that it will be necessary to copy image data.


The callback that will receive encoded frames.


Points to a variable to receive the created session object.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


Some compressors do not support arbitrary source dimensions, and may override the suggested width and height.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Presents video frames to a compression session.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef           session,
   CVPixelBufferRef                   pixelBuffer,
   TimeValue64                        displayTimeStamp,
   TimeValue64                        displayDuration,
   ICMValidTimeFlags                  validTimeFlags,
   ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef      frameOptions,
   ICMSourceTrackingCallbackRecord    *sourceTrackingCallback,
   void                               *sourceFrameRefCon );

A reference to a video compression session, returned by a previous call to ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


A reference to a buffer containing a source image to be compressed, which must have a nonzero reference count. The session will retain it as long as necessary. The client should not modify the pixel buffer’s pixels until the pixel buffer release callback is called. In a multipass encoding session pass, where the compressor suggested the flag kICMCompressionPassMode_NoSourceFrames, you may pass NULL in this parameter.


A 64-bit time value that represents the display time of the frame, using the time scale passed to ICMCompressionSessionCreate. If you pass a valid value, set the kICMValidTime_DisplayTimeStampIsValid flag in the validTimeFlags parameter (below).


A 64-bit time value that represents the display duration of the frame, using the time scale passed to ICMCompressionSessionCreate. If you pass a valid value, set the kICMValidTime_DisplayDurationIsValid flag in the validTimeFlags parameter (below).


Flags to indicate which of the values passed in displayTimeStamp and displayDuration are valid:


The time value passed in displayTimeStamp is valid.


The time value passed in displayDuration is valid.


Options for this frame. Currently not used; pass NULL.


A pointer to a callback to be notified about the status of this source frame. Pass NULL if you do not require notification.


A reference constant to be passed to your callback. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your callback needs.

Return Value

Returns an error code, or 0 if there is no error. Encoded frames may or may not be output before the function returns.


The session will retain the pixel buffer as long as necessary, and the client should not modify the pixel data until the session releases it. The most practical way to deal with this is by allocating pixel buffers from a pool. The client may fill in both, either, or neither of displayTimeStamp and displayDuration, but should set the appropriate flags to indicate which are valid. If the client needs to track the progress of a source frame, it should provide a source tracking callback. If multipass compression is enabled, calls to this function must be bracketed by calls to ICMCompressionSessionBeginPass and ICMCompressionSessionEndPass.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Announces the end of a pass.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionEndPass (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef   session );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the image description for a video compression session.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionGetImageDescription (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef    session,
   ImageDescriptionHandle      *imageDescOut );

A reference to a video compression session, returned by a previous call to ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


A handle to an ImageDescription structure. The caller must not dispose of this handle; the ICM will dispose of it when the compression session is disposed.

Return Value

Returns an error code, or 0 if there is no error. For some codecs, this function may fail if called before the first frame is compressed.


Multiple calls to this function return the same handle.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns a pool that can provide ideal source pixel buffers for a compression session.

CVPixelBufferPoolRef ICMCompressionSessionGetPixelBufferPool (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef   session );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate.

Return Value

A reference to a pool of pixel buffers. The compression session creates this pixel buffer pool based on the compressor’s pixel buffer attributes and any pixel buffer attributes passed to ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


A new compression session builds this pixel buffer pool based on the compressor’s pixel buffer attributes and any pixel buffer attributes passed in to ICMCompressionSessionCreate. If the source pixel buffer attributes and the compressor pixel buffer attributes cannot be reconciled, the pool is based on the source pixel buffer attributes and the ICM converts each pixel buffer internally.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the value of a specific property of a compression session.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionGetProperty (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef   session,
   ComponentPropertyClass     inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID        inPropID,
   ByteCount                  inPropValueSize,
   ComponentValuePtr          outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount                  *outPropValueSizeUsed );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to a variable to receive the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to the number of bytes actually used to store the property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves information about properties of a compression session.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionGetPropertyInfo (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef   session,
   ComponentPropertyClass     inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID        inPropID,
   ComponentValueType         *outPropType,
   ByteCount                  *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32                     *outPropertyFlags );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to the size of the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to flags representing the requested information about the property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the time scale for a compression session.

TimeScale ICMCompressionSessionGetTimeScale (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef   session );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate.

Return Value

The time scale for the compression session.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns the type ID for the current compression session.

CFTypeID ICMCompressionSessionGetTypeID ( void );
Return Value

A CFTypeID value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Creates a compression session options object.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate (
   CFAllocatorRef                    allocator,
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   *options );

An allocator. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


On return, a reference to a new compression session options object.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Copies a compression session options object.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreateCopy (
   CFAllocatorRef                    allocator,
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   originalOptions,
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   *copiedOptions );

An allocator. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


On return, a reference to a copy of the compression session options object passed in originalOptions.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the allow frame reordering flag.

Boolean ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetAllowFrameReordering (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if frame reordering is allowed, FALSE otherwise.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the allow frame time changes flag.

Boolean ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetAllowFrameTimeChanges (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the compressor is allowed to modify frame times, FALSE otherwise.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the allow temporal compression flag.

Boolean ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetAllowTemporalCompression (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if temporal compression is allowed, FALSE otherwise.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the durations needed flag.

Boolean ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetDurationsNeeded (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the durations of outputted frames must be calculated, FALSE otherwise.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the maximum key frame interval.

SInt32 ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetMaxKeyFrameInterval (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.

Return Value

Returns the maximum key frame interval.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the value of a specific property of a compression session options object.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetProperty (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID               inPropID,
   ByteCount                         inPropValueSize,
   ComponentValuePtr                 outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount                         *outPropValueSizeUsed );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to a variable to receive the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to the number of bytes actually used to store the property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves information about properties of a compression session options object.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetPropertyInfo (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID               inPropID,
   ComponentValueType                *outPropType,
   ByteCount                         *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32                            *outPropertyFlags );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to the size of the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to flags representing the requested information about the property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns the type ID for the current compression session options object.

CFTypeID ICMCompressionSessionOptionsGetTypeID ( void );
Return Value

A CFTypeID value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Decrements the retain count of a compression session options object.

void ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRelease (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef    options );

A reference to a compression session options object. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.


If the retain count drops to 0, the object is disposed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Increments the retain count of a compression session options object.

ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRetain (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef    options );

A reference to a compression session options object. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.

Return Value

A copy of the object reference passed in options, for convenience.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Enables frame reordering.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetAllowFrameReordering (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   Boolean                           allowFrameReordering );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


Pass TRUE to enable frame reordering, FALSE to disable it.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


To encode B-frames a compressor must reorder frames, which means that the order in which they will be emitted and stored (the decode order) is different from the order in which they were presented to the compressor (the display order). By default, frame reordering is disabled. To encode using B-frames, you must call this function, passing TRUE.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Allows the compressor to modify frame times.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetAllowFrameTimeChanges (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   Boolean                           allowFrameTimeChanges );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


Pass TRUE to let the compressor to modify frame times, FALSE to prohibit it.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


Some compressors are able to identify and coalesce runs of identical frames and output single frames with longer durations, or output frames at a different frame rate from the original. This feature is controlled by the allow frame time changes flag. By default, this flag is set to false, which forces compressors to emit one encoded frame for every source frame and preserve frame display times.

This function replaces the practice of having compressors return special high similarity values to indicate that frames could be dropped.

If you want to let the compressor modify frame times in order to improve compression performance, you should allow frame time changes.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Enables temporal compression.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetAllowTemporalCompression (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   Boolean                           allowTemporalCompression );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


Pass TRUE to enable temporal compression, FALSE to disable it.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


By default, temporal compression is disabled. If you want temporal compression for P-frames or B-frames you must call this function and pass TRUE.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Indicates that the durations of outputted frames must be calculated.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetDurationsNeeded (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   Boolean                           decodeDurationsNeeded );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


Pass TRUE to indicate that durations must be calculated, FALSE otherwise.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


If this flag is set and source frames are provided with times but not durations, then frames will be delayed so that durations can be calculated as the difference between one frame’s time stamp and the next frame’s time stamp. By default this flag is 0, so frames will not be delayed in order to calculate durations.

If you are passing encoded frames to AddMediaSampleFromEncodedFrame, you must call this function and pass TRUE.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the maximum interval between key frames.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetMaxKeyFrameInterval (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   SInt32                            maxKeyFrameInterval );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


The maximum interval between key frames, also known as the key frame rate.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


Compressors are allowed to generate key frames more frequently if this would result in more efficient compression. The default key frame interval is 0, which indicates that the compressor should choose where to place all key frames.

This is a break with previous practice, which used a key frame rate of 0 to disable temporal compression.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the value of a specific property of a compression session options object.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetProperty (
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID               inPropID,
   ByteCount                         inPropValueSize,
   ConstComponentValuePtr            inPropValueAddress );

A compression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


The size of the property value to be set.


A pointer to the value of the property to be set.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Lets the compressor perform processing between passes.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionProcessBetweenPasses (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef      session,
   UInt32                        flags,
   Boolean                       *interpassProcessingDoneOut,
   ICMCompressionPassModeFlags   *requestedNextPassModeFlagsOut );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


Reserved. Set to 0.


A pointer to a Boolean that will be set to FALSE if this function should be called again, TRUE if not.


A pointer to ICMCompressionPassModeFlags that will be set to the codec’s recommended mode flags for the next pass. kICMCompressionPassMode_OutputEncodedFrames will be set only if it recommends that the next pass be the final one:

kICMCompressionPassMode_OutputEncodedFrames = 1L<<0

Output encoded frames.

kICMCompressionPassMode_NoSourceFrames = 1L<<1

The client need not provide source frame buffers.

kICMCompressionPassMode_WriteToMultiPassStorage = 1L<<2

The compressor may write private data to multipass storage.

kICMCompressionPassMode_ReadFromMultiPassStorage = 1L<<3

The compressor may read private data from multipass storage.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


Call this function repeatedly until the compressor sets interpassProcessingDoneOut to TRUE to indicate that it is done with this round of interpass processing. When done, the compressor will indicate its preferred mode for the next pass. At this point the client may choose to begin an encoding pass, by OR-combining the kICMCompressionPassMode_OutputEncodedFrames flag, regardless of the compressor’s request.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Decrements the retain count of a compression session.

void ICMCompressionSessionRelease (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef    session );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.


If the retain count drops to 0, the session is disposed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Increments the retain count of a compression session.

ICMCompressionSessionRef ICMCompressionSessionRetain (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef    session );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.

Return Value

A reference to the object passed in session, for convenience.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the value of a specific property of a compression session.

OSStatus ICMCompressionSessionSetProperty (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef   session,
   ComponentPropertyClass     inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID        inPropID,
   ByteCount                  inPropValueSize,
   ConstComponentValuePtr     inPropValueAddress );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


The size of the property value to be set.


A pointer to the value of the property to be set.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Queries whether a compression session supports multipass encoding.

Boolean ICMCompressionSessionSupportsMultiPassEncoding (
   ICMCompressionSessionRef       session,
   UInt32                         multiPassStyleFlags,
   ICMCompressionPassModeFlags    *firstPassModeFlagsOut );

A compression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMCompressionSessionCreate.


Reserved; set to 0.


A pointer to a variable to receive the session’s requested mode flags for the first pass. The client may modify these flags, but should not set kICMCompressionPassMode_NoSourceFrames. Pass NULL if you do not want this information.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the compression session supports multipass encoding, FALSE otherwise.


Even if this function returns FALSE, if you passed TRUE to ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetMultiPass, you must call ICMCompressionSessionBeginPass and ICMCompressionSessionEndPass.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Called by a compressor to notify the ICM that a source frame has been dropped and will not contribute to any encoded frames.

OSStatus ICMCompressorSessionDropFrame (
   ICMCompressorSessionRef       session,
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef   sourceFrame );

A reference to the compression session between the ICM and an image compressor component.


A reference to a frame that has been passed in sourceFrameRefCon to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


Calling this function does not automatically release the source frame; if the compressor called ICMCompressorSourceFrameRetain it should still call ICMCompressorSourceFrameRelease.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Called by a compressor to output an encoded frame corresponding to one or more source frames.

OSStatus ICMCompressorSessionEmitEncodedFrame (
   ICMCompressorSessionRef       session,
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef     encodedFrame,
   long                          numberOfSourceFrames,
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef   sourceFrames[] );

A reference to the compression session between the ICM and an image compressor component.


A reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.


The number of source frames encoded in the encoded frame.


References to frames that have been passed in sourceFrameRefCon to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


Encoded frames may correspond to more than one source frame only if allowFrameTimeChanges is set in the compression session’s compressionSessionOptions.

After calling this function, the compressor should release the encoded frame by calling ICMEncodedFrameRelease. Calling this function does not automatically release the source frames; if the compressor called ICMCompressorSourceFrameRetain it should still call ICMCompressorSourceFrameRelease.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves a source frames display number.

long ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetDisplayNumber (
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef   sourceFrame );

A reference to a frame that has been passed in sourceFrameRefCon to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame.

Return Value

The display number of the source frame.


The ICM tags source frames with display numbers in the order that they are passed to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame. The first display number is 1. Compressors may compare these numbers to work out whether prediction is forward or backward, even when display times are not provided.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the display time stamp and duration of a source frame.

OSStatus ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetDisplayTimeStampAndDuration (
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef    sourceFrame,
   TimeValue64                    *displayTimeStampOut,
   TimeValue64                    *displayDurationOut,
   TimeScale                      *timeScaleOut,
   ICMValidTimeFlags              *validTimeFlagsOut );

A reference to a frame that has been passed in sourceFrameRefCon to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame.


A pointer to the source frame’s display time stamp.


A pointer to the source frame’s display duration.


A pointer to the source frame’s display time scale.


A pointer to one of these display time flags for the source frame:

kICMValidTime_DisplayTimeStampIsValid = 1L<<0

The value of displayTimeStamp is valid.

kICMValidTime_DisplayDurationIsValid = 1L<<1

The value of displayDuration is valid.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the frame compression options for a source frame.

ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetFrameOptions (
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef   sourceFrame );

A reference to a frame that has been passed in sourceFrameRefCon to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame.

Return Value

A compression session frame options reference representing options for this frame. A frame options object is created by ICMCompressionFrameOptionsCreate.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves a source frames pixel buffer.

CVPixelBufferRef ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetPixelBuffer (
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef   sourceFrame );

A reference to a frame that has been passed in sourceFrameRefCon to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame.

Return Value

A reference to the pixel buffer containing the source frame’s image being compressed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns the type ID for the current source frame object.

CFTypeID ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetTypeID ( void );
Return Value

A CFTypeID value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Decrements the retain count of a source frame object.

void ICMCompressorSourceFrameRelease (
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef    sourceFrame );

A reference to a frame that has been passed in sourceFrameRefCon to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.


If the retain count drops to 0, the object is disposed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Increments the retain count of a source frame object.

ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef ICMCompressorSourceFrameRetain (
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef    sourceFrame );

A reference to a frame that has been passed in sourceFrameRefCon to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.

Return Value

A reference to the object passed in sourceFrame, for convenience.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Creates a frame decompression options object.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsCreate (
   CFAllocatorRef                    allocator,
   ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRef   *options );

An allocator. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


On return, a reference to a frame decompression options object.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Copies a frame decompression options object.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsCreateCopy (
   CFAllocatorRef                    allocator,
   ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRef   originalOptions,
   ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRef   *copiedOptions );

An allocator. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


A reference to a frame decompression options object. You can create this object by calling ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


On return, a reference to a copy of the frame decompression options object passed in originalOptions.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the value of a specific property of a decompression frame options object.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsGetProperty (
   ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID               inPropID,
   ByteCount                         inPropValueSize,
   ComponentValuePtr                 outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount                         *outPropValueSizeUsed );

A decompression frame options reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to a variable to receive the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to the number of bytes actually used to store the property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves information about properties of a decompression frame options object.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsGetPropertyInfo (
   ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID               inPropID,
   ComponentValueType                *outPropType,
   ByteCount                         *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32                            *outPropertyFlags );

A decompression frame options reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to the size of the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to flags representing the requested information about the frame option’s property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns the type ID for the current frame decompression options object.

CFTypeID ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsGetTypeID ( void );
Return Value

A CFTypeID value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Decrements the retain count of a frame decompression options object.

void ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRelease (
   ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRef    options );

A reference to a frame decompression options object. You can create this object by calling ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.


If the retain count drops to 0, the object is disposed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Increments the retain count of a frame decompression options object.

ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRef ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRetain (
   ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRef    options );

A reference to a frame decompression options object. You can create this object by calling ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.

Return Value

A reference to the frame decompression options object passed in options, for convenience.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the value of a specific property of a decompression frame options object.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsSetProperty (
   ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID               inPropID,
   ByteCount                         inPropValueSize,
   ConstComponentValuePtr            inPropValueAddress );

A decompression frame options reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


The size of the property value to be set.


A pointer to the value of the property to be set.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Creates a session for decompressing video frames.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionCreate (
   CFAllocatorRef                       allocator,
   ImageDescriptionHandle               desc,
   ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef    decompressionOptions,
   CFDictionaryRef                      destinationPixelBufferAttributes,
   ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackRecord    *trackingCallback,
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef                *decompressionSessionOut );

An allocator for the session. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


An image description for the source frames.


A decompression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsCreate. The session will retain the object. You may change some options during the session by modifying the object. You may also pass NULL.


Requirements for emitted pixel buffers. You may pass NULL.


A pointer to a structure that designates a callback to be called for information about queued frames and pixel buffers containing decompressed frames. See ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackRecord and ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackProc.


A pointer to a variable to receive a reference to the new decompression session.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


Frames are returned through calls to the callback pointed to by trackingCallback.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Creates a session for decompressing video frames.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionCreateForVisualContext (
   CFAllocatorRef allocator,
   /*can be NULL */ ImageDescriptionHandle desc,
   ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef decompressionOptions,
   /*can be NULL */ QTVisualContextRef visualContext,
   ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackRecord *trackingCallback,
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef *decompressionSessionOut );

An allocator for the session. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


An image description for the source frames.


Options for the session. The session will retain this options object. You may change some options during the session by modifying the object.


The target visual context.


The callback to be called with information about queued frames, and pixel buffers containing the decompressed frames.


Points to a variable to receive the new decompression session.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


Frames will be output to a visual context. If desired, the trackingCallback may attach additional data to pixel buffers before they are sent to the visual context.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Queues a frame for decompression.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame (
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef         session,
   const UInt8                        *data,
   ByteCount                          dataSize,
   ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsRef    frameOptions,
   const ICMFrameTimeRecord           *frameTime,
   void                               *sourceFrameRefCon );

A decompression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionCreate.


A pointer to the compressed data for this frame. The data must remain in this location until ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackProc is called with the kICMDecompressionTracking_ReleaseSourceData flag set in decompressionTrackingFlags.


The number of bytes of compressed data. You may not pass 0 in this parameter.


