(informal interface)
Package: com.webobjects.eoaccess
Interface Description
The delegate for EOAdaptor can implement the method adaptorFetchedValueForValue to perform a database-specific transformations on a value.
Instance Methods
public abstract Object adaptorFetchedValueForValue( EOAdaptor adaptor, Object value, EOAttribute attribute)
Ordinarily, fetchedValueForValue invokes one of the type-specific fetchedValue... methods depending on the type of value. If you implement this delegate method, fetchedValueForValue does not invoke the other fetchedValue... methods. It simply invokes your delegate method and returns the value returned from it. Therefore, an implementation of adaptorFetchedValueForValue must handle values of all types.
public abstract NSDictionary reconnectionDictionaryForAdaptor(EOAdaptor anEOAdaptor)
See Also: isDroppedConnectionException
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 13, 2001)