Component Description
This component appears as a hyperlink, which can contain an image, text, and the JSConfirmPanel's component content. When the user clicks on it, a dialog box displaying an confirmation message appears. The user can click OK, which executes the hyperlink, or Cancel.
JSConfirmPanel { action=anAction; | javaScriptFunction=javaScriptCodeString; | pageName=aPageName; confirmMessage=message; [altTag=aTag;] [filename=imageFileName;] [targetWindow=windowName;] [string=[aString];] };Bindings
- action
- The action method performed when the user clicks OK.
- javaScriptFunction
- Java Script code executed when the user clicks OK.
- pageName
- The WOComponent displayed when the user clicks OK.
- confirmMessage
- The message to display when the user clicks on the hyperlink.
- altTag
- The HTML alt attribute for the hyperlink's image if an image is specified. Browsers can display this attribute in place of the image.
- filename
- The name of the image file. Binding this causes the hyperlink to display as an image.
- targetWindow
- The name of the window in which the page is displayed when the user clicks OK.
- string
- A string displayed in the hyperlink