A reference to a frame decompression options object containing options for this frame. You can create this object by calling ICMDecompressionFrameOptionsCreate.


A pointer to a structure describing the frame’s timing information.


Your reference value for the frame.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Flushes the frames queued for a decompression session.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionFlush (
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef   session );

A decompression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionCreate.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The tracking callback will be called for each frame with the result –1.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the value of a specific property of a decompression session.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionGetProperty (
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef   session,
   ComponentPropertyClass       inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID          inPropID,
   ByteCount                    inPropValueSize,
   ComponentValuePtr            outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount                    *outPropValueSizeUsed );

A decompression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to a variable to receive the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to the number of bytes actually used to store the property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves information about the properties of a decompression session.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionGetPropertyInfo (
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef   session,
   ComponentPropertyClass       inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID          inPropID,
   ComponentValueType           *outPropType,
   ByteCount                    *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32                       *outPropertyFlags );

A decompression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to the size of the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to flags representing the requested information about the property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns the type ID for the current decompression session.

CFTypeID ICMDecompressionSessionGetTypeID ( void );
Return Value

A CFTypeID value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Creates a decompression session options object.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsCreate (
   CFAllocatorRef                      allocator,
   ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef   *options );

An allocator. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


On return, a reference to a decompression session options object.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Copies a decompression session options object.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsCreateCopy (
   CFAllocatorRef                      allocator,
   ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef   originalOptions,
   ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef   *copiedOptions );

An allocator. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


A decompression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


On return, a reference to a copy of the decompression session options object passed in originalOptions.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves information about properties of a decompression session options object.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsGetPropertyInfo (
   ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass              inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID                 inPropID,
   ComponentValueType                  *outPropType,
   ByteCount                           *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32                              *outPropertyFlags );

A decompression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to the size of the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to flags representing the requested information about the property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the value of a specific property of a decompression session options object.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsGetProperty (
   ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass              inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID                 inPropID,
   ByteCount                           inPropValueSize,
   ComponentValuePtr                   outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount                           *outPropValueSizeUsed );

A decompression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


The size of the property value to be retrieved.


A pointer to a variable to hold the value of the property.


On return, a pointer to the number of bytes actually used to store the property value.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns the type ID for the current decompression session options object.

CFTypeID ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsGetTypeID ( void );
Return Value

A CFTypeID value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Decrements the retain count of a decompression session options object.

void ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRelease (
   ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef   options );

A reference to a decompression session options object. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.


If the retain count drops to 0, the object is disposed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Increments the retain count of a decompression session options object.

ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRetain (
   ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef   options );

A reference to a decompression session options object. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.

Return Value

A copy of the object reference passed in options, for convenience.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the value of a specific property of a decompression session options object.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsSetProperty (
   ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef   options,
   ComponentPropertyClass              inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID                 inPropID,
   ByteCount                           inPropValueSize,
   ConstComponentValuePtr              inPropValueAddress );

A decompression session options reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


The size of the property value to be set.


A pointer to the value of the property to be set.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Increments the retain count of a decompression session.

ICMDecompressionSessionRef ICMDecompressionSessionRetain (
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef    session );

A decompression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.

Return Value

A copy of the reference passed in session, for convenience.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Decrements the retain count of a decompression session.

void ICMDecompressionSessionRelease (
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef    session );

A decompression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionCreate. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.


If the retain count drops to 0, the object is disposed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the direction for non-scheduled display time.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionSetNonScheduledDisplayDirection (
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef   session,
   Fixed                        rate );

A decompression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionCreate.


The display direction. Negative values represent backward display and positive values represent forward display.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the display time for a decompression session, and requests display of the non-scheduled queued frame at that display time, if there is one.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionSetNonScheduledDisplayTime (
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef   session,
   TimeValue64                  displayTime,
   TimeScale                    displayTimeScale,
   UInt32                       flags );

A decompression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionCreate.


A display time. Usually this is the display time of a non-scheduled queued frame.


The timescale according to which displayTime should be interpreted.


Reserved; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the value of a specific property of a decompression session.

OSStatus ICMDecompressionSessionSetProperty (
   ICMDecompressionSessionRef   session,
   ComponentPropertyClass       inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID          inPropID,
   ByteCount                    inPropValueSize,
   ConstComponentValuePtr       inPropValueAddress );

A decompression session reference. This reference is returned by ICMDecompressionSessionCreate.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kComponentPropertyClassPropertyInfo = 'pnfo'

The property information class.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kComponentPropertyInfoList = 'list'

An array of CFData values, one for each property.

kComponentPropertyCacheSeed = 'seed'

A property cache seed value.

kComponentPropertyCacheFlags = 'flgs'

One of the kComponentPropertyCache flags:


Property metadata should not be saved in persistent cache.


Property metadata should not cached at all.

kComponentPropertyExtendedInfo = 'meta'

A CFDictionary with extended property information.


The size in bytes of the property’s value.


A pointer to the property value to be set.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Gets the size of an encoded frame’s data buffer.

ByteCount ICMEncodedFrameGetBufferSize (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The physical size in bytes of the encoded frame’s data buffer.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Called by a compressor to create an encoded-frame token corresponding to a given source frame.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameCreateMutable (
   ICMCompressorSessionRef       session,
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef   sourceFrame,
   ByteCount                     bufferSize,
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef     *frameOut );

A reference to the compression session between the ICM and an image compressor component.


A reference to a frame that has been passed in sourceFrameRefCon to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame.


The size of the frame buffer in bytes.


On return, a reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The encoded frame will initially show 0 for mediaSampleFlags; if the frame is not a key frame, the compressor must call ICMEncodedFrameSetMediaSampleFlags to set mediaSampleNotSync. If the frame is droppable, the compressor should set mediaSampleDroppable. If the frame is a partial key frame, the compressor should set mediaSamplePartialSync.

The encoded frame will initially have undefined decodeTimeStamp and decodeDuration values. The compressor may set these directly by calling ICMEncodedFrameSetDecodeTimeStamp and ICMEncodedFrameSetDecodeDuration. If these are not set by the compressor, the ICM will try to derive values for them.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Gets the data buffer for an encoded frame.

UInt8 *ICMEncodedFrameGetDataPtr (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

A pointer to the object’s data buffer.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Gets the data size of the compressed frame in an encoded frame’s buffer.

ByteCount ICMEncodedFrameGetDataSize (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The logical size in bytes of the encoded frame’s data buffer, which may be less than the physical size of the buffer.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves an encoded frame’s decode duration.

TimeValue64 ICMEncodedFrameGetDecodeDuration (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The encoded frame’s decode duration.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the decode number of an encoded frame.

UInt32 ICMEncodedFrameGetDecodeNumber (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The decode number of the encoded frame.


The ICM automatically stamps ascending decode numbers on frames after the compressor emits them. The first decode number in session is 1. Compressors should not call this function.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves an encoded frame’s decode time stamp.

TimeValue64 ICMEncodedFrameGetDecodeTimeStamp (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The encoded frame’s decode time stamp.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves an encoded frame’s display duration.

TimeValue64 ICMEncodedFrameGetDisplayDuration (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The encoded frame’s display duration.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves an encoded frame’s display offset.

TimeValue64 ICMEncodedFrameGetDisplayOffset (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The encoded frame’s display offset. This is the time offset from decode time stamp to display time stamp.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves an encoded frame’s display time stamp.

TimeValue64 ICMEncodedFrameGetDisplayTimeStamp (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The encoded frame’s display time stamp.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the frame type for an encoded frame.

ICMFrameType ICMEncodedFrameGetFrameType (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The encoded frame’s frame type (see below).


This function returns one of these values:

kICMFrameType_I = 'I'

An I frame.

kICMFrameType_P = 'P'

A P frame.

kICMFrameType_B = 'B'

A B frame.

kICMFrameType_Unknown = 0

A frame of unknown type.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the image description of an encoded frame.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameGetImageDescription (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef       frame,
   ImageDescriptionHandle   *imageDescOut );

A reference to an encoded frame object.


A pointer to a handle containing the encoded frame’s image description. The caller should not dispose of this handle.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function returns the same image description handle as ICMCompressionSessionGetImageDescription.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the media sample flags for an encoded frame.

MediaSampleFlags ICMEncodedFrameGetMediaSampleFlags (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The object’s media sample flags. These flags are listed in the header file Movies.h.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the similarity value for an encoded frame.

Float32 ICMEncodedFrameGetSimilarity (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The encoded frame’s similarity value. 1.0 means identical; 0.0 means not at all alike. The default value is –1.0, which means unknown.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the reference value of an encoded frame’s source frame.

void *ICMEncodedFrameGetSourceFrameRefCon (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.


The source frame’s reference value is copied from the session’s sourceFrameRefCon parameter that was passed to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves the timescale of an encoded frame.

TimeScale ICMEncodedFrameGetTimeScale (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

The time scale of an encoded frame. This is always the same as the time scale of the compression session.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns the type ID for the current encoded frame object.

CFTypeID ICMEncodedFrameGetTypeID ( void );
Return Value

A CFTypeID value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Retrieves an encoded frame’s flags indicating which of its time stamps and durations are valid.

ICMValidTimeFlags ICMEncodedFrameGetValidTimeFlags (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef   frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object.

Return Value

One of the constants listed below.


This function returns one of these values:

kICMValidTime_DisplayTimeStampIsValid = 1L<<0

The value of displayTimeStamp is valid.

kICMValidTime_DisplayDurationIsValid = 1L<<1

The value of displayDuration is valid.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Decrements the retain count of an encoded frame object.

void ICMEncodedFrameRelease (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef    frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.


If the retain count drops to 0, the object is disposed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Increments the retain count of an encoded frame object.

ICMEncodedFrameRef ICMEncodedFrameRetain (
   ICMEncodedFrameRef    frame );

A reference to an encoded frame object. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.

Return Value

A reference to the object passed in frame, for convenience.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the data size of the compressed frame in an encoded frame’s buffer.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameSetDataSize (
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef   frame,
   ByteCount                   dataSize );

A reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.


The data size of the compressed frame in the encoded frame object’s buffer.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets an encoded frame’s decode duration.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameSetDecodeDuration (
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef   frame,
   TimeValue64                 decodeDuration );

A reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.


The encoded frame’s decode duration.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function automatically sets the kICMValidTime_DecodeDurationIsValid flag.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets an encoded frame’s decode time stamp.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameSetDecodeTimeStamp (
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef   frame,
   TimeValue64                 decodeTimeStamp );

A reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.


The encoded frame’s decode time stamp.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function automatically sets the kICMValidTime_DecodeTimeStampIsValid flag. If the display time stamp is valid, it also sets the kICMValidTime_DisplayOffsetIsValid flag.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets an encoded frame’s display duration.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameSetDisplayDuration (
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef   frame,
   TimeValue64                 displayDuration );

A reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.


The encoded frame’s display duration.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function automatically sets the kICMValidTime_DisplayDurationIsValid flag.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets an encoded frame’s display time stamp.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameSetDisplayTimeStamp (
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef   frame,
   TimeValue64                 displayTimeStamp );

A reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.


The encoded frame’s display time stamp.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function automatically sets the kICMValidTime_DisplayTimeStampIsValid flag. If the decode time stamp is valid, it also sets the kICMValidTime_DisplayOffsetIsValid flag.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets an encoded frame’s flags that indicate which of its time stamps and durations are valid.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameSetValidTimeFlags (
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef   frame,
   ICMValidTimeFlags           validTimeFlags );

A reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.


One of the following constants:

kICMValidTime_DisplayTimeStampIsValid = 1L<<0

The value of displayTimeStamp is valid.

kICMValidTime_DisplayDurationIsValid = 1L<<1

The value of displayDuration is valid.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


Setting an encoded frame’s decode or display time stamp or duration automatically sets the corresponding valid time flags. For example, calling ICMEncodedFrameSetDecodeTimeStamp sets kICMValidTime_DisplayTimeStampIsValid. If both the encoded frame’s decode time stamp and display time stamp are valid, kICMValidTime_DisplayOffsetIsValid is automatically set.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the media sample flags for an encoded frame.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameSetMediaSampleFlags (
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef   frame,
   MediaSampleFlags            mediaSampleFlags );

A reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.


The object’s media sample flags. These flags are listed in the header file Movies.h.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the frame type for an encoded frame.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameSetFrameType (
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef   frame,
   ICMFrameType                frameType );

A reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.


The frame type to be set:

kICMFrameType_I = 'I'

An I frame.

kICMFrameType_P = 'P'

A P frame.

kICMFrameType_B = 'B'

A B frame.

kICMFrameType_Unknown = 0

A frame of unknown type.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets the similarity for an encoded frame.

OSStatus ICMEncodedFrameSetSimilarity (
   ICMMutableEncodedFrameRef   frame,
   Float32                     similarity );

A reference to an encoded frame object with write capabilities.


The encoded frame’s similarity value to be set. 1.0 means identical; 0.0 means not at all alike. The default value is –1.0, which means unknown.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns a particular property of a image description handle.

OSStatus ICMImageDescriptionGetProperty (
   ImageDescriptionHandle inDesc,
   ComponentPropertyClass inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID inPropID,
   ByteCount inPropValueSize,
   ComponentValuePtr outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount *outPropValueSizeUsed );

The image description handle being interrogated.


The class of property being requested.


The ID of the property being requested.


The size of the property value buffer.


Points to the buffer to receive the property value.


Points to a variable to receive the actual size of returned property value. (This can be NULL).

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This routine returns a particular property of a image description handle.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns information about a particular property of a image description.

OSStatus ICMImageDescriptionGetPropertyInfo (
   ImageDescriptionHandle inDesc,
   ComponentPropertyClass inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID inPropID,
   ComponentValueType *outPropType,
   /*can be NULL */ ByteCount *outPropValueSize,
   /*can be NULL */ UInt32 *outPropertyFlags );

The image description handle being interrogated.


The class of property being requested.


The ID of the property being requested.


The type of property is returned here. (This can be NULL).


The size of property is returned here. (This can be NULL).


The property flags are returned here. (This can be NULL).

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Sets a particular property of a image description handle.

OSStatus ICMImageDescriptionSetProperty (
   ImageDescriptionHandle inDesc,
   ComponentPropertyClass inPropClass,
   ComponentPropertyID inPropID,
   ByteCount inPropValueSize,
   ConstComponentValuePtr inPropValueAddress );

The image description handle being modified.


The class of property being set.


The ID of the property being set.


The size of property value.


Points to the property value buffer.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Called by a multipass-capable compressor to retrieve data at a given time stamp.

OSStatus ICMMultiPassStorageCopyDataAtTimeStamp (
   ICMMultiPassStorageRef   multiPassStorage,
   TimeValue64              timeStamp,
   long                     index,
   CFMutableDataRef         *dataOut );

The multipass storage object.


The time stamp at which the value should be retrieved.


An index by which multiple values may be stored at a time stamp. The meaning of individual indexes is private to the compressor.


A pointer to memory to receive the data at the time stamp.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Assembles a multipass storage mechanism from callbacks.

OSStatus ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithCallbacks (
   CFAllocatorRef                 allocator,
   ICMMultiPassStorageCallbacks   *callbacks,
   ICMMultiPassStorageRef         *multiPassStorageOut );

An allocator for this task. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


A structure containing a collection of callbacks for creating a custom multipass storage object. See ICMMultiPassStorageCallbacks.


A reference to the new multipass storage object.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Creates multipass storage using a temporary file.

OSStatus ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithTemporaryFile (
   CFAllocatorRef                     allocator,
   FSRef                              *directoryRef,
   CFStringRef                        fileName,
   ICMMultiPassStorageCreationFlags   flags,
   ICMMultiPassStorageRef             *multiPassStorageOut );

An allocator for this task. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.


A reference to a file directory. If you pass NULL, the ICM will use the user’s Temporary Items folder.


A file name to use for the storage. If you pass NULL, the ICM will pick a unique name. If you pass the name of a file that already exists, the ICM will assume you are continuing a previous multipass session where you left off. This file will be deleted when the multipass storage is released, unless you set the kICMMultiPassStorage_DoNotDeleteWhenDone flag.


Flag controlling this process:

kICMMultiPassStorage_DoNotDeleteWhenDone = 1L<<0

The temporary file should not be deleted when the multipass storage is released.


A reference to the new multipass storage.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Called by a multipass-capable compressor to retrieve a time stamp for which a value is stored.

OSStatus ICMMultiPassStorageGetTimeStamp (
   ICMMultiPassStorageRef    multiPassStorage,
   TimeValue64               fromTimeStamp,
   ICMMultiPassStorageStep   step,
   TimeValue64               *timeStampOut );

The multipass storage object.


The initial time stamp. This value is ignored for some values of step.


Indicates the kind of time stamp search to perform:

kICMMultiPassStorage_GetFirstTimeStamp = 1

Requests the first time stamp at which a value is stored.

kICMMultiPassStorage_GetPreviousTimeStamp = 2

Requests the previous time stamp before the time stamp specified in fromTimeStamp at which a value is stored.

kICMMultiPassStorage_GetNextTimeStamp = 3

Requests the next time stamp after the time stamp specified in fromTimeStamp at which a value is stored.

kICMMultiPassStorage_GetLastTimeStamp = 4

Requests the last time stamp at which a value is stored.


A pointer to a TimeValue64 value to receive the found time stamp. It will be set to –1 if no time stamp is found.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Returns the type ID for the current multipass storage object.

CFTypeID ICMMultiPassStorageGetTypeID ( void );
Return Value

A CFTypeID value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Decrements the retain count of a multipass storage object.

void ICMMultiPassStorageRelease (
   ICMMultiPassStorageRef    multiPassStorage );

A reference to a multipass storage object. You can create this object using ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithTemporaryFile or ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithCallbacks. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.


If the retain count drops to 0, the object is disposed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Increments the retain count of a multipass storage object.

ICMMultiPassStorageRef ICMMultiPassStorageRetain (
   ICMMultiPassStorageRef    multiPassStorage );

A reference to a multipass storage object. You can create this object using ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithTemporaryFile or ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithCallbacks. If you pass NULL, nothing happens.

Return Value

A reference to the object passed in multiPassStorage, for convenience.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Called by a multipass-capable compressor to store data at a given time stamp.

OSStatus ICMMultiPassStorageSetDataAtTimeStamp (
   ICMMultiPassStorageRef   multiPassStorage,
   TimeValue64              timeStamp,
   long                     index,
   CFDataRef                data );

The multipass storage object.


The time stamp at which the value should be stored.


An index by which multiple values may be stored at a time stamp. The meaning of individual indexes is private to the compressor.


The data to be stored, or NULL to delete the value.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The new data replaces any previous data held at that time stamp. If the value of data is NULL, the data for that time stamp is deleted. The format of the data is private to the compressor.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Notifies the compressor that it should operate in multipass mode and use the given multipass storage.

