Package: com.webobjects.directtowebInherits from:QueryComponent
Class Description
This property-level component builds a query based on the destination objects of a relationship. The user can specify the key for an attribute of the destination object and a value the attribute must have. This object does not traverse the relationship making it appropriate for relationships that contain many objects.
Property-level components are not accessed programmatically. Instead, you use the Web Assistant to choose the property-level component that Direct to Web uses to display a property on a particular entity and task page. See the "Direct to Web" chapter of WebObjects Tools and Techniques for more information.
If you want to create property-level component to query based on a property, use
Method Types
- componentsForDisplayKeyList
- componentsForKeyList
- relationshipContext
- relationshipContextDisplayAttributesKeys
- replacementAssociationForAssociation
- reset
- selectedKey
- setSelectedKey
- variableNameForKeyList
public D2WQueryAnyField()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public String componentsForDisplayKeyList()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public String componentsForKeyList()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public D2WContext relationshipContext()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public NSArray relationshipContextDisplayAttributesKeys()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public WOAssociation replacementAssociationForAssociation(WOAssociation oldAssociation, String oldBinding, DTWTemplate aTemplate, WOContext aContext)
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public void reset()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public String selectedKey()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public void setSelectedKey(String)
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
public String variableNameForKeyList()
This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.
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