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Key-Value Coding Programming Guide

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Compliance Checklist

Follow the steps summarized in this section to ensure your objects are key-value coding compliant. See the previous sections for details.

Attribute and To-One Relationship Compliance

For each property that is an attribute or a to-one relationship:

  • Implement a method named <key> or is<Key>, or create an instance variable <key> or _<key>. The compiler typically does this for you when it automatically synthesizes properties.

  • If the property is mutable, implement the set<Key>: method. The compiler typically does this for you when you allow it to automatically synthesize your properties.

  • If the property is a scalar, override the setNilValueForKey: method to gracefully handle the case where a nil value is assigned to the scalar property.

Indexed To-Many Relationship Compliance

For each property that is an ordered, to-many relationship (such as an NSArray object):

  • Implement a method named <key> that returns an array, or have an array instance variable named <key> or _<key>. The compiler typically does this for you when it automatically synthesizes properties.

  • Alternatively, implement the method countOf<Key> and one or both of objectIn<Key>AtIndex: and <key>AtIndexes:.

  • Optionally, implement get<Key>:range: to improve performance.

In addition, if the property is mutable:

  • Implement one or both of the methods insertObject:in<Key>AtIndex: and insert<Key>:atIndexes:.

  • Implement one or both of the methods removeObjectFrom<Key>AtIndex: and remove<Key>AtIndexes:.

  • Optionally, implement replaceObjectIn<Key>AtIndex:withObject: or replace<Key>AtIndexes:with<Key>: to improve performance.

Unordered To-Many Relationship Compliance

For each property that is an unordered, to-many relationship (such as an NSSet object):

  • Implement the <key> that returns a set, or have an NSSet instance variable named <key> or _<key>. The compiler typically does this for you when it automatically synthesizes properties.

  • Alternatively, implement the methods countOf<Key>, enumeratorOf<Key>, and memberOf<Key>:.

In addition, if the property is mutable:

  • Implement one or both of the methods add<Key>Object: and add<Key>:.

  • Implement one or both of the methods remove<Key>Object: and remove<Key>:.

  • Optionally, implement intersect<Key>: to improve performance.


Opt in to validation for properties that need it:

  • Implement the validate<Key>:error: method, returning a boolean indicating the validity of the value, and a reference to an error object when appropriate.