ComponentResult ImageCodecBeginPass (
   ComponentInstance                ci,
   ICMCompressionPassModeFlags      passModeFlags,
   UInt32                           flags,
   ICMMultiPassStorageRef           multiPassStorage);

A component instance that identifies a connection to an image codec component.


Indicates how the compressor should operate in this pass. If the kICMCompressionPassMode_WriteToMultiPassStorage flag is set, the compressor may gather information of interest and store it in multiPassStorage. If the kICMCompressionPassMode_ReadFromMultiPassStorage flag is set, the compressor may retrieve information from multiPassStorage. If the kICMCompressionPassMode_OutputEncodedFrames flag is set, the compressor must encode or drop every frame by calling ICMCompressorSessionDropFrame or ICMCompressorSessionEmitEncodedFrame. If that flag is not set, the compressor should not call these routines.


Reserved. Ignore this parameter.


The multipass storage object that the compressor should use to store and retrieve information between passes.

Return Value

An error code, or noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCodec.h


Directs the compressor to finish with a queued source frame, either emitting or dropping it.

ComponentResult ImageCodecCompleteFrame (
   ComponentInstance                ci,
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef      sourceFrame,
   UInt32                           flags );

A component instance that identifies a connection to an image codec component.


The source frame that must be completed.


Reserved; ignore.

Return Value

An error code, or noErr if there is no error.


This frame does not necessarily need to be the first or only source frame emitted or dropped during this call, but the compressor must call either ICMCompressorSessionDropFrame or ICMCompressorSessionEmitEncodedFrame with this frame before returning. The ICM will call this function to force frames to be encoded for the following reasons: (a) the maximum frame delay count or maximum frame delay time in the compressionSessionOptions does not permit frames to be queued; (b) the client has called ICMCompressionSessionCompleteFrames.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Not supported C interface file: ImageCodec.h


Returns an ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord structure for an image codec component.

ComponentResult ImageCodecDecodeBand (
   ComponentInstance                ci,
   ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord    *drp,
   unsigned long                    flags );

A component instance that identifies a connection to an image codec component.


A pointer to an ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord structure.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code, or noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Not supported C interface file: ImageCodec.h


Presents the compressor with a frame to encode.

ComponentResult ImageCodecEncodeFrame (
   ComponentInstance                ci,
   ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef      sourceFrame,
   unsigned long                    flags );

A component instance that identifies a connection to an image codec component.


The source frame to encode.


Reserved; ignore.

Return Value

An error code, or noErr if there is no error.


The compressor may encode the frame immediately or queue it for later encoding. If the compressor queues the frame for later decode, it must retain it (by calling ICMCompressorSourceFrameRetain) and release it when it is done with it (by calling ICMCompressorSourceFrameRelease). Pixel buffers are guaranteed to conform to the pixel buffer attributes returned by ImageCodecPrepareToCompressFrames. During multipass encoding, if the compressor requested the kICMCompressionPassMode_NoSourceFrames flag, the source frame pixel buffers may be NULL. (Note: this replaces ImageCodecBandCompress.)

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Not supported C interface file: ImageCodec.h


Prepares the compressor to receive frames.

ComponentResult ImageCodecPrepareToCompressFrames (
   ComponentInstance                ci,
   ICMCompressorSessionRef          session,
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef  compressionSessionOptions,
   ImageDescriptionHandle           imageDescription,
   void                             *reserved,
   CFDictionaryRef                      *compressorPixelBufferAttributesOut);

A component instance that identifies a connection to an image codec component.


The compressor session reference. The compressor should store this in its globals; it will need it when calling the ICM back (for example, to call ICMEncodedFrameCreateMutable and ICMCompressorSessionEmitEncodedFrame). This is not a CF type. Do not call CFRetain or CFRelease on it.


The session options from the client. The compressor should retain this and use the settings to guide compression.


The image description. The compressor may add image description extensions.


Reserved for future use. Ignore this parameter.


The compressor should create a pixel buffer attributes dictionary and set compressorPixelBufferAttributesOut to it. The ICM will release it.

Return Value

An error code, or noErr if there is no error.


The compressor should record session and retain compressionSessionOptions for use in later calls. The compressor may modify imageDescription at this point. The compressor should create and return pixel buffer attributes, which the ICM will release. (Note: this replaces ImageCodecPreCompress.)

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Not supported C interface file: ImageCodec.h


Provides the compressor with an opportunity to perform processing between passes.

ComponentResult ImageCodecProcessBetweenPasses (
   ComponentInstance                ci,
   ICMMultiPassStorageRef           multiPassStorage,
   Boolean                          *interpassProcessingDoneOut,
   ICMCompressionPassModeFlags      *requestedNextPassModeFlagsOut );

A component instance that identifies a connection to an image codec component.


The multipass storage object that the compressor should use to store and retrieve information between passes.


Points to a Boolean. Set this to FALSE if you want your ImageCodecProcessBetweenPasses function to be called again to perform more processing, TRUE if not.


Set *requestedNextPassModeFlagsOut to indicate the type of pass that should be performed next: To recommend a repeated analysis pass, set it to kICMCompressionPassMode_ReadFromMultiPassStorage| kICMCompressionPassMode_WriteToMultiPassStorage. To recommend a final encoding pass, set it to kICMCompressionPassMode_ReadFromMultiPassStorage | kICMCompressionPassMode_OutputEncodedFrames. If source frame buffers are not necessary for the recommended pass (for example, because all the required data has been copied into multipass storage), set kICMCompressionPassMode_NoSourceFrames.

Return Value

An error code, or noErr if there is no error.


This function will be called repeatedly until it returns TRUE in *interpassProcessingDoneOut. The compressor may read and write to multiPassStorage. The compressor should indicate which type of pass it would prefer to perform next by setting *requestedNextPassTypeOut.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Not supported. C interface file: ImageCodec.h


Invokes the specified property listener of a track.

void InvokeQTTrackPropertyListenerUPP (
   Track inTrack,
   QTPropertyClass inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID inPropID,
   void *inUserData,
   QTTrackPropertyListenerUPP userUPP );

The track of this operation.


A property class.


A property ID.


A pointer to user data that will be passed to the callback.


A QTTrackPropertyListenerUPP pointer.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Tests whether a media contains display offsets.

Boolean MediaContainsDisplayOffsets (
   Media    theMedia );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.

Return Value

TRUE if the media is valid and contains at least one sample with a nonzero display offset; FALSE otherwise.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Finds the sample for a specified decode time.

void MediaDecodeTimeToSampleNum (
   Media          theMedia,
   TimeValue64    decodeTime,
   SInt64         *sampleNum,
   TimeValue64    *sampleDecodeTime,
   TimeValue64    *sampleDecodeDuration );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A 64-bit time value that represents the decode time for which you are retrieving sample information. You must specify this value in the media's time scale.


A pointer to a variable that is to receive the sample number. The function returns the sample number that identifies the sample that contains data for the specified decode time, or 0 if it is not found.


A pointer to a time value. The function updates this time value to indicate the decode time of the sample specified by the logicalSampleNum parameter. This time value is expressed in the media’s time scale. Set this parameter to NULL if you do not want this information.


A pointer to a time value. The function updates this time value to indicate the decode duration of the sample specified by the logicalSampleNum parameter. This time value is expressed in the media’s time scale. Set this parameter to NULL if you do not want this information.


You can access this function's error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError. It returns paramErr if there is a bad parameter value, invalidTime if sampleDecodeTime is out of the decode time range, or noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Fnds the sample number for a specified display time.

void MediaDisplayTimeToSampleNum (
   Media          theMedia,
   TimeValue64    displayTime,
   SInt64         *sampleNum,
   TimeValue64    *sampleDisplayTime,
   TimeValue64    *sampleDisplayDuration );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A 64-bit time value that represents the display time for which you are retrieving sample information. You must specify this value in the media’s time scale.


A pointer to a long integer that is to receive the sample number. The function returns the sample number that identifies the sample for the specified display time, or 0 if it is not found.


A pointer to a time value. The function updates this time value to indicate the display time of the sample specified by the logicalSampleNum parameter. This time value is expressed in the media’s time scale. Set this parameter to NULL if you do not want this information.


A pointer to a time value. The function updates this time value to indicate the display duration of the sample specified by the logicalSampleNum parameter. This time value is expressed in the media’s time scale. Set this parameter to NULL if you do not want this information.


You can access this function's error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError. It returns paramErr if there is a bad parameter value, invalidTime if sampleDisplayTime is out of the display time range, or noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Begins a movie audio extraction session and will return badCallOrderErr if the specified movie is not Active.

OSStatus MovieAudioExtractionBegin (
   Movie                      m,
   UInt32                     flags,
   MovieAudioExtractionRef    *outSession );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


Reserved; must be 0.


A pointer to an opaque session object.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


You must call this function before doing any movie audio extraction, because you will pass the object returned by outSession to the other movie audio extraction functions. The format of the extracted audio defaults to the summary channel layout of the movie (all right channels mixed together, all left surround channels mixed together, and so on.), 32-bit float, de-interleaved, with the sample rate set to the highest sample rate found in the movie. You can set the audio format to be something else, as long as it is uncompressed and you do it before your first call to MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Ends a movie audio extraction session.

OSStatus MovieAudioExtractionEnd (
   MovieAudioExtractionRef    session );

The session object returned by MovieAudioExtractionBegin.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


You must call this function when movie audio extraction is complete.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Extracts audio from a movie.

OSStatus MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer (
   MovieAudioExtractionRef    session,
   UInt32                     *ioNumFrames,
   AudioBufferList            *ioData,
   UInt32                     *outFlags );

The session object returned by MovieAudioExtractionBegin.


A pointer to the number of PCM frames to be extracted.


A pointer to an AudioBufferList allocated by the caller to hold the extracted audio data.


A bit flag that indicates when extraction is complete:


The extraction process is complete. Value is (1L << 0).

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


You call this function repeatedly; each call continues extracting audio where the last call left off. The function will extract as many of the requested PCM frames as it can, given the limits of the buffer supplied and the limits of the input movie. ioNumFrames will be updated with the exact number of valid frames being returned. When there is no more audio to extract from the movie, the function will continue to return noErr but will return no further audio data. In this case, the outFlags parameter will have its kMovieAudioExtractionComplete bit set. It is possible that the kMovieAudioExtractionComplete bit will accompany the last buffer of valid data.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Gets a property of a movie audio extrraction session.

OSStatus MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty (
   MovieAudioExtractionRef    session,
   QTPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID               inPropID,
   ByteCount                  inPropValueSize,
   QTPropertyValuePtr         outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount                  *outPropValueSizeUsed);

The session object returned by MovieAudioExtractionBegin.


Pass the following constant to define the property class: Property of an audio presentation; value is 'audi'.


The property ID.


The size of the buffer allocated to receive the property value.


A pointer to the buffer allocated to receive the property value.


The actual size of the property value.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


You can get and set more than just the channel layout. There are four properties, discussed below, all of which are gettable and settable (with some having restrictions on not setting after first calling MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer).

Properties of the movie that is extracted from kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Movie include the following movie class IDs:

  • kQTMovieAudioExtractionMoviePropertyID_CurrentTime. The value is a TimeRecord, which you can set and get. When setting, you set the timescale to anything you want (for example, the output audio sample rate or the movie timescale). When getting, the timescale will be output audio sample rate for best accuracy.

  • kQTMovieAudioExtractionMoviePropertyID_AllChannelsDiscrete. The value is Boolean (which is settable and gettable). Set to implement export of all audio channels without mixing. When this is set and the extraction audio stream basic description (ASBD) or channel layout are read back, you get information relating to the re-mapped movie.

  • kQTMovieAudioExtractionMoviePropertyID_CurrentTime = ‘time’. The value is a TimeRecord , which is gettable and settable.

Properties of the output audio extracted from kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio include the following output audio class properties:

  • kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription. The value is an AudioStreamBasicDescription. You can get any time and set before first the MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer call. If you get this property immediately after beginning an audio extraction session, it will tell you the default extraction format for the movie. This will include the number of channels in the default movie mix. If you set the output AudioStreamBasicDescription, it is recommended that you also set the output channel layout. If your output ASBD has a different number of channels than the default extraction mix, you must set the output channel layout. You can only set PCM output formats. Setting a compressed output format will fail.

  • :kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_AudioChannelLayout. The value is AudioChannelLayout, which you can get any time and set before first the MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer call. If you get this property immediately after beginning an audio extraction session, it tells you what the channel layout is for the default extraction mix.

The information in this discussion also applies to the following functions:

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Gets information about a property of a movie audio extraction session.

OSStatus MovieAudioExtractionGetPropertyInfo (
   MovieAudioExtractionRef    session,
   QTPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID               inPropID,
   QTPropertyValueType        *outPropType,
   ByteCount                  *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32                     *outPropertyFlags );

The session object returned by MovieAudioExtractionBegin.


Pass the following constant to define the property class: Property of an audio presentation; value is 'audi


The property ID.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to the size of the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to flags representing the requested information about the item’s property.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Sets a property of a movie audio extraction session.

OSStatus MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty (
   MovieAudioExtractionRef    session,
   QTPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID               inPropID,
   ByteCount                  inPropValueSize,
   ConstQTPropertyValuePtr    inPropValueAddress );

The session object returned by MovieAudioExtractionBegin.


Pass the following constant to define the property class: Property of an audio presentation; value is 'audi'.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:


The summary audio channel layout of a movie, or any other grouping of audio streams. All like-labeled channels are combined, without duplicates. For example, if there is a stereo (L/R) track, 5 single-channel tracks marked Left, Right, Left Surround, Right Surround and Center, and a 4-channel track marked L/R/Ls/Rs, then the summary AudioChannelLayout will be L/R/Ls/Rs/C, not L/R/L/R/Ls/Rs/C/L/R/Ls/Rs. The value of this constant is 'clay'.


The size of the property value.


A const void pointer that points to the property value.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Allocates a new Universal Procedure Pointer for a MovieExportStageReachedCallbackProc callback.

MovieExportStageReachedCallbackUPP NewMovieExportStageReachedCallbackUPP (
   MovieExportStageReachedCallbackProcPtr    userRoutine );

A pointer to your application-defined callback function; see ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackProc.

Return Value

A new Universal Procedure Pointer that you will use to invoke your callback.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h


Creates a new movie using movie properties.

OSStatus NewMovieFromProperties (
ItemCount                    inputPropertyCount,
QTNewMoviePropertyElement    *inputProperties,
ItemCount                    outputPropertyCount,
QTNewMoviePropertyElement    *outputProperties,
Movie                        *theMovie );

The number of properties in the array passed in inputProperties.


A pointer to a property array describing how to instantiate the movie. See QTNewMoviePropertyElement.


The number of properties in the array passed in outputProperties.


A pointer to a property array to receive output parameters. See QTNewMoviePropertyElement. You may pass NULL if you don’t want this information. The caller is responsible for calling the appropriate routines to dispose of any property values returned here. Since callers specify the property classes and IDs, they know who to call to dispose of the property values.


A pointer to a variable that receives the new movie.

Return Value

An error code. Returns memFullErr if the function could not allocate memory, paramErr if inputProperties or theMovie is NULL, or noErr if there is no error.


This function can be used in all the cases where an existing NewMovieFrom... call is used. When calling this function, you supply a set of input properties that describe the information required to instantiate the movie (its data reference, audio context, visual context, and so on). You can also supply a set of output properties that you may be interested in; for example, information about whether the data reference was changed. See New Movie Property Codes.

This function verifies its input properties is as follows. First, the propStatus field of both the input and output property arrays is set to kQTPropertyUnprocessedErr. Then the input properties are checked one by one. If there is no problem with a property, its propStatus is set to noErr (0). If there is a problem, the propStatus for the property is set to 1 and the function returns paramErr. It is an error if a property is not recognized; paramErr is returned and the appropriate propStatus is set to kQTPropertyNotSupportedErr. Another error is multiple data locations defined. In this case, the property status for the second data location is set to paramErr. It is not considered a fatal error if this function does not recognize an output property; the property’s propStatus simply remains kQTPropertyUnprocessedErr.

The only output properties currently defined are those that support the behavior of functions of the form NewMovieFrom.... For example, if you want to act upon the data reference being updated during the opening process, you would pass in the kQTMovieInstantiationPropertyID_ResultDataLocationChanged property.

This function must be used with kQTContextPropertyID_VisualContext to open a movie, for visual contexts to function with the movie. If you want to use visual contexts with a movie but want to inspect the movie prior to allocating the visual context to use (for instance you want to get the movie box), use kQTContextPropertyID_VisualContext with a NULL value. Otherwise, visual context calls with the movie will fail with an error. Using GWorld structures with the movie will also fail.

To handle special situations where this function cannot be used by your application, there is a method to switch a movie from GWorld mode to visual context mode. SetMovieVisualContext can be used to set a NULL visual context, which will disassociate the movie from its current visual context or GWorld. At this time, either SetMovieGWorld or SetMovieVisualContext can be used. If a movie is associated with a GWorld, visual context calls such as GetMovieVisualContext will fail. If a movie is a associated with a valid visual context, GWorld calls such as GetMovieGWorld will fail.

If a call to this function succeeds using a visual context or audio context, those objects will be explicitly retained for use by the movie. The movie object is responsible for releasing them. If you no longer need access to a context, it is safe to release it.

If no data location property is specified, then this function will behave like NewMovie, creating an empty movie. Thus NewMovieFromProperties(0, nil, 0, nil, &movie) is functionally equivalent to movie = NewMovie(0).

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Creates a new callback to monitor a track property.

QTTrackPropertyListenerUPP NewQTTrackPropertyListenerUPP (
   QTTrackPropertyListenerProcPtr userRoutine );

A pointer to a QTTrackPropertyListenerProcPtr callback.

Return Value

A new UPP; see Universal Procedure Pointers in the QuickTime API Reference.


This routine creates a new callback to monitor a track property.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Installs a callback to monitor a track property.

OSErr QTAddTrackPropertyListener (
   Track inTrack,
   QTPropertyClass inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID inPropID,
   QTTrackPropertyListenerUPP inListenerProc,
   void *inUserData );

The track for this operation.


A property class.


A property ID.


A Universal Procedure Pointer to a QTTrackPropertyListenerProc callback.


A pointer to user data that will be passed to the callback.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This routine installs a callback to monitor a track property.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Creates a QTAudioContext object that encapsulates a connection to a CoreAudio output device.

OSStatus QTAudioContextCreateForAudioDevice (
   CFAllocatorRef allocator,
   CFStringRef coreAudioDeviceUID,
   CFDictionaryRef options,
   QTAudioContextRef *newAudioContextOut );

Allocator used to create the audio context.


CoreAudio device UID. NULL means the default device.


Reserved. Pass NULL.


