Implements: java.util.Enumeration
Package: com.webobjects.eoapplication
Interface Description
EOController.Enumeration is an interface that defines an enumeration that iterates over a set of EOController objects. It adds one method to the java.util.Enumeration interface: nextController, which simply returns the next controller in the enumeration's set. The nextController method saves you from having to cast the returned object to an EOController.
Use the EOController method controllerEnumeration to get an EOController.Enumeration. You can create three types of enumerations:
You can further restrict the controllers included in an enumeration by specifying an interface the controllers must implement in order to be included. For more information, see the method description for controllerEnumeration in the EOController class specification.
Instance Methods
public abstract EOController nextController()
See Also: controllerEnumeration (EOController)
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 14, 2001)