- Inherits from:
- EOActionWidgetAssociation : EOWidgetAssociation : EOAssociation : EODelayedObserver (EOControl) : Object
- Implements:
- NSDisposable
- EOObserving (EOControl)
- Package:
- com.webobjects.eointerface
Class Description
An EOActionInsertionAssociation object inserts objects from one display group into another.
Usable With |
com.webobjects.eointerface.swing: Any object that implements the method addActionListener (javax.swing.JButton and javax.swing.JMenuItem, for example). com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa: Any object that responds to setAction, typically an NSControl. |
Aspects | |
source |
Bound to the EODisplayGroup containing objects to insert. This aspect doesn't use a key. |
destination |
A relationship of the selected object into which objects from the source EODisplayGroup are inserted. Usually bound to a different EODisplayGroup than source. |
enabled |
A boolean attribute of the selected object (usually in the destination EODisplayGroup), which determines whether the NSControl is enabled. |
Object Keys Taken | |
target |
On receiving an action message from the display object, an EOActionInsertionAssociation inserts objects from the source EODisplayGroup into the destination EODisplayGroup. |
Suppose an application shows Talent in one display group and Movies in another. You want a user to be able to select a talent, select a movie, and then click an Assign Director button that assigns the selected talent as one of the movie's directors. To do this, in Interface Builder, control-drag a connection from the button to the Talent display group. Select EOActionInsertionAssociation in the Connections inspector, and double-click the association's source aspect, binding it to the Talent display group. Similarly, control-drag a connection from the button to the Movie display group. Select EOActionAssociation in the Connections inspector, and bind the association's destinationaspect to the "directors" key. Now, when the user clicks the button, the selected Talent is added to the directors relationship of the selected Movie. If more than one talent is selected, both are added to the relationship. If more than one Movie is selected, the selected talent are added to the relationship of the first Movie in the selection.
Interfaces Implemented
- NSDisposable
- EOObserving
Method Types
- All methods
- EOActionInsertionAssociation
- displayGroupSelectionsAllowEnabled
- invokeAction
- primaryAspect
public EOActionInsertionAssociation(Object anObject)
Instance Methods
protected boolean displayGroupSelectionsAllowEnabled()
public void invokeAction()
public String primaryAspect()
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 21, 2001)