Points to a variable to receive the new audio context.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This routine creates a QTAudioContext object that encapsulates a connection to a CoreAudio output device. This object is suitable for passing to SetMovieAudioContext or NewMovieFromProperties, which targets the audio output of the movie to that device. A QTAudioContext object cannot be associated with more than one movie. Each movie needs its own connection to the device. In order to play more than one movie to a particular device, create a QTAudioContext object for each movie. You are responsible for releasing the QTAudioContext object created by this routine. After calling SetMovieAudioContext or NewMovieFromProperties, you can release the object since these APIs will retain it for their own use. On Windows, the audioDeviceUID is the GUID of a DirectSound device, stringified using such Win32 functions as StringFromCLSID or StringFromGUID2, then wrapped in a CFStringRef using CFStringCreateWithCharacters. After passing the audioDeviceUID CFStringRef to QTAudioContextCreateForAudioDevice, remember to CFRelease the CFStringRef you created.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Retains a movie’s metadata object and returns it.

OSStatus QTCopyMovieMetaData (
Movie            inMovie,
QTMetaDataRef    *outMetaData );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A pointer to an opaque metadata object wrapper associated with the movie passed in inMovie.

Return Value

Returns invalidMovie if the movie passed in inMovie is invalid, or noErr if there is no error.


This function returns the metadata object associated with a movie. The object has retain/release semantics. It has already been retained before returning, but you should call QTMetaDataRelease when you are done. Because the movie can be disposed of at any time, the QTMetaDataRef may be valid when the movie no longer exists. In this case, the function will fail with a kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Retains a track’s metadata object and returns it.

OSStatus QTCopyTrackMetaData (
Track            inTrack,
QTMetaDataRef    *outMetaData );

A track identifier, which your application obtains from such functions as NewMovieTrack and GetMovieTrack.


A pointer to an opaque metadata object wrapper associated with the track passed in inTrack.

Return Value

Returns invalidMedia if the track passed in inTrack is invalid, or noErr if there is no error.


This function returns the metadata object associated with a track. The object has retain/release semantics. It has already been retained before returning, but you should call QTMetaDataRelease when you are done. Because the track can be disposed of at any time, the QTMetaDataRef may be valid when the track no longer exists. In this case, the function will fail with a kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Retains a media’s metadata object and returns it.

OSStatus QTCopyMediaMetaData (
Media            inMedia,
QTMetaDataRef    *outMetaData );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A pointer to an opaque metadata object wrapper associated with the media passed in inMedia.

Return Value

Returns invalidMedia if the media passed in inMedia is invalid, or noErr if there is no error.


This function returns the metadata object associated with a media. The object has retain/release semantics. It has already been retained before returning, but you should call QTMetaDataRelease when you are done. Because the media can be disposed of at any time, the QTMetaDataRef may be valid when the media no longer exists. In this case, the function will fail with a kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the value of a specific track property.

OSErr QTGetTrackProperty (
   Track inTrack,
   QTPropertyClass inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID inPropID,
   ByteCount inPropValueSize,
   QTPropertyValuePtr outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount *outPropValueSizeUsed );

The track for this operation.


A property class.


A property ID.


The size of the buffer allocated to hold the property value.


A pointer to the buffer allocated to hold the property value.


On return, the actual size of the value written to the buffer.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This routine returns the value of a specific track property.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns information about the properties of a track.

OSErr QTGetTrackPropertyInfo (
   Track inTrack,
   QTPropertyClass inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID inPropID,
   QTPropertyValueType *outPropType,
   ByteCount *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32 *outPropertyFlags );

The track for this operation.


A property class.


A property ID.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold the property type on return.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold the size of the property value on return.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold property flags on return.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This routine returns information about the properties of a track.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Finds and loads a QuickTime library DLL.

   const char *szDLL );

The name, not the full path for this operation.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is the instance handle.


This routine takes the name of the QuickTime DLL and searches all the places where it can be installed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7 for Windows.

  • C interface file: QTLoadLibraryUtils.h


Adds an inline metadata item to the metadata storage format.

OSStatus QTMetaDataAddItem (
QTMetaDataRef              inMetaData,
QTMetaDataStorageFormat    inMetaDataFormat,
QTMetaDataKeyFormat        inKeyFormat,
const UInt8                *inKeyPtr,
ByteCount                  inKeySize,
const UInt8                *inValuePtr,
ByteCount                  inValueSize,
UInt32                     inDataType,
QTMetaDataItem             *outItem);

The metadata object for this operation.


The metadata storage format used by the object passed in inMetaData. The format may be UserData storage, iTunes metadata storage, or QuickTime metadata storage. Not all objects will include all forms of storage, and other storage formats may appear in the future. You cannot pass kQTMetaDataStorageFormatWildcard to target all storage formats.


The format of the key.


A pointer to the key of the item to be fetched next. You may pass NULL in this parameter if you are not interested in any specific key.


The size of the key in bytes.


A pointer to the value to be added. This can be NULL if inValueSize is 0.


The size of inValuePtr in bytes. Pass 0 if you want to add an item with no value.


A data type from the following list:

kQTMetaDataTypeBinary               = 0,
kQTMetaDataTypeUTF8                 = 1,
kQTMetaDataTypeUTF16BE              = 2,
kQTMetaDataTypeMacEncodedText       = 3,
kQTMetaDataTypeSignedIntegerBE      = 21,
kQTMetaDataTypeUnsignedIntegerBE    = 22,
kQTMetaDataTypeFloat32BE            = 23,
kQTMetaDataTypeFloat64BE            = 24

With kQTMetaDataTypeSignedIntegerBE and kQTMetaDataTypeUnsignedIntegerBE, the size of the integer is determined by the value size.


On return, a pointer to an opaque, unique UInt64 identifier of the newly added item. Your application can use this to identify the metadata item within a metadata object for other metadata functions. You may pass NULL if you are not interested in the identifier of the newly added item. This identifier does not need to be disposed of.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidStorageFormatErr if the metatada storage format is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidKeyErr if the key or its format is invalid, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.


The data type of the metadata item is assumed to be binary.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the number of items in a metadata storage format with a certain key.

OSStatus QTMetaDataGetItemCountWithKey (
QTMetaDataRef              inMetaData,
QTMetaDataStorageFormat    inMetaDataFormat,
QTMetaDataKeyFormat        inKeyFormat,
const UInt8                *inKeyPtr,
ByteCount                  inKeySize,
ItemCount                  *outCount);

The metadata object for this operation.


The metadata storage format used by the object passed in inMetaData. The format may be UserData storage, iTunes metadata storage, or QuickTime metadata storage. Not all objects will include all forms of storage, and other storage formats may appear in the future. You cannot pass kQTMetaDataStorageFormatWildcard to target all storage formats.


The format of the key.


A pointer to the key of the item to be fetched next. You may pass NULL in this parameter if you are not interested in any specific key.


The size of the key in bytes.


The number of items in the metadata storage format that have the specified key.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidStorageFormatErr if the metatada storage format is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidKeyErr if the key or its format is invalid, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns a property of a metadata item.

OSStatus QTMetaDataGetItemProperty (
QTMetaDataRef         inMetaData,
QTMetaDataItem        inItem,
QTPropertyClass       inPropClass,
QTPropertyID          inPropID,
ByteCount             inPropValueSize,
QTPropertyValuePtr    outPropValueAddress,
ByteCount             *outPropValueSizeUsed );

The metadata object for this operation.


The opaque, unique UInt64 identifier of the metadata item for this operation. Your application obtains this item identifier from such functions as QTMetaDataAddItem and QTMetaDataGetNextItem.


The class of the property being asked about.


The ID of the property being asked about.


Size of the buffer allocated to receive the property value.


A pointer to the buffer allocated to receive the item’s property value.


On return, the actual size of buffer space used.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidItemErr if the metatada item ID is invalid, errPropNotSupported if the metatada object does not support the property being asked about, buffersTooSmall if the allocated buffer is too small to hold the property, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns information about a property of a metadata item.

OSStatus QTMetaDataGetItemPropertyInfo (
QTMetaDataRef          inMetaData,
QTMetaDataItem         inItem,
QTPropertyClass        inPropClass,
QTPropertyID           inPropID,
QTPropertyValueType    *outPropType,
ByteCount              *outPropValueSize,
UInt32                 *outPropFlags );

The metadata object for this operation.


The opaque, unique UInt64 identifier of the metadata item for this operation. Your application obtains this item identifier from such functions as QTMetaDataAddItem and QTMetaDataGetNextItem.


The class of the property being asked about.


The ID of the property being asked about.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to the size of the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to flags representing the requested information about the item’s property.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidItemErr if the metatada item ID is invalid, errPropNotSupported if the metatada object does not support the item property being asked about, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the value of a metadata item from an item identifier.

OSStatus QTMetaDataGetItemValue (
QTMetaDataRef     inMetaData,
QTMetaDataItem    inItem,
UInt8             *outValuePtr,
ByteCount         inValueSize,
ByteCount         *outActualSize );

The metadata object for this operation.


The opaque, unique UInt64 identifier of the metadata item for this operation. Your application can obtain this item identifier from such functions as QTMetaDataAddItem.


A pointer to the first value of the item. You may pass NULL in this parameter if you just want to find out the size of the buffer needed.


The number of bytes in the outValuePtr buffer. You may pass 0 if you just want to find out the size of the buffer needed.


The actual size of the value if this parameter is not NULL.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidItemErr if the metatada item ID is invalid, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.


You can use this function to get the value of a metadata item that has a known item identifier.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the next metadata item corresponding to a specified key.

OSStatus QTMetaDataGetNextItem (
QTMetaDataRef              inMetaData,
QTMetaDataStorageFormat    inMetaDataFormat,
QTMetaDataItem             inCurrentItem,
QTMetaDataKeyFormat        inKeyFormat,
const UInt8                *inKeyPtr,
ByteCount                  inKeySize,
QTMetaDataItem             *outNextItem );

The metadata object for this operation.


The metadata storage format used by the object passed in inMetaData. The format may be UserData storage, iTunes metadata storage, or QuickTime metadata storage. Not all objects will include all forms of storage, and other storage formats may appear in the future. Pass kQTMetaDataStorageFormatWildcard to target all storage formats.


The opaque, unique UInt64 identifier of the current metadata item to start the search. Your application obtains this item identifier from such functions as QTMetaDataAddItem.


The format of the key.


A pointer to the key of the item to be fetched next. You may pass NULL in this parameter if you are not interested in any specific key.


The size of the key in bytes.


The ID of the next metadata item after the item specified by inCurrentItem that has the specified key.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidItemErr if the metatada item ID is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidStorageFormatErr if the metatada storage format is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidKeyErr if the key or its format is invalid, kQTMetaDataNoMoreItemErr if the last item has been fetched, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.


If the item designated by inCurrentItem is kQTMetaDataItemUninitialized, the function returns the first item with the specified key in the storage format. If it refers to a valid item in the storage format, the function will return the next item with the key after the item designated by inCurrentItem.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns a property of a metadata object.

OSStatus QTMetaDataGetProperty (
QTMetaDataRef         inMetaData,
QTPropertyClass       inPropClass,
QTPropertyID          inPropID,
ByteCount             inPropValueSize,
QTPropertyValuePtr    outPropValueAddress,
ByteCount             *outPropValueSizeUsed );

The metadata object for this operation.


The class of the property being asked about.


The ID of the property being asked about.


Size of the buffer allocated to receive the property value.


A pointer to the buffer allocated to receive the property value.


On return, the actual size of buffer space used.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, errPropNotSupported if the metatada object does not support the property being asked about, buffersTooSmall if the allocated buffer is too small to hold the property, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns information about a property of a metadata object.

OSStatus QTMetaDataGetPropertyInfo (
QTMetaDataRef          inMetaData,
QTPropertyClass        inPropClass,
QTPropertyID           inPropID,
QTPropertyValueType    *outPropType,
ByteCount              *outPropValueSize,
UInt32                 *outPropFlags );

The metadata object for this operation.


The class of the property being asked about.


The ID of the property being asked about.


A pointer to the type of the returned property’s value.


A pointer to the size of the returned property’s value.


On return, a pointer to flags representing the requested information about the property.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, errPropNotSupported if the metatada object does not support the property being asked about, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Increments the retain count of a metadata object.

QTMetaDataRef QTMetaDataRetain ( QTMetaDataRef inMetaData );

A metadata object that you want to retain.

Return Value

If successful, returns a metadata object that is the same as that passed in inMetaData.


This function retains a metadata object by incrementing its reference count. You should retain every metadata object when you receive it from elsewhere and you want it to persist. If you retain a metadata object you are responsible for releasing it by calling QTMetaDataRelease.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Decrements the retain count of a metadata object.

void QTMetaDataRelease ( QTMetaDataRef inMetaData );

This function releases a metadata object by decrementing its reference count. When the count becomes 0 the memory allocated to the object is freed and the object is destroyed. If you retain a metadata object you are responsible for releasing it when you no longer need it.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Removes a metadata item from a storage format.

OSStatus QTMetaDataRemoveItem (
QTMetaDataRef     inMetaData,
QTMetaDataItem    inItem );

The metadata object for this operation.


The opaque, unique UInt64 identifier of the metadata item for this operation. Your application obtains this item identifier from such functions as QTMetaDataAddItem and QTMetaDataGetNextItem.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidItemErr if the metatada item ID is invalid, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Removes metadata items with a specific key from the storage format.

OSStatus QTMetaDataRemoveItemsWithKey (
QTMetaDataRef              inMetaData,
QTMetaDataStorageFormat    inMetaDataFormat,
QTMetaDataKeyFormat        inKeyFormat,
const UInt8                *inKeyPtr,
ByteCount                  inKeySize);

The metadata object for this operation.


The metadata storage format used by the object passed in inMetaData. The format may be UserData storage, iTunes metadata storage, or QuickTime metadata storage. Not all objects will include all forms of storage, and other storage formats may appear in the future. You can pass kQTMetaDataStorageFormatWildcard to target all storage formats.


The format of the key.


A pointer to the key of the item to be removed. You may pass NULL in this parameter if you want to remove all items.


The size of the key in bytes.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidStorageFormatErr if the metatada storage format is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidKeyErr if the key or its format is invalid, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Sets the value of the metadata item from the item identifier.

OSStatus QTMetaDataSetItem (
QTMetaDataRef     inMetaData,
QTMetaDataItem    inItem,
UInt8             *inValuePtr,
ByteCount         inValueSize,
UInt32            inDataType);

The metadata object for this operation.


The opaque, unique UInt64 identifier of the metadata item for this operation. Your application obtains this item identifier from such functions as QTMetaDataAddItem and QTMetaDataGetNextItem.


A pointer to the value to be set. This can be NULL if inValueSize is 0.


The size of inValuePtr in bytes. Pass 0 if you want to set an item with no value.


A data type from the following list:

kQTMetaDataTypeBinary               = 0,
kQTMetaDataTypeUTF8                 = 1,
kQTMetaDataTypeUTF16BE              = 2,
kQTMetaDataTypeMacEncodedText       = 3,
kQTMetaDataTypeSignedIntegerBE      = 21,
kQTMetaDataTypeUnsignedIntegerBE    = 22,
kQTMetaDataTypeFloat32BE            = 23,
kQTMetaDataTypeFloat64BE            = 24

With kQTMetaDataTypeSignedIntegerBE and kQTMetaDataTypeUnsignedIntegerBE, the size of the integer is determined by the value size.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidItemErr if the metatada item ID is invalid, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.


You can use this function to set the value of the metadata item with a given item identifier. You can set an item with an empty value by passing 0 in inValueSize.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Sets a property of a metadata item.

OSStatus QTMetaDataSetItemProperty (
QTMetaDataRef              inMetaData,
QTMetaDataItem             inItem,
QTPropertyClass            inPropClass,
QTPropertyID               inPropID,
ByteCount                  inPropValueSize,
ConstQTPropertyValuePtr    inPropValueAddress );

The metadata object for this operation.


The opaque, unique UInt64 identifier of the metadata item for this operation. Your application obtains this item identifier from such functions as QTMetaDataAddItem and QTMetaDataGetNextItem.


The class of the property being set.


The ID of the property being set.


Size of the buffer containing the property value being set.


A pointer to the buffer containing the item property value being set.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, kQTMetaDataInvalidItemErr if the metatada item ID is invalid, errPropNotSupported if the metatada object does not support the property being set, qtReadOnlyErr if the property being set is read-only, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Sets a property of a metadata object.

OSStatus QTMetaDataSetProperty (
QTMetaDataRef              inMetaData,
QTPropertyClass            inPropClass,
QTPropertyID               inPropID,
ByteCount                  inPropValueSize,
ConstQTPropertyValuePtr    inPropValueAddress);

The metadata object for this operation.


The class of the property being set.


The ID of the property being set.


Size of the buffer containing the property value being set.


A pointer to the buffer containing the property value being set.

Return Value

Returns kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr if the metadata object or its reference is invalid, errPropNotSupported if the metatada object does not support the property being set, qtReadOnlyErr if the property being set is read-only, or noErr if there is no error. See “Metadata Error Codes”.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Creates a new OpenGL texture context for a specified OpenGL context and pixel format.

OSStatus QTOpenGLTextureContextCreate (
   CFAllocatorRef               allocator,
   CGLContextObj                cglContext,
   CGLPixelFormatObj            cglPixelFormat,
   CFDictionaryRef              attributes,
   QTOpenGLTextureContextRef    *newTextureContext );

The allocator used to create the texture context.


A pointer to an opaque CGLPContextObj structure representing the OpenGL context used to create textures. You can create this structure using CGLCreateContext.


The pixel format object that specifies buffer types and other attributes of the new context.


A dictionary of attributes.


A pointer to a variable to receive the new OpenGL texture context.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Creates a new pixel buffer context with the given attributes.

OSStatus QTPixelBufferContextCreate (
   CFAllocatorRef allocator,
   CFDictionaryRef attributes,
   QTVisualContextRef *newPixelBufferContext );

Allocator used to create the pixel buffer context.


Dictionary of attributes.


Points to a variable to receive the new pixel buffer context.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This routine creates a new pixel buffer context with the given attributes.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Removes a track property monitoring callback

OSErr QTRemoveTrackPropertyListener (
   Track inTrack,
   QTPropertyClass inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID inPropID,
   QTTrackPropertyListenerUPP inListenerProc,
   void *inUserData );

The track for this operation.


A property class.


A property ID.


A Universal Procedure Pointer to a QTTrackPropertyListenerProc callback.


User data to be passed to the callback.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This routine removes a track property monitoring callback.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Adds a sample description to a sample table, returning a sample description ID that can be used to refer to it.

OSStatus QTSampleTableAddSampleDescription (
   QTMutableSampleTableRef    sampleTable,
   SampleDescriptionHandle    sampleDescriptionH,
   long                       mediaSampleDescriptionIndex,
   QTSampleDescriptionID      *sampleDescriptionIDOut );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


A handle to a SampleDescription structure. QuickTime will make its own copy of this handle.


The sample description index of this sample description in a media. Pass 0 for sample descriptions you add to sample tables, to indicate that this was not retrieved from a media.


A pointer to a variable to receive a sample description ID.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


You can use the returned sample description ID when adding samples to the sample table.

Special Considerations

Sample description IDs are local to each sample table. The same sample description handle may have different IDs when referenced in different sample tables.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Adds sample references to a sample table.

OSStatus QTSampleTableAddSampleReferences (
   QTMutableSampleTableRef    sampleTable,
   SInt64                     dataOffset,
   ByteCount                  dataSizePerSample,
   TimeValue64                decodeDurationPerSample,
   TimeValue64                displayOffset,
   SInt64                     numberOfSamples,
   MediaSampleFlags           sampleFlags,
   QTSampleDescriptionID      sampleDescriptionID,
   SInt64                     *newSampleNumOut );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


A 64-bit signed integer that specifies the offset at which the first sample begins.


The number of bytes of data per sample. You must pass the data size per sample, not the total size of all the samples as with some other APIs.


A 64-bit time value that specifies the decode duration of each sample.


A 64-bit time value that specifies the offset from decode time to display time of each sample. If the decode times and display times are the same, pass 0.


A 64-bit signed integer, which must be greater than 0, that specifies the number of samples.


Flags that indicate the sync status of all samples:


If set to 1, indicates that the sample to be added is not a sync sample. Set this flag to 0 if the sample is a sync sample.


If set to 1, the sample is a shadow sync sample.


The ID of a sample description that has been added to the sample table with QTSampleTableAddSampleDescription.


A 64-bit signed integer that points to a variable to receive the sample number of the first sample that was added. Pass NULL if you don't want this information.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Retrieves a sample description from a sample table.

OSStatus QTSampleTableCopySampleDescription (
   QTSampleTableRef           sampleTable,
   QTSampleDescriptionID      sampleDescriptionID,
   long                       *mediaSampleDescriptionIndexOut,
   SampleDescriptionHandle    *sampleDescriptionHOut );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


The sample description ID.


A pointer to a variable to receive a media sample description index. If the sample description came from a media, this is the index that could be passed to GetMediaSampleDescription to retrieve the same sample description handle. The index will be 0 if the sample description did not come directly from a media. Pass NULL if you do not want to receive this information.


A pointer to a variable to receive a newly allocated sample description handle. Pass NULL if you do not want one. The caller is responsible for disposing the returned sample description handle using DisposeHandle.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Creates a new, empty sample table.

OSStatus QTSampleTableCreateMutable (
   CFAllocatorRef             allocator,
   TimeScale                  timescale,
   void                       *hints,
   QTMutableSampleTableRef    *newSampleTable );

The allocator to use for the new sample table.


A long integer that represents the timescale to use for durations and display offsets.


Reserved; pass NULL.


A pointer to a variable that receives a new reference to an opaque sample table object.

Return Value

An error code. Returns memFullErr if it could not allocate memory, paramErr if the time scale is not positive or newSampleTable is NULL, or noErr if there is no error.


The newly created sample table contains no sample references. When sample references are added, their durations and display offsets are interpreted according to the sample table’s current timescale.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Copies a sample table.

OSStatus QTSampleTableCreateMutableCopy (
   CFAllocatorRef             allocator,
   QTSampleTableRef           sampleTable,
   void                       *hints,
   QTMutableSampleTableRef    *newSampleTable );

The allocator to use for the new sample table.


A reference to an opaque sample table object to copy.


Reserved; set to NULL.


A pointer to a variable that receives a reference to an opaque sample table object.

Return Value

An error code. Returns memFullErr if it could not allocate memory, paramErr if the time scale is not positive or newSampleTable is NULL, or noErr if there is no error.


All the sample references and sample descriptions in the sample table are copied.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the data offset of a sample.

SInt64 QTSampleTableGetDataOffset (
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable,
   SInt64              sampleNum );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


A 64-bit signed integer that represents a sample number. The first sample’s number is 1.

Return Value

A 64-bit signed integer that represents the offset to the sample. Returns 0 if sampleTable is NULL or if the sample number is out of range.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the data size of a sample.

ByteCount QTSampleTableGetDataSizePerSample (
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable,
   SInt64              sampleNum );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


A 64-bit signed integer that represents the sample number. The first sample’s number is 1.

Return Value

The size of the sample in bytes. Returns 0 if samplTable is NULL or if the sample number is out of range.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the decode duration of a sample.

TimeValue64 QTSampleTableGetDecodeDuration (
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable,
   SInt64              sampleNum );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


A 64-bit signed integer that represents the sample number. The first sample’s number is 1.

Return Value

A 64-bit time value that represents the decode duration of the sample. Returns 0 if samplTable is NULL or if the sample number is out of range.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the offset from decode time to display time of a sample.

TimeValue64 QTSampleTableGetDisplayOffset (
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable,
   SInt64              sampleNum );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


A 64-bit signed integer that represents the sample number. The first sample’s number is 1.

Return Value

A 64-bit time value that represents the offset from decode time to display time of the sample. Returns 0 if samplTable is NULL or if the sample number is out of range.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Finds the next sample number at which one or more of a set of given sample attributes change.

OSStatus QTSampleTableGetNextAttributeChange (
   QTSampleTableRef          sampleTable,
   SInt64                    startSampleNum,
   QTSampleTableAttribute    attributeMask,
   SInt64                    *sampleNumOut );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


A 64-bit signed integer that contains the sample number to start searching from.


An unsigned 32-bit integer that contains flags indicating which kinds of attribute changes to search for:

kQTSampleTableAttribute_DiscontiguousData = 1L << 0

Set this flag to find the first sample number num such that samples num-1 and num are not adjacent; that is, dataOffset of num-1 + dataSize of num-1 != dataOffset of num.

kQTSampleTableAttribute_DataSizePerSampleChange = 1L << 1

Set this flag to find the first sample with data size per sample different from that of the starting sample.

kQTSampleTableAttribute_DecodeDurationChange = 1L << 2

Set this flag to find the first sample with decode duration different from that of the starting sample.

kQTSampleTableAttribute_DisplayOffsetChange = 1L << 3

Set this flag to find the first sample with display offset different from that of the starting sample.

kQTSampleTableAttribute_SampleDescriptionIDChange = 1L << 4

Set this flag to find the first sample with sample description ID different from that of the starting sample.

kQTSampleTableAttribute_SampleFlagsChange = 1L << 5

Set this flag to find the first sample with any media sample flags different from those of the starting sample.

kQTSampleTableAnyAttributeChange = 0

If no flags are set, find the first sample with any attribute different from the starting sample.


A 64-bit signed integer that points to a variable to receive the next sample number after startSampleNum at which any of the requested attributes change. If no attribute changes are found, this variable is set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the number of samples in a sample table.

SInt64 QTSampleTableGetNumberOfSamples (
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.

Return Value

A 64-bit signed integer that contains the number of samples, or 0 if sampleTable is NULL.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the value of a specific sample table property.

OSStatus QTSampleTableGetProperty (
   QTSampleTableRef      sampleTable,
   QTPropertyClass       inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID          inPropID,
   ByteCount             inPropValueSize,
   QTPropertyValuePtr    outPropValueAddress,
   ByteCount             *outPropValueSizeUsed );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kQTPropertyClass_SampleTable = 'qtst'

Property of a sample table.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_TotalDecodeDuration = 'tded'

The total decode duration of all samples in the sample table. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MinDisplayOffset = '<ddd'

The least display offset in the table. Negative offsets are less than positive offsets. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MaxDisplayOffset = '>ddd'

The greatest display offset in the table. Positive offsets are greater than negative offsets. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MinRelativeDisplayTime = '<dis'

The least display time of all samples in the table, relative to the decode time of the first sample in the table. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MaxRelativeDisplayTime = '>dis'

The greatest display time of all samples in the table, relative to the decode time of the first sample in the table. Read-only.


The size of the buffer allocated to receive the property value.


A pointer to the buffer allocated to receive the property value.


On return, the actual size of the property value written to the buffer.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns information about the properties of a sample table.

OSStatus QTSampleTableGetPropertyInfo (
   QTSampleTableRef       sampleTable,
   QTPropertyClass        inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID           inPropID,
   QTPropertyValueType    *outPropType,
   ByteCount              *outPropValueSize,
   UInt32                 *outPropertyFlags );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kQTPropertyClass_SampleTable = 'qtst'

Property of a sample table.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_TotalDecodeDuration = 'tded'

The total decode duration of all samples in the sample table. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MinDisplayOffset = '<ddd'

The least display offset in the table. Negative offsets are less than positive offsets. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MaxDisplayOffset = '>ddd'

The greatest display offset in the table. Positive offsets are greater than negative offsets. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MinRelativeDisplayTime = '<dis'

The least display time of all samples in the table, relative to the decode time of the first sample in the table. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MaxRelativeDisplayTime = '>dis'

The greatest display time of all samples in the table, relative to the decode time of the first sample in the table. Read-only.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold the property type on return: Pass NULL if you do not want this information.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold the size of the property value on return. Pass NULL if you do not want this information.


A pointer to memory allocated to hold property flags on return. Pass NULL if you do not want this information.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the sample description ID of a sample.

QTSampleDescriptionID QTSampleTableGetSampleDescriptionID (
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable,
   SInt64              sampleNum );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


A 64-bit signed integer that represents the sample number. The first sample’s number is 1.

Return Value

The sample’s sample description ID. Returns 0 if samplTable is NULL or if the sample number is out of range.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the media sample flags of a sample.

MediaSampleFlags QTSampleTableGetSampleFlags (
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable,
   SInt64              sampleNum );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


A 64-bit signed integer that represents the sample number. The first sample’s number is 1.

Return Value

A constant that describes characteristics of the sample (see below). Returns 0 if samplTable is NULL or if the sample number is out of range.


This function can return one or more of the following constants:


Sample is not a sync sample (for example, it is is frame differenced).


Sample is a shadow sync sample.


Sample does not need to be decoded for later samples to be decoded properly.


Sample is a partial sync sample (for example, 1 frame after open GOP).


Sample is known to contain redundant coding.


Sample is known not to contain redundant coding.


One or more other samples depend on this sample being decoded.


Synonym for mediaSampleDroppable.


Decoding this sample depends on decoding other samples.


Decoding this sample does not depend on decoding other samples.


Samples later in decode order may have earlier display times.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the timescale of a sample table.

TimeScale QTSampleTableGetTimeScale (
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.

Return Value

A long integer that represents the sample’s time scale, or 0 if sampleTable is NULL.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Returns the CFTypeID value for the current sample table.

CFTypeID QTSampleTableGetTypeID ( void );
Return Value

A CFTypeID value.


You could use this to test whether a CFTypeRef that was extracted from a CF container such as a CFArray is a QTSampleTableRef.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Decrements the retain count of a sample table.

void QTSampleTableRelease (
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable );

A reference to an opaque sample table object. If you pass NULL in this parameter, nothing happens.


If the retain count decreases to zero, the sample table is disposed.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Replaces a range of samples in a sample table with a range of samples from another sample table.

OSStatus QTSampleTableReplaceRange (
   QTMutableSampleTableRef    destSampleTable,
   SInt64                     destStartingSampleNum,
   SInt64                     destSampleCount,
   QTSampleTableRef           sourceSampleTable,
   SInt64                     sourceStartingSampleNum,
   SInt64                     sourceSampleCount );

A reference to an opaque sample table object to be modified.


A 64-bit signed integer that represents the first sample number in destSampleTable to be replaced or deleted, or the sample number at which samples should be inserted.


A 64-bit signed integer that represents the number of samples to be removed from destSampleTable. Pass 0 to insert samples without removing samples.


A reference to an opaque sample table object from which samples should be copied, or NULL to delete samples.


A 64-bit signed integer that represents the first sample number to be copied. This parameter is ignored when deleting samples.


A 64-bit signed integer that represents the number of samples which should be copied. Pass 0 to delete samples.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This function removes destSampleCount samples from destSampleTable starting with destStartingSampleNum, and then inserts sourceSampleCount samples from sourceSampleTable starting with sourceStartingSampleNum where the removed samples were. Sample descriptions will be copied if necessary and new sample description IDs defined. This function can also be used to delete a range of samples, or to insert samples without removing any.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Increments the retain count of a sample table.

QTSampleTableRef QTSampleTableRetain (
   QTSampleTableRef    sampleTable );

A reference to an opaque sample table object. If you pass NULL in this parameter, nothing happens.

Return Value

A pointer to the OpaqueQTSampleTable structure that is returned for your convenience, or NULL if the function fails.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Sets the value of a specific sample table property.

OSStatus QTSampleTableSetProperty (
   QTSampleTableRef           sampleTable,
   QTPropertyClass            inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID               inPropID,
   ByteCount                  inPropValueSize,
   ConstQTPropertyValuePtr    inPropValueAddress );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


Pass the following constant to define the property class:

kQTPropertyClass_SampleTable = 'qtst'

Property of a sample table.


Pass one of these constants to define the property ID:

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_TotalDecodeDuration = 'tded'

The total decode duration of all samples in the sample table. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MinDisplayOffset = '<ddd'

The least display offset in the table. Negative offsets are less than positive offsets. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MaxDisplayOffset = '>ddd'

The greatest display offset in the table. Positive offsets are greater than negative offsets. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MinRelativeDisplayTime = '<dis'

The least display time of all samples in the table, relative to the decode time of the first sample in the table. Read-only.

kQTSampleTablePropertyID_MaxRelativeDisplayTime = '>dis'

The greatest display time of all samples in the table, relative to the decode time of the first sample in the table. Read-only.


Pass the size of the property value.


Pass a const void pointer to the property value.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Changes the timescale of a sample table.

OSStatus QTSampleTableSetTimeScale (
   QTMutableSampleTableRef    sampleTable,
   TimeScale                  newTimeScale );

A reference to an opaque sample table object.


A long integer whose value is the time scale to be set.

Return Value

An error code. Returns paramErr if the time scale is not positive or sampleTable is NULL, or noErr if there is no error.


The durations and display offsets of all the sample references in the sample table are scaled from the old timescale to the new timescale. No durations are scaled to a value less than 1. Display offsets are adjusted to avoid display time collisions.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Sets the value of a specific track property.

OSErr QTSetTrackProperty (
   Track inTrack,
   QTPropertyClass inPropClass,
   QTPropertyID inPropID,
   ByteCount inPropValueSize,
   ConstQTPropertyValuePtr inPropValueAddress );

The track for this operation.


A property class.


A property ID.


The size of the property value.


A pointer to the the property value.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


This routine sets the value of a specific track property.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Converts a sound description from one version to another.

OSStatus QTSoundDescriptionConvert (
QTSoundDescriptionKind    fromKind,
SoundDescriptionHandle    fromDescription,
QTSoundDescriptionKind    toKind,
SoundDescriptionHandle    *toDescription );

Reserved. Set to kSoundDescriptionKind_Movie_AnyVersion.


A handle to the sound description to be converted.


The version you want fromDescription to be.


A reference to the resulting SoundDescription structure. You must dispose of the reference using DisposeHandle.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The fromKind parameter is reserved for future expansion; at present you must set it to kSoundDescriptionKind_Movie_AnyVersion. Depending on the value you pass in toKind, you can specify that you would like a specific SoundDescription version, the lowest possible version (given the constraints of the format described by fromDescription), or any version at all.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Creates a sound description structure of the requested kind from an AudioStreamBasicDescription, optional audio channel layout, and optional magic cookie.

OSStatus QTSoundDescriptionCreate (
AudioStreamBasicDescription    *inASBD,
AudioChannelLayout             *inLayout,
ByteCount                      inLayoutSize,
void                           *inMagicCookie
ByteCount                      inMagicCookieSize
QTSoundDescriptionKind         inRequestedKind
SoundDescriptionHandle         *outSoundDesc );

A description of the format.


The audio channel layout (can be NULL if there isn’t one).


The size of the audio channel layout (should be 0 if inLayout is NULL).


The magic cookie for the decompressor (can be NULL if the decompressor doesn’t require one).


The size of the magic cookie (should be 0 if the inMagicCookie parameter is NULL).


The kind of sound description to create.


The resulting sound description. The caller must dispose of it with DisposeHandle.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Gets information about a particular property of a sound description.

OSStatus QTSoundDescriptionGetPropertyInfo (
SoundDescriptionHandle     inDesc,
QTPropertyClass            inPropClass,
QTPropertyID               inPropID,
QTPropertyValueType        *outPropType,
ByteCount                  *outPropValueSize,
UInt32                      *outPropertyFlags);

The sound description being interrogated.


The class of the property being requested.


The ID of the property being requested.


The type of the property returned here (can be NULL).


The size of the property returned here (can be NULL).


The property flags returned here (can be NULL).

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The following constants identify sound description properties.

enum {
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioChannelLayout = 'clay',
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_MagicCookie = 'kuki',
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription = 'asbd',
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_UserReadableText = 'text'
Special Considerations
kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioChannelLayout = 'clay'

Used to get or set an AudioChannelLayout value. This is a variable-size property because it may contain an array of Channel Descriptions. You must get the size by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetPropertyInfo, allocate a structure of that size, and then get the property.

kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_MagicCookie = 'kuki'

Used to get or set opaque bytes. This is a variable-size property, because it is completely defined by the codec that uses the cookie. You must get the size by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetPropertyInfo, allocate a structure of that size, and then get the property.

kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription = 'asbd'

Used to get an AudioStreamBasicDescription value.

kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_UserReadableText = 'text'

Used to get a CFStringRef value. QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty does a CFRetain of the returned CFString on behalf of the caller, so the caller is responsible for calling CFRelease on the returned CFString.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Gets a particular property of a sound description.

OSStatus QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty (
SoundDescriptionHandle     inDesc,
QTPropertyClass            inPropClass,
QTPropertyID               inPropID,
ByteCount                  inPropValueSize,
QTPropertyValuePtr         outPropValueAddress,
ByteCount                  *outPropValueSizeUsed);

The sound description being interrogated.


The class of the property being requested.


The ID of the property being requested.


The size of the property value buffer.


A pointer to the property value buffer.


The actual size of the returned property value (can be NULL).

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The following constants identify sound description properties.

enum {
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioChannelLayout = 'clay',
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_MagicCookie = 'kuki',
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription = 'asbd',
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_UserReadableText = 'text'
Special Considerations
kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioChannelLayout = 'clay'

Used to get or set an AudioChannelLayout value. This is a variable-size property because it may contain an array of Channel Descriptions. You must get the size by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetPropertyInfo, allocate a structure of that size, and then get the property.

kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_MagicCookie = 'kuki'

Used to get or set opaque bytes. This is a variable-size property, because it is completely defined by the codec that uses the cookie. You must get the size by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetPropertyInfo, allocate a structure of that size, and then get the property.

kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription = 'asbd'

Used to get an AudioStreamBasicDescription value.

kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_UserReadableText = 'text'

Used to get a CFStringRef value. QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty does a CFRetain of the returned CFString on behalf of the caller, so the caller is responsible for calling CFRelease on the returned CFString.

kQTAudioPropertyID_FormatString = 'fstr'

Used with kQTPropertyClass_Audio to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that describes an audio format; for example, “MPEG Layer 3.” You may get this property from a SoundDescription handle by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty or from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

kQTAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayoutString = 'lstr'

Used with kQTPropertyClass_Audio to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that describes an audio channel layout; for example, “5.0 (L R C Ls Rs).” You may get this property from a SoundDescription handle by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty or from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

kQTAudioPropertyID_SampleRateString = 'rstr'

Used to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that describes an audio sample rate; for example, “44.100 kHz.” You may get this property from a SoundDescription handle by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty or from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

kQTAudioPropertyID_SampleSizeString = 'sstr'

Used to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that describes an audio sample size; for example, “24-bit.” This property will return a valid string only if the audio format is uncompressed (LPCM). You may get this property from a SoundDescription handle by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty or from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

kQTAudioPropertyID_BitRateString = 'bstr'

Used to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that describes an audio bit rate; for example, “12 kbps.” You may get this property from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

kQTAudioPropertyID_SummaryString = 'asum'

Used to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that summarizes an audio format; for example, “16-bit Integer (Big Endian), Stereo (L R), 48.000 kHz.” You may get this property from a SoundDescription handle by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty or from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Sets a particular property of a sound description.

OSStatus QTSoundDescriptionSetProperty (
SoundDescriptionHandle     inDesc,
QTPropertyClass            inPropClass,
QTPropertyID               inPropID,
ByteCount                  inPropValueSize,
ConstQTPropertyValuePtr   inPropValueAddress );

The sound description being modified.


The class of the property being set.


The ID of the property being set.


The size of the property value buffer.


A pointer to the property value buffer.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The following constants identify sound description properties.

enum {
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioChannelLayout = 'clay',
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_MagicCookie = 'kuki',
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription = 'asbd',
    kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_UserReadableText = 'text'
Special Considerations
kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioChannelLayout = 'clay'

Used to get or set an AudioChannelLayout value. This is a variable-size property because it may contain an array of Channel Descriptions. You must get the size by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetPropertyInfo, allocate a structure of that size, and then get the property.

kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_MagicCookie = 'kuki'

Used to get or set opaque bytes. This is a variable-size property, because it is completely defined by the codec that uses the cookie. You must get the size by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetPropertyInfo, allocate a structure of that size, and then get the property.

kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription = 'asbd'

Used to get an AudioStreamBasicDescription value.

kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_UserReadableText = 'text'

Used to get a CFStringRef value. QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty does a CFRetain of the returned CFString on behalf of the caller, so the caller is responsible for calling CFRelease on the returned CFString.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Finds the decode time for a specified sample.

void SampleNumToMediaDecodeTime (
   Media          theMedia,
   SInt64         logicalSampleNum,
   TimeValue64    *sampleDecodeTime,
   TimeValue64    *sampleDecodeDuration );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A 64-bit signed integer that contains the sample number.


A pointer to a time value. The function updates this time value to indicate the decode time of the sample specified by the logicalSampleNum parameter. This time value is expressed in the media's time scale. Set this parameter to NULL if you do not want this information.


A pointer to a time value. The function updates this time value to indicate the decode duration of the sample specified by the logicalSampleNum parameter. This time value is expressed in the media's time scale. Set this parameter to NULL if you do not want this information.


You can access this function’s error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError. It returns paramErr if there is a bad parameter value, or noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Finds the display time for a specified sample.

void SampleNumToMediaDisplayTime (
   Media          theMedia,
   SInt64         logicalSampleNum,
   TimeValue64    *sampleDisplayTime,
   TimeValue64    *sampleDisplayDuration );

The media for this operation. You obtain this media identifier from such functions as NewTrackMedia and GetTrackMedia.


A 64-bit signed integer that contains the sample number.


A pointer to a time value. The function updates this time value to indicate the display time of the sample specified by the logicalSampleNum parameter. This time value is expressed in the media's time scale. Set this parameter to NULL if you do not want this information.


A pointer to a time value. The function updates this time value to indicate the display duration of the sample specified by the logicalSampleNum parameter. This time value is expressed in the media’s time scale. Set this parameter to NULL if you do not want this information.


You can access this function’s error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError. It returns paramErr if there is a bad parameter value, or noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Invokes the legacy code options dialog of an audio codec component.

ComponentResult SCAudioInvokeLegacyCodecOptionsDialog (
   ComponentInstance    ci );

A component instance that identifies a connection to an audio codec component.

Return Value

An error code, or noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h


Creates a compression session options object based upon the settings in the Standard Compression component.

ComponentResult SCCopyCompressionSessionOptions (
   ComponentInstance ci,
   ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef *outOptions );

A component instance of Standard Compression component.


On return, a reference to a new compression session options object.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error. paramErr if the client did not set the scAllowEncodingWithCompressionSession preference flag.


This function creates a new compression session options object using the compression settings of the Standard Compression component instance. You can use other Standard Compression component calls to set up the compression settings. Then you call this function to extract the compression settings in the form of a compression session options object. The returned object can be used to create a compression session object through ICMCompressionSessionCreate().

The caller must indicate that he or she intends to use the new ICM compression session API to perform the compression operation, by setting the scAllowEncodingWithCompressionSession preference flag through SCSetInfo() with the scPreferenceFlagsType selector.

The caller of this function is expected to release the returned compression session options object through ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRelease when it is done.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h


Sets the display direction for a decompress sequence.

OSErr SetDSequenceNonScheduledDisplayDirection (
   ImageSequence    sequence,
   Fixed            rate );

Contains the unique sequence identifier that was returned by the DecompressSequenceBegin function.


The display direction to be set. Negative values represent backward display and positive values represent forward display.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h


Sets the display time for a decompression sequence.

OSErr SetDSequenceNonScheduledDisplayTime (
   ImageSequence    sequence,
   TimeValue64      displayTime,
   TimeScale        displayTimeScale,
   UInt32           flags );

Contains the unique sequence identifier that was returned by the DecompressSequenceBegin function.


The display time to be set.


The display time scale to be set.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h


Sets the balance level for the mixed audio output of a movie.

OSStatus SetMovieAudioBalance (
   Movie      m,
   Float32    leftRight,
   UInt32     flags );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A pointer to the new balance setting for the movie. The balance setting is a 32-bit floating-point value that controls the relative volume of the left and right sound channels. A value of 0 sets the balance to neutral. Positive values up to 1.0 shift the balance to the right channel, negative values up to –1.0 to the left channel.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The movie’s balance setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is closed. See GetMovieAudioBalance.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Targets a movie to render into an audio context.

OSStatus SetMovieAudioContext (
   Movie      movie,
   QTAudioContextRef    audioContext;

The movie.


The audio context that the movie will render into.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error. .

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Configures frequency metering for a particular audio mix in a movie.

OSStatus SetMovieAudioFrequencyMeteringNumBands (
   Movie           m,
   FourCharCode    whatMixToMeter,
   UInt32          *ioNumBands );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


The applicable mix of audio channels in the movie; see “Movie Audio Mixes”.


A pointer to memory that stores the number of bands being metered. On calling this function, you specify the number of frequency bands you want to meter. If that number is higher than is possible (determined by factors such as the sample rate of the audio being metered), the function will return the number of bands it is actually going to meter. You can pass NIL or a pointer to 0 to disable metering.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Sets the audio gain level for the mixed audio output of a movie, altering the perceived volume of the movie’s playback.

OSStatus SetMovieAudioGain (
   Movie      m,
   Float32    gain,
   UInt32     flags );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


A 32-bit floating-point gain value of 0 or greater. 0.0 is silent, 0.5 is –6 dB, 1.0 is 0 dB (the audio from the movie is not modified), 2.0 is +6 dB, etc. The gain level can be set higher than 1.0 to allow quiet movies to be boosted in volume. Gain settings higher than 1.0 may result in audio clipping.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The movie gain setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is closed. See GetMovieAudioGain.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Sets the mute value for the audio mix of a movie currently playing.

OSStatus SetMovieAudioMute (
   Movie      m,
   Boolean    muted,
   UInt32     flags );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


Pass TRUE to mute the movie audio, FALSE otherwise.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The movie mute setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is closed. See GetMovieAudioMute.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Enables or disables volume metering of a particular audio mix of a movie.

OSStatus SetMovieAudioVolumeMeteringEnabled (
   Movie           m,
   FourCharCode    whatMixToMeter,
   Boolean         enabled );

The movie for this operation. Your application obtains this movie identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromProperties, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle.


The applicable mix of audio channels in the movie; see “Movie Audio Mixes”.


Pass TRUE to enable audio volume metering; pass FALSE to disable it.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Sets the audio gain level for the audio output of a track, altering the perceived volume of the track’s playback.

OSStatus SetTrackAudioGain (
   Track      t,
   Float32    gain,
   UInt32     flags );

A track identifier, which your application obtains from such functions as NewMovieTrack and GetMovieTrack.


A 32-bit floating-point gain value of 0 or greater. 0.0 is silent, 0.5 is –6 dB, 1.0 is 0 dB (the audio from the track is not modified), 2.0 is +6 dB, etc. The gain level can be set higher than 1.0 to allow quiet tracks to be boosted in volume. Gain settings higher than 1.0 may result in audio clipping.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The track’s gain setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is closed. See GetTrackAudioGain.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Mutes or unmutes the audio output of a track.

OSStatus SetTrackAudioMute (
   Track      t,
   Boolean    muted,
   UInt32     flags );

A track identifier, which your application obtains from such functions as NewMovieTrack and GetMovieTrack.


Pass TRUE to mute the track’s audio, FALSE to unmute it.


Not used; set to 0.

Return Value

An error code. Returns noErr if there is no error.


The track mute setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is closed. See GetTrackAudioMute.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


Converts a track’s time value to a display time value that is appropriate to the track’s media, using the track’s edit list.

TimeValue64 TrackTimeToMediaDisplayTime (
   TimeValue64    value,
   Track          theTrack );

A 64-bit time value that represents the track’s time value; it must be expressed in the time scale of the movie that contains the track.


A track identifier, which your application obtains from such functions as NewMovieTrack and GetMovieTrack.

Return Value

A 64-bit time value that represents the corresponding time in media display time, in the media's time coordinate system. If the track time corresponds to empty space, this function returns a value of –1.


This function maps the track time through the track’s edit list to come up with the media time. This time value contains the track’s time value according to the media’s time coordinate system. If the time you specified lies outside of the movie’s active segment or corresponds to empty space in the track, this function returns a value of –1. Hence you can use it to determine whether a specified track edit is empty.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7. This function is a 64-bit replacement for TrackTimeToMediaTime.

  • Carbon status: Supported C interface file: Movies.h


The callback functions new to the QuickTime 7 API are documented alphabetically in this section.


The callback through which a client of an ICM decompression session receives decoded frames and information about decoding.

typedef void (*ICMDecompressionTrackingCallback)(
void *decompressionTrackingRefCon, OSStatus result,  ICMDecompressionTrackingFlags decompressionTrackingFlags, CVPixelBufferRef  pixelBuffer, TimeValue64 displayTime,
TimeValue64 displayDuration, ICMValidTimeFlags validTimeFlags,
void *sourceFrameRefCon, void *reserved);
// Declaration of a typical application-defined function
Boolean MyICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackProc (
   void                             *decompressionTrackingRefCon,
   OSStatus                         result,
   ICMDecompressionTrackingFlags    decompressionTrackingFlags,
   CVPixelBufferRef                 pixelBuffer,
   TimeValue64                      displayTime,
   TimeValue64                      displayDuration,
   ICMValidTimeFlags                validTimeFlags,
   void                             *sourceFrameRefCon,
   void                             *reserved );

The callback’s reference value, copied from the decompressionTrackingRefCon field of an ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackRecord structure.


Indicates whether there was an error in decompression.


One or more flags describing the a frame's state transitions:

kICMDecompressionTracking_LastCall = 1L<<0

This is the last call for this sourceFrameRefCon.

kICMDecompressionTracking_ReleaseSourceData = 1L<<1

The session no longer needs the source data pointer.

kICMDecompressionTracking_EmittingFrame = 1L<<2

A frame is being emitted. The pixelBuffer parameter contains the decompressed frame. If the decompression session is targetting a visual context, the frame has not yet been sent to the visual context but will be sent after the callback returns.

kICMDecompressionTracking_FrameDecoded = 1L<<3

This frame was decoded.

kICMDecompressionTracking_FrameDropped = 1L<<4

The codec decided to drop this frame.

kICMDecompressionTracking_FrameNeedsRequeueing = 1L<<5

This frame will not be able to be displayed unless it is queued for redecode ( this constant is also known as FrameNotDisplayable).


When the kICMDecompressionTracking_EmittingFrame flag is set in decompressionTrackingFlags, this parameter must reference a pixel buffer containing the decompressed frame.


If kICMValidTime_DisplayTimeStampIsValid is set in validTimeFlags, this parameter must pass the display time of the frame.


If kICMValidTime_DisplayDurationIsValid is set in validTimeFlags, this parameter must pass the display duration of the frame.


Indicates which of displayTime and displayDuration is valid:


The time value passed in displayTimeStamp is valid.


The time value passed in displayDuration is valid.


The frame’s reference value, copied from the sourceFrameRefCon parameter passed to ICMDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame.


Reserved for future use.


This callback is referenced by an ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackRecord.


Installed by NewMovieExportStageReachedCallbackUPP.

typedef OSErr (*MovieExportStageReachedCallbackProcPtr)(OSType inStage, Movie  inMovie, ComponentInstance inDataHandler, Handle inDataRef,
OSType inDataRefType, void *refCon);
// Declaration of a typical application-defined function
Boolean MyMovieExportStageReachedCallbackProc (
   OSType               inStage,
   Movie                inMovie,
   ComponentInstance    inDataHandler,
   Handle               inDataRef,
   OSType               inDataRefType,
   void                 *refCon );

A movie export stage.


A movie.


A data handler component.


A handle to a data reference.


The type of the data reference.


A reference constant to be passed to the callback specified in NewMovieExportStageReachedCallbackUPP. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your callback needs.


Provides access to a SGAudioMediaType channel’s data at various point along the signal flow.

typedef OSStatus (*SGAudioCallbackProcPtr)
(SGChannel c, void  *inRefCon, SGAudioCallbackFlags *ioFlags, const  AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, const UInt32 *inNumberPackets,
const AudioBufferList *inData, const AudioStreamPacketDescription  *inPacketDescriptions);
// Declaration of a typical application-defined function
OSStatus MySGAudioCallbackProc (
   SGChannel                             c,
   void                                  *inRefCon,
   SGAudioCallbackFlags                  *ioFlags,
   const AudioTimeStamp                  *inTimeStamp,
   const UInt32                          *inNumberPackets,
   const AudioBufferList                 *inData,
   const AudioStreamPacketDescription    *inPacketDescriptions );

The sequence grabber channel that has originating this callback.


A reference constant passed by the caller. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your callback needs.


Currently not used.


The time stamp associated with the first sample passed in inData.


The number of data packets held in inData. With LPCM formats the number of packets is the same as number of frames.


A bufferlist containing the requested sample data.


If the packets contained in inData are of variable size, this parameter should pass an array of inNumberPackets packet descriptions.


Use QTSetComponentProperty with kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio and any of the following property IDs to specify which callback you would like to receive:

  • kQTSGAudioPropertyID_PreMixCallback

  • kQTSGAudioPropertyID_PostMixCallback

  • kQTSGAudioPropertyID_PreConversionCallback

  • kQTSGAudioPropertyID_PostConversionCallback

Pass an SGAudioCallbackStructas the data payload. Clients define an SGAudioCallbackProc in order to tap into a SGAudioMediaType channel, gaining access to its data at various points along the signal flow chain. Clients should be aware that they may be called back on threads other than the thread on which they registered for the callback. They should do as little work as possible inside their callback, returning control as soon as possible to the channel.


Receives notifications when a new OpenGL texture becomes available.

typedef void (*QTOpenGLTextureAvailableCallback)( QTOpenGLTextureContextRef  textureContext, const CVTimeStamp *timeStamp, void *refCon );
// Declaration of a typical application-defined function
OSStatus MyQTOpenGLTextureAvailableCallback (
   QTOpenGLTextureContextRef    textureContext,
   const CVTimeStamp            *timeStamp,
   void                         *refCon );

The OpenGL texture context invoking the callback.


Time for which a new texture has become available.


A reference constant passed by the caller. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your callback needs.


Due to unpredictible activity, such as user seeks or the arrival of streaming video packets from a network, new textures may become available for times supposedly occupied by previous textures. Responsive applications, therefore, should use this callback to discover as soon as possible when a movie needs to be updated.

Data Structures

The public data structures new to the QuickTime 7 API are documented alphabetically in this section. Certain other data structures are referenced by QuickTime 7 functions but are opaque.


Designates a tracking callback for an ICM decompression session.

struct ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackRecord {
   ICMDecompressionTrackingCallback    decompressionTrackingCallback;
   void                                *decompressionTrackingRefCon;

The callback function pointer. See ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackProc.


The callback’s reference value.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Designates a collection of callbacks for creating a custom multipass storage object.

struct ICMMultiPassStorageCallbacks {
   UInt32                                     version;
   void                                       *storageRefCon;
   ICMMultiPassSetDataAtTimeStampCallback     setDataAtTimeStampCallback;
   ICMMultiPassGetTimeStampCallback           getTimeStampCallback;
   ICMMultiPassCopyDataAtTimeStampCallback    copyDataAtTimeStampCallback;
   ICMMultiPassReleaseCallback                releaseCallback;

The version of this structure. Set to kICMMultiPassStorageCallbacksVersionOne.


A pointer to a reference constant. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your callback needs.


A callback for storing values.


A callback for finding time stamps.


A callback for retrieving values.


A callback for disposing the callback's state when done.


This structure is used by ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithCallbacks.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: ImageCompression.h


Stores the frequency meter level settings for the audio channels in a movie mix.

struct QTAudioFrequencyLevels {
   UInt32     numChannels;
   UInt32     numFrequencyBands;
   Float32    level[1];

The number of audio channels.


The number of frequency bands for each channel.


A 32-bit floating-point value for each frequency band. The frequency bands for each channel are stored contiguously, with all the band levels for the first channel first, all the band levels for the second channel next, etc. The total number of 32-bit values in this field equals numFrequencyBands times numChannels.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h
Platform Considerations

Associated function: GetMovieAudioFrequencyLevels


Stores the volume level settings for the audio channels in a movie mix.

struct QTAudioVolumeLevels {
   UInt32     numChannels;
   Float32    level;

The number of audio channels.


A 32-bit floating-point value for each channel’s volume.


Note that these are variable-sized structures that must be allocated large enough.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h
Platform Considerations

Associated function: GetMovieAudioVolumeLevels


Stores a movie property for NewMovieFromProperties.

struct QTNewMoviePropertyElement {
   QTPropertyClass       propClass;
   QTPropertyID          propID;
   ByteCount             propValueSize;
   QTPropertyValuePtr    propValueAddress;
   OSStatus              propStatus;

A four-character code designating the class of a movie property. See New Movie Property Codes.


The ID of the property.


The size in bytes of the property passed in propValueAddress.


A pointer to a movie property. Since the data type is fixed for each element’s property class and ID, these is no ambiguity about the data type for its property value.


Indicates any problems with the property. For example, if a property is not understood by the function it is passed to, this field is set appropriately. See the discussion in NewMovieFromProperties.


When you call NewMovieFromProperties, you allocate and own arrays of these elements to pass to it, as well as the property values that each element points to. You are responsible for disposing of all of these memory allocations.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h
Platform Considerations

Associated function: NewMovieFromProperties


Used to call an SGAudioCallbackProc.

struct SGAudioCallbackStruct {
   SGAudioCallback    inputProc;
   void               *inputProcRefCon;

An SGAudioCallbackProc.


A reference constant. Use this parameter to point to a data structure containing any information your callback needs.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h


Provides version 2 of the SoundDescription data structure.

struct SoundDescriptionV2 {
   SInt32     descSize;
   OSType     dataFormat;
   SInt32     resvd1;
   SInt16     resvd2;
   SInt16     dataRefIndex;
   SInt16     version;
   SInt16     revlevel;
   SInt32     vendor;
   SInt16     always3;
   SInt16     always16;
   SInt16     alwaysMinus2;
   SInt16     always0;
   UInt32     always65536;
   UInt32     sizeOfStructOnly;
   Float64    audioSampleRate;
   UInt32     numAudioChannels;
   SInt32     always7F000000;
   UInt32     constBitsPerChannel;
   UInt32     formatSpecificFlags;
   UInt32     constBytesPerAudioPacket;
   UInt32     constLPCMFramesPerAudioPacket;
   /* additional atom-based extensions ([long size, long type,
   some data], repeat) */

Total size of this structure, including extra data.


Set to'lpcm' for uncompressed data; otherwise set to the compression type. For a list of compression type codes, see the QuickTime API Reference.


Reserved; set to 0.


Reserved; set to 0.


Reserved; set to 0.


Version of this structure; set to 2.


Set to codec version number.


Reserved; set to 3.


Reserved; set to 16 (0x0010).


Reserved; set to –2 (0xFFFE).


Reserved; set to 0.


Reserved; set to 65536 (0x00010000).


Set to sizeof(SoundDescriptionV2), equivalent to the offset to any structure extensions.


Set to a 64-bit floating-point number representing the number of audio frames per second; for example, 44100.0.


Set to the number of audio channels; any channel assignment info will be in an extension.


Reserved; set to 7F000000.


Set to the number of bits per channel only if this value is constant and the audio is uncompressed. Otherwise set to 0.


See LPCM flag definitions in CoreAudioTypes.h.


Set to the number of bytes per packet only if this value is constant. Otherwise set to 0.


Set to the number of PCM frames per packet only if this value is constant. Otherwise set to 0.

Version Notes

Introduced in QuickTime 7.

  • Carbon status: Supported; C interface file: Movies.h
Platform Considerations

You should never have to know this definition, except for debugging purposes. Use the new QuickTime sound description APIs to treat sound descriptions as if they are opaque.


This section lists constants that are newly defined in QuickTime 7.

ICM Compression Session Options

The following values are used to select options for ICM compression session objects:

kQTPropertyClass_ICMCompressionSessionOptions = 'icso',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AllowAsyncCompletion = 'asok',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AllowFrameReordering = 'b ok',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AllowFrameTimeChanges = '+ ok',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AllowTemporalCompression = 'p ok',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AverageDataRate = 'aver',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_ColorTable = 'clut',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_CompressorComponent = 'imco',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_CompressorSettings = 'cost',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_CPUTimeBudget = 'cput',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_DataRateLimitCount = 'har#',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_DataRateLimits = 'hard',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_Depth = 'deep',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_DurationsNeeded = 'need',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MaxDataRateLimits = 'mhar',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MaxFrameDelayCount = 'cwin',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MaxFrameDelayTime = 'cwit',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MaxKeyFrameInterval = 'kyfr',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MultiPassStorage = 'imps',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_Quality = 'qual',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_SourceFrameCount = 'frco',
kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_WasCompressed = 'wasc'
kQTPropertyClass_ICMCompressionSessionOptions = 'icso'

Class identifier for compression session option object properties.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AllowAsyncCompletion = 'asok'

Enables the compressor to call the encoded-frame callback from a different thread. By default this option is FALSE, which means that the compressor must call the encoded-frame callback from the same thread as ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame and ICMCompressionSessionCompleteFrames.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AllowFrameReordering = 'b ok'

Enables frame reordering. To encode B-frames a compressor must reorder frames, which may mean that the order in which they are emitted and stored (the decode order) may be different from the order in which they are presented to the compressor (the display order). By default, frame reordering is disabled. To encode using B-frames, you must enable frame reordering by passing TRUE in this property.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AllowFrameTimeChanges = '+ ok'

Enables the compressor to modify frame times, improving its performance. Some compressors are able to identify and coalesce runs of identical frames and emit single frames with longer duration, or emit frames at a different frame rate from the original. By default, this flag is set to FALSE, which forces the compressor to emit one encoded frame for every source frame and to preserve frame display times. This option replaces the practice of having compressors return special high similarity values to indicate that frames can be dropped.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AllowTemporalCompression = 'p ok'

Enables temporal compression of P-frames and B-frames. By default, temporal compression is disabled.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_AverageDataRate = 'aver'

The long-term desired average data rate in bytes per second. This is not an absolute limit. The default data rate is zero, indicating that the setting of kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_Quality should determine the size of compressed data. Data rate settings have effect only when timing information is provided for source frames. Some codecs do not accept limiting to specified data rates.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_ColorTable = 'clut'

The color table for compression, used with indexed-color depths. Clients who are passed this property are responsible for disposing the returned CTabHandle.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_CompressorComponent = 'imco'

Sets a specific compressor component or component instance to be used, or passes one of the wildcards anyCodec, bestSpeedCodec, bestFidelityCodec, or bestCompressionCodec. Pass this option to force the Image Compression Manager to use a specific compressor component or compressor component instance. To allow the Image Compression Manager to choose the compressor component, set the compressorComponent to anyCodec (the default), bestSpeedCodec, bestFidelityCodec, or bestCompressionCodec. If you pass in a component instance that you opened, the ICM will not close that instance; you must do so after the compression session is released.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_CompressorSettings = 'cost'

A handle containing compressor settings. The compressor will be configured with these settings (by a call to ImageCodecSetSettings) during the ICMCompressionSessionCreate process.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_CPUTimeBudget = 'cput'

Recommends a CPU time budget for a compressor in microseconds per frame. Zero means to go as fast as possible. By default, this is set to kICMUnlimitedCPUTimeBudget, which sets no limit. This option provides only an advisory hint, and some compressors may ignore it. Compressors are not compelled to use the full time budget if they complete ahead of time. Multithreaded compressors may use this amount of CPU time on each processor.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_DataRateLimitCount = 'har#'

The current number of data rate limits.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_DataRateLimits = 'hard'

Zero, one, or two hard limits on data rate. Each hard limit is described by a data size in bytes and a duration in seconds. It requires that the total size of compressed data for any contiguous segment of that duration (in decode time) must not exceed the data size. By default, no data rate limits are set. When setting this property, the inPropValueSize parameter should be the number of data rate limits multiplied by sizeof(ICMDataRateLimit). Data rate settings have an effect only when timing information is provided for source frames. Some codecs do not accept limiting to specified data rates.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_Depth = 'deep'

The depth for compression. If a compressor does not support a specific depth, the closest supported depth will be used, preferring deeper depths to shallower depths. The default depth is k24RGBPixelFormat.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_DurationsNeeded = 'need'

Indicates that durations of emitted frames are needed. If this option is set and source frames are provided with times but not durations, then frames will be delayed so that durations can be calculated as the difference between one frame’s time stamp and the next frame’s time stamp. By default, this flag is FALSE, so frames will not be delayed in order to calculate durations. If you pass encoded frames to AddMediaSampleFromEncodedFrame, you must set this flag to TRUE.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MaxDataRateLimits = 'mhar'

The maximum allowed number of data rate limits, currently 2.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MaxFrameDelayCount = 'cwin'

The maximum frame delay count is the maximum number of frames that a compressor is allowed to hold before it must output a compressed frame. This value limits the number of frames that may be held in the “compression window.” If the maximum frame delay count is M, then before the call to encode frame N returns, frame N-M must have been emitted. The default value is kICMUnlimitedFrameDelayCount, which sets no limit on the compression window.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MaxFrameDelayTime = 'cwit'

The maximum frame delay time is the maximum difference between a source frame’s display time and the corresponding encoded frame»s decode time. This value limits the span of display time that may be held in the “compression window.” If the maximum frame delay time is TM, then before the call to encode a frame with display time TN returns, all frames with display times up to and including TN-TM must have been emitted. The default value is kICMUnlimitedFrameDelayTime, which sets no time limit on the compression window.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MaxKeyFrameInterval = 'kyfr'

The maximum interval between key frames, also known as the key frame rate. Compressors are allowed to generate key frames more frequently if this would result in more efficient compression. The default key frame interval is 0, which indicates that the compressor should choose where to place all key frames. This differs from previous practice, in which a key frame rate of zero disabled temporal compression.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MultiPassStorage = 'imps'

A multipass compression client must provide a storage location for multipass data. Pass ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithTemporaryFile to make the ICM store multipass data in a temporary file. Pass ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithCallbacks to manage the storage yourself. Note that the amount of multipass data to be stored can be substantial; it could be greater than the size of the output movie file. If this property is not NULL, the client must call ICMCompressionSessionBeginPass and ICMCompressionSessionEndPass around groups of calls to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame. By default, this property is NULL and multipass compression is not enabled. The compression session options object retains the multipass storage object when one is set.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_Quality = 'qual'

The compression quality. This value is always used to set the spatial quality; if temporal compression is enabled, it is also used to set temporal quality. The default quality is codecNormalQuality.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_SourceFrameCount = 'frco'

Indicates the number of source frames, if known. If nonzero, this value should equal the exact number of times that the client calls ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame in each pass. The default is 0, which indicates that the number of source frames is not known.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_WasCompressed = 'wasc'

Indicates that the source was previously compressed. This property is an optional information hint to the compressor; by default it is FALSE.

ICM Compression Session Properties

The following constants represent properties of ICM compression sessions:

kQTPropertyClass_ICMCompressionSession = 'icse',
kICMCompressionSessionPropertyID_CompressorPixelBufferAttributes = 'batt',
kICMCompressionSessionPropertyID_ImageDescription = 'idsc',
kICMCompressionSessionPropertyID_PixelBufferPool = 'pool',
kICMCompressionSessionPropertyID_TimeScale = 'tscl'
kQTPropertyClass_ICMCompressionSession = 'icse'

Class identifier for compression session properties.

kICMCompressionSessionPropertyID_CompressorPixelBufferAttributes = 'batt'

The compressor’s pixel buffer attributes for the compression session. You can use these to create a pixel buffer pool for source pixel buffers. This is not the same as the sourcePixelBufferAttributes property passed to ICMCompressionSessionCreate. Getting this property does not change its retain count.

kICMCompressionSessionPropertyID_ImageDescription = 'idsc'

The image description for a compression session. For some codecs, the image description may not be available before the first frame is compressed. Multiple calls to retrieve this property will return the same handle. The ICM will dispose of this handle when the compression session is disposed; the caller must not dispose of it.

kICMCompressionSessionPropertyID_PixelBufferPool = 'pool'

A pool that can provide ideal source pixel buffers for a compression session. The compression session creates this pixel buffer pool based on the compressor’s pixel buffer attributes and any pixel buffer attributes passed in to ICMCompressionSessionCreate. If the source pixel buffer attributes and the compressor pixel buffer attributes can not be reconciled, the pool is based on the source pixel buffer attributes and the ICM converts each CVPixelBuffer internally.

kICMCompressionSessionPropertyID_TimeScale = 'tscl'

The time scale for the compression session.

Movie Audio Mixes

Three new four-character constants define the mix of audio channels for several functions:

kQTAudioMeter_StereoMix = 'stmx'
kQTAudioMeter_MonoMix = 'momx'
kQTAudioMeter_DeviceMix = kQTAudioPropertyID_DeviceChannelLayout = 'dcly'

Meter a stereo (two-channel) mix of the enabled sound tracks in the movie. This option is offered only for MovieAudioFrequencyMetering.


Meter the movie as if it had been mixed to monaural. This option is offered only for MovieAudioFrequencyMetering.


Meter the movie’s mix to the AudioChannelLayout of the device the movie is playing to.

The constants listed above are passed by the following QuickTime 7 functions:

Audio Property Selectors

The following values are used as ComponentPropertyID selectors. Use these with the StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio ('scdi'/'audi') component. All property IDs are to be used in conjunction with the kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio property class.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableCompressionFormatList = 'acf#'

A read/listen C-style array of OSType values that specifies the list of available output compression formats. This list includes all the kAudioEncoderComponentType components and kSoundCompressor type components on the user’s system. You can restrict the list by using the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_CompressionFormatList property. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate for this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedCompressionFormatList = 'crf#'

A read/write/listen C-style array of OSType values that specifies a client-restricted set of output compression formats that you should list as available. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableCompressionFormatNamesList = 'cnm#'

A read/write CFArrayRef structure of CFStringRef structures that reference the human-readable names of each item in a kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableCompressionFormatList. The caller assumes responsibility for calling CFRelease to dispose of the CFArrayRef structure.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_HasLegacyCodecOptionsDialog = 'opn?'

Some compression formats have format-specific properties that are accessible only via a compressor-provided dialog. This constant specifies a read/listen Boolean value that lets you know if the current compression format has such a dialog.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ConstantBitRateFormatsOnly = '!vbr'

By default, constant as well as variable bit rate compression formats are shown in the available format list. This constant specifies a read/write/listen Boolean value that lets you restrict the available formats to constant bit rate formats by setting this property to TRUE.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableSampleRateList = 'avr#'

A read/listen C-style array of AudioValueRange values that specifies a list of available output sample rates. This list is specific to the compression format and takes into account any restrictions imposed by a client using the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedSampleRateList property. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_SampleRateRecommended = 'reco'

Clients not wishing to set an output sample rate manually may set the output rate to the recommended rate. Some compressors can perform rate conversion, and can pick optimal settings for a desired bitrate (AAC is one example). For other formats, the recommended rate is simply the closest output rate to the input rate that's allowed by the output format. kQTSCAudioPropertyID_SampleRateIsRecommended is read-only. To set the sample rate to recommended, a client sets the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_BasicDescription with mSampleRate = 0.0. To unset the sample rate as recommended, the client sets the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_BasicDescription with a non-zero mSampleRate field.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ApplicableSampleRateList = 'avr#'

A read/listen C-style array of AudioValueRange values that specifies which of the value ranges in the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableSampleRateList are currently applicable. The kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableSampleRateList takes into account client restrictions, and a compression format's general sample rate restrictions. kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ApplicableSampleRateList further filters the list to just those sample rates that are legal and valid given the current codec configuration. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold the array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedSampleRateList = 'crr#'

A read/write/listen C-style array of AudioValueRange values that specifies a client-restricted set of output sample rate ranges that should be listed as available. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputMagicCookie = 'ikki'

A read/write/listen opaque data structure that contains an untyped codec-specific data structure (a “magic cookie”), which some decompressors use to decode their input. Cookies are variable size, so you must call QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the size of the buffer you should allocate to hold the cookie.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_MagicCookie = 'kuki'

A read/write/listen opaque data structure that contains an untyped codec-specific data structure (a “magic cookie”), which some decompressors use to configure their output. Cookies are variable size, so you must call QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the size of the buffer you should allocate to hold the cookie.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedLPCMBitsPerChannelList = 'crb#'

Specifies a client-restricted set of output bits per channel that should be listed as available. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold the array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableLPCMBitsPerChannelList = 'avb#'

A read/listen C-style array of UInt32 values that contains a list of available bits per audio channel. This list is specific to LPCM, and takes into account any restrictions imposed by a client using the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_LPCMBitsPerChannelList property. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ApplicableLPCMBitsPerChannelList = 'apb#'

Specifies which of the values in the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableLPCMBitsPerChannelList are currently applicable. The kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableLPCMBitsPerChannelList takes into account client restrictions, and LPCM’s general bits per channel restrictions. kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ApplicableLPCMBitsPerChannelList further filters the list to just those bits per channel that are legal and valid given the current LPCM configuration. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold the array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_LPCMBitsPerChannelList = 'sbc#'

A read/write/listen C-style array of UInt32 values that contains a client-restricted set of output bits per channel, which you should list as available. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableNumChannelsList = 'anc#'

A read/listen C-style array of UInt32 values that contains a list of available numbers of channels. This list is specific to the compression format and takes into account any restrictions imposed by a client using the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_NumChannelsList property. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_NumChannelsList = 'snc#'

A read/write/listen C-style array of UInt32 values that contains a client-restricted set of numbers of channels that you should list as available. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputChannelLayout = 'icly'

A read/write/listen variable-size AudioChannelLayout structure that specifies the audio channel layout of the input description. AudioChannelLayout is a variable-size structure, so you must use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate for it.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputChannelLayoutName = 'icln'

A read-only CFStringRef structure that specifies the human-readable name for a kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputChannelLayout structure, if one exists. The caller is responsible for calling CFRelease to dispose of the resulting string.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout = 'clay'

A read/write/listen variable-size AudioChannelLayout structure that specifies the audio channel layout of the output description. AudioChannelLayout is a variable size structure, so you must use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayoutName = 'clyn'

A read-only CFStringRef structure that specifies the human-readable name for a kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout, if one exists. The caller is responsible for calling CFRelease to dispose of the resulting string.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedChannelLayoutTagList = 'crl#'

Specifies a client-restricted set of channel layout tags that should be listed as available. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold the array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableChannelLayoutTagList = 'acl#'

A read/listen C-style array of AudioChannelLayoutTag values that specifies a list of available audio channel layout tags. This list is specific to the compression format and takes into account any restrictions imposed by a client using the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayoutTagList property. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayoutTagList = 'cly#'

A read/write C-style array of AudioChannelLayoutTag values that specifies a client-restricted set of channel layout tags, which you should list as available. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableChannelLayoutTagNamesList = 'cln#'

A read-only CFArrayRef array that specifies the human-readable names for the AudioChannelLayoutTag values in a kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableChannelLayoutTagList. Each element in the array is a CFStringRef structure. The caller is responsible for calling CFRelease to dispose of this array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ApplicableChannelLayoutTagNamesList = 'apl#'

Specifies which of the values in the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableChannelLayoutTagList are currently applicable. The kQTSCAudioPropertyID_AvailableChannelLayoutTagList takes into account client restrictions, and the current output format’s general channel layout restrictions. kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ApplicableChannelLayoutTagList further filters the list to just those channel layouts that are legal and valid given the current codec configuration. Use QTGetComponentPropertyInfo to discover the number of bytes you should allocate to hold the array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedPCMFlags = 'crip'

Specifies a client-restricted set of flags corresponding to the mFormatFlags fields in an AudioStreamBasicDescription. Data type is a SCAudioFormatFlagsRestrictions struct. For instance, if a client wishes to specify to the StandardAudioCompression component that their file format requires little endian pcm data, the client may set this property, with formatFlagsMask set to kAudioFormatFlagIsBigEndian, and formatFlagsValues set to zero (indicating that the IsBigEndian bit should be interpreted as LittleEndian only).

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_DiscreteChannelsOK = 'dscr'

A read/write/listen Boolean value that lets you tell the StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio dialog to not show “Discrete” as an available option. Each AudioChannelLayout structure assigns specific spatial orientation to specific channels (for example, Channel 1 = Left). “Discrete” is a special channel layout that does not assign spatial characteristics to channels, but instead labels them as distinct outputs. For example, the first channel in the audio source is played through the first channel on the output device, the second channel in the source is played through the second channel, and so on. If this property is set to FALSE, the StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio dialog will not show “Discrete” as an available option.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_LPCMSpecificFlagsMask = 'sffm'

A read/write/listen UInt32 value that specifies which flag fields in kQTSCAudioPropertyID_FormatSpecificFlags should be made available in the StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio dialog. For instance, a value of 0xFFFFFFFD (all bits except kAudioFormatFlagIsBigEndian set) tells the StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio component to disable any UI that would allow a choice between little and big endian. This selector is valid only for PCM formats and is ignored for others.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputSoundDescription = 'isdh'

A read/write SoundDescriptionHandle value that specifies the current input description as a SoundDescriptionHandle (lowest possible version for the current format). When calling QTGetComponentProperty, the caller passes a pointer to an unallocated Handle and assumes responsibility for calling DisposeHandle when done.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_SoundDescription = 'osdh'

A read/write SoundDescriptionHandle value that specifies the current output description as a SoundDescriptionHandle (lowest possible version for the current format). When calling QTGetComponentProperty, the caller passes a pointer to an unallocated Handle and assumes responsibility for calling DisposeHandle when done.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputBasicDescription = 'isbd'

A read/write/DataProc/listen AudioStreamBasicDescription value that specifies that the current input description is an AudioStreamBasicDescription value.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_BasicDescription = 'osbd'

A read/write/DataProc/listen AudioStreamBasicDescription value that specifies that the current output description is an AudioStreamBasicDescription value.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_CodecSpecificSettingsArray = 'cdst'

A read/write CFArrayRef structure that designates a CFArray of CFDictionary structures, which describe various parameters specific to configuring a codec. This array of dictionaries, which is published by some compressors, can be parsed to generate UI information. When any value in the array changes, a client should call QTSetComponentProperty, passing the entire array.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_SettingsState = scSettingsStateType

A read/write Handle value that is used to save the current state of the StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio component, so that its state may be restored at a later time with a single call. A StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio component can accept a saved settings state from a legacy StandardCompressionSubTypeSound component as write-only.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ExtendedProcs = scExtendedProcsType

A read/write/listen SCExtendedProcs value that is used to get or set an SCExtendedProcs structure.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_PreferenceFlags = scPreferenceFlagsType

A read/write/listen SInt32 value that is used to specify dialog preferences such as scUseMovableModal.

kQTSCAudioPropertyID_WindowOptions = scWindowOptionsType

A read/write/listen SCWindowSettings structure that is used to set an SCWindowSettings structure, which tells the dialog about its parent window so that it can draw itself as a sheet on top of the parent.

Movie Exporter Properties

The following constants are used by movie export getProperty functions only (not SCAudio), so that variable size properties can be handled in that API where there is no associated size parameter. The getProperty function can be asked the size first, then the caller can allocate memory for the associated SCAudio property and call getProperty again to get the property.

enum {
  movieExportChannelLayoutSize  = 'clsz',                /* UInt32 */
  movieExportMagicCookieSize    = 'mcsz',                /* UInt32 */
  movieExportUseHighResolutionAudioProperties = 'hrau'   /* Boolean */

The movieExportUseHighResolutionAudioProperties constant is not a size. It is how the exporter asks a propertyProc if it is prepared to deal with high-res properties.

The kPropertyClass_MovieExporter constant defines the movie exporter class:

enum {
    kPropertyClass_MovieExporter = 'spit'

The kMovieExporterPropertyID_EnableHighResolutionAudioFeatures constant enables high-resolution audio features for kPropertyClass_MovieExporter. Its value is Boolean:

enum {
    kMovieExporterPropertyID_EnableHighResolutionAudioFeatures = 'hrau'

Audio Property IDs

The following constants identify audio properties.

enum {
    kQTAudioPropertyID_Gain = 'gain',
    kQTAudioPropertyID_Mute = 'mute',
    kQTAudioPropertyID_Balance = 'bala',
    kQTAudioPropertyID_SummaryChannelLayout = 'clay',
    kQTAudioPropertyID_DeviceChannelLayout = 'dcly',
    kQTAudioPropertyID_FormatString = 'fstr',
    kQTAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayoutString = 'lstr',
    kQTAudioPropertyID_SampleRateString = 'rstr',
    kQTAudioPropertyID_SampleSizeString = 'sstr',
    kQTAudioPropertyID_BitRateString = 'bstr',
    kQTAudioPropertyID_SummaryString = 'asum'
kQTAudioPropertyID_Gain = 'gain'

Used to get and set a Float32 value that represents the audio gain of a movie or track. The gain level is multiplicative; eg. 0.0 is silent, 0.5 is –6dB, 1.0 is 0dB (ie. the audio from the movie is not modified), 2.0 is +6dB, etc. The gain level can be set higher than 1.0 in order to allow quiet movies and tracks to be boosted in volume. Settings higher than 1.0 may result in audio clipping, of course. The setting is not stored in the movie or track; it is used only until the movie or track is disposed.

kQTAudioPropertyID_Mute = 'mute'

Used to get and set a Boolean value that indicates the audio mute state of a movie or track. If TRUE, the movie or track is muted. The setting is not stored in the movie or track; it is used only until the movie or track is disposed.

kQTAudioPropertyID_Balance = 'bala'

Used to get and set a Float32 value that represents the audio balance of a movie. It is supported only for movies, not tracks. –1.0 means full left, 0.0 means centered, and 1.0 means full right. The setting is not stored in the movie; it is used only until the movie is disposed.

kQTAudioPropertyID_SummaryChannelLayout = 'clay'

Used to get an AudioChannelLayout value that represents the summary audio channel layout of a movie or other grouping of audio streams. All like-labelled channels are combined, so there are no duplicates. For example, if there is a stereo (L/R) track, 5 single-channel tracks marked Left, Right, Left Surround, Right Surround and Center, and a 4 channel track marked L/R/Ls/Rs, then the summary AudioChannelLayout will be L/R/Ls/Rs/C—It will _not_ be L/R/L/R/Ls/Rs/C/L/R/Ls/Rs. This is a variable-size property, because it it may contain an array of channel descriptions. You must get the size by calling a function such as QTGetMoviePropertyInfo, allocate a structure of that size, and then get the property.

kQTAudioPropertyID_DeviceChannelLayout = 'dcly'

Used to get an AudioChannelLayout value that represents the audio channel layout of the device a movie is playing to. This is a variable-size property, because it it may contain an array of channel descriptions. You must get the size by calling a function such as QTGetMoviePropertyInfo, allocate a structure of that size, and then get the property.

kQTAudioPropertyID_FormatString = 'fstr'

Used with kQTPropertyClass_Audio to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that describes an audio format; for example, “MPEG Layer 3.” You may get this property from a SoundDescription handle by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty or from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

kQTAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayoutString = 'lstr'

Used with kQTPropertyClass_Audio to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that describes an audio channel layout; for example, “5.0 (L R C Ls Rs).” You may get this property from a SoundDescription handle by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty or from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

kQTAudioPropertyID_SampleRateString = 'rstr'

Used to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that describes an audio sample rate; for example, “44.100 kHz.” You may get this property from a SoundDescription handle by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty or from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

kQTAudioPropertyID_SampleSizeString = 'sstr'

Used to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that describes an audio sample size; for example, “24-bit.” This property will return a valid string only if the audio format is uncompressed (LPCM). You may get this property from a SoundDescription handle by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty or from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

kQTAudioPropertyID_BitRateString = 'bstr'

Used to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that describes an audio bit rate; for example, “12 kbps.” You may get this property from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

kQTAudioPropertyID_SummaryString = 'asum'

Used to get a CFStringRef value containing a localized, human readable string that summarizes an audio format; for example, “16-bit Integer (Big Endian), Stereo (L R), 48.000 kHz.” You may get this property from a SoundDescription handle by calling QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty or from a StandardAudioCompression (scdi or audi) component instance by calling QTGetComponentProperty.

Dictionary Keys

The dictionary keys listed in this section are used with c ertain of the property IDs. They may be used to parse CF dictionaries returned by kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceListWithAttributes and kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceAttributes IDs for SGAudioMediaType channels.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceUIDKey = 'uid '

A CFStringRef containing a unique identifier for a device.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceNameKey = 'name'

A CFStringRef containing a device’s printable name, suitable for the user interface.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceManufacturerKey = 'manu'

A CFStringRef containing a device manufacturer’s printable name, suitable for the user interface.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceTransportTypeKey = 'tran'

A CFNumberRef that wraps an OSType; for example, '1394' for fw. See the file IOAudioTypes.h.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceAliveKey = 'aliv'

A CFBooleanRef value that is TRUE if the device is present.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceCanRecordKey = 'rec ' [last char = space]

A CFBooleanRef value that is TRUE if the device can be used for recording (some devices can only play back).

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceCanPreviewKey = 'prev'

A CFBooleanRef value that is TRUE if the device can be used to preview a grabbed sequence.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceHoggedKey = 'hogg'

A CFNumberRef that wraps the unique process ID that is hogging the device, or –1 if the device is currently not being hogged. The process ID comes from a call to getpid.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceInUseKey = 'used'

A CFBooleanRef value that is TRUE if the device is performing I/O in any process.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceSupportsHardwarePlaythruKey = 'hard'

A CFBooleanRef value that is TRUE if the device supports hardware playthrough of inputs to outputs.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DefaultInputDeviceKey = 'dIn ' [last char = space]

A CFBooleanRef value that’s TRUE if the device is the user-selected default input in an audio MIDI setup.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DefaultOutputDeviceKey = 'dOut'

A CFBooleanRef value that’s TRUE if the device is the user-selected default output in an audio MIDI setup.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DefaultSystemOutputDeviceKey = 'sOut'

A CFBooleanRef value that’s TRUE if the device is the user-selected device where system alerts play.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_IsCoreAudioDeviceKey = 'hal!'

A CFBooleanRef value that’s TRUE if the device is a Core Audio device.

Device Attribute Keys for Inputs and Outputs

The following dictionary keys may be used to parse CF dictionaries returned by kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceListWithAttributes and kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceAttributes IDs for SGAudioMediaType channels.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceInputID = 'inID'

A CFNumberRef that wraps an OSType value.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceInputDescription = 'inds'

A CFStringRef that is suitable for displaying to the user.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceOutputID = 'otID'

A CFNumberRef that wraps an OSType value.

kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceOutputDescription = 'otds'

A CFStringRef that is suitable for displaying to the user.

Metadata Format Constants

The format constants in this section are used with functions of the form QTMetaData...

Following are constants for the QTMetaDataStorageFormat type:

kQTMetaDataStorageFormatQuickTime = 'mdta'

The QuickTime metadata storage format

kQTMetaDataKeyFormatQuickTime = 'mdta'

Reverse DNS format

kQTMetaDataStorageFormatiTunes = 'itms'

The iTunes metadata storage format

Following are constants for the QTMetaDataKeyFormat type:

kQTMetaDataKeyFormatiTunesShortForm = 'itsk'

A four-character code

kQTMetaDataKeyFormatiTunesLongForm = 'itlk'

Reverse DNS format

Following are constants for user data formats:

kQTMetaDataStorageFormatUserData = 'udta'

User data storage format

kQTMetaDataKeyFormatUserData = 'udta',

User data key storage format

Metadata Property IDs

The property IDs in this section are used with functions of the form QTMetaData...

Following are constants for the QTMetaDataRef type:

kPropertyClass_QTMetaData = 'meta'

The QuickTime metadata property class.

kQTMetaDataPropertyID_StorageFormats = 'fmts'

The list of storage formats of type QTMetaDataStorageFormat associated with a QTMetaDataRef object. The read-only return value is a C-style array of OSType values.

kQTMetaDataPropertyID_OwnerType = 'ownt'

The owner type associated with a QTMetaDataRef object. The read-only return value is an OSType (QT_MOVIE_TYPE, QT_TRACK_TYPE, or QT_MEDIA_TYPE).

kQTMetaDataPropertyID_Owner = 'ownr'

The owner associated with a QTMetaDataRef object, which does not necessarily need an owner. The read-only return value is type Movie, Track, or Media.

Following are constants for the QTMetaDataItem type:

kPropertyClass_QTMetaDataItem = 'mdit'

The metadata item property class ID

kQTMetaDataItemPropertyID_Value = 'valu'

The value of the metadata item. The read-only return value is a C-style array of values of type UInt8.

kQTMetaDataItemPropertyID_DataType = 'dtyp'

The value type of the metadata item. The read/write return value is type UInt32.

kQTMetaDataItemPropertyID_StorageFormat = 'sfmt'

The storage format of the metadata item. The read-only return value is type QTMetaDataStorageFormat.

kQTMetaDataItemPropertyID_Key = 'key ' [last char is space]

The key associated with the metadata item. The read/write return value is a C-style array of values of type UInt8.

kQTMetaDataItemPropertyID_KeyFormat = 'keyf'

The format of the metadata item key. The read/write return value is type OSType.

kQTMetaDataItemPropertyID_Locale = 'loc '

The locale identifier based on the naming convention defined by the International Components for Unicode (ICU). The identifier consists of two pieces of ordered information: a language code and a region code. The language code is based on the ISO 639-1 standard, which defines two-character codes, such as en and fr, for the world’s most commonly used languages. If a two-letter code is not available, then ISO 639-2 three-letter identifiers are accepted as well; for example, haw for Hawaiian. The region code is defined by ISO 3166-1. It is all uppercase and is appended, with an underscore, after the language code; for example en_US, en_GB, and fr_FR. The read/write return value is a C string of type UInt32.

Metadata Key Constants

The following key constants are used with functions of the form QTMetaData...

// Pre-defined common keys
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyAuthor         = 'auth'
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyComment        = 'cmmt'
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyCopyright      = 'cprt'
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyDirector       = 'dtor'
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyDisplayName    = 'name'
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyInformation    = 'info'
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyKeywords       = 'keyw'
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyProducer       = 'prod'
// Mapping from common keys to user data identifiers:
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyAuthor         -> kUserDataTextAuthor
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyComment        -> kUserDataTextComment
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyCopyright      -> kUserDataTextCopyright
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyDirector       -> kUserDataTextDirector
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyDisplayName    -> kUserDataTextFullName
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyInformation    -> kUserDataTextInformation
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyKeywords       -> kUserDataTextKeywords
    kQTMetaDataCommonKeyProducer       -> kUserDataTextProducer

Metadata Error Codes

The following error codes are returned by functions of the form QTMetaData...

kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr         = -2173
kQTMetaDataInvalidItemErr             = -2174
kQTMetaDataInvalidStorageFormatErr    = -2175
kQTMetaDataInvalidKeyFormatErr        = -2176
kQTMetaDataNoMoreItemsErr             = -2177

New Movie Property Codes

The following codes are stored in the propClass fields of QTNewMoviePropertyElement data structures, which pass them to NewMovieFromProperties.

kQTPropertyClass_DataLocation = 'dloc',
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_DataReference             = 'dref',
           // DataReferenceRecord *
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_CFStringNativePath        = 'cfnp',
           // CFStringRef *
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_CFStringPosixPath         = 'cfpp',
           // CFStringRef *
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_CFStringHFSPath           = 'cfhp',
           // CFStringRef *
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_CFStringWindowsPath       = 'cfwp',
           // CFStringRef *
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_CFURL                     = 'cfur',
           // CFURLRef *
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_QTDataHandler             = 'qtdh',
           // DataHandler *
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_Scrap                     = 'scrp',
           // NULL
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_LegacyMovieResourceHandle = 'rezh',
           // Handle *
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_MovieUserProc             = 'uspr',
           // QTNewMovieUserProcRecord *
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_ResourceFork              = 'rfrk',
           // SInt16 *
        kQTDataLocationPropertyID_DataFork                  = 'dfrk',
           // SInt16 *
kQTPropertyClass_Audio = 'audi',
        kQTAudioPropertyID_RateChangesPreservePitch         = 'aucp', // Boolean *
 kQTPropertyClass_Context = 'ctxt',
        kQTContextPropertyID_AudioContext       = 'audi',
           // QTAudioContextRef *
        kQTContextPropertyID_VisualContext      = 'visu',
           // QTVisualContextRef *
 kQTPropertyClass_MovieResourceLocator = 'rloc',
        kQTMovieResourceLocatorPropertyID_LegacyResID   = 'rezi',
           // SInt16 * (input/output property)
        kQTMovieResourceLocatorPropertyID_LegacyResName = 'rezn',
           // Str255   (output property)
        kQTMovieResourceLocatorPropertyID_FileOffset    = 'foff',
           // UInt64 *
        kQTMovieResourceLocatorPropertyID_Callback      = 'calb',
           // User-defined
 kQTPropertyClass_MovieInstantiation = 'mins',
        kQTMovieInstantiationPropertyID_DontResolveDataRefs         = 'rdrn',
           // Boolean *
        kQTMovieInstantiationPropertyID_DontAskUnresolvedDataRefs   = 'aurn',
           // Boolean *
        kQTMovieInstantiationPropertyID_DontAutoAlternates          = 'aaln',
           // Boolean *
        kQTMovieInstantiationPropertyID_DontUpdateForeBackPointers  = 'fbpn',
           // Boolean *
        kQTMovieInstantiationPropertyID_AsyncOK                     = 'asok',
           // Boolean *
        kQTMovieInstantiationPropertyID_IdleImportOK                = 'imok',
           // Boolean *
        kQTMovieInstantiationPropertyID_DontAutoUpdateClock         = 'aucl',
           // Boolean *
        kQTMovieInstantiationPropertyID_ResultDataLocationChanged   = 'dlch',
           // Boolean * (output property)
 kQTPropertyClass_NewMovieProperty = 'mprp',
        kQTNewMoviePropertyID_DefaultDataRef        = 'ddrf',
           // DataReferenceRecord *
        kQTNewMoviePropertyID_Active                = 'actv',
           // Boolean *
        kQTNewMoviePropertyID_DontInteractWithUser  = 'intn',
           // Boolean *