The Custom Managed Object Class

The managed object model for this tutorial specifies that the Run entity is represented by a custom class, Run. This chapter shows how to implement the class, and how to define an initializer that is invoked only when a new instance is first created.

There are a number of different situations in which you might want to initialize a managed object. You might want to perform initialization every time an instance of a given class is created, in which case you can simply override the designated initializer. You might also, though, want to perform different initialization whenever an object is retrieved from a persistent store or—perhaps more commonly—only when an object is first created. Core Data provides special methods to cater for both situations—awakeFromFetch and awakeFromInsert respectively. This example illustrates the latter case: You want to record the date and time when a new record is created and not update the value thereafter.

For the purposes of illustration, in this example you will use a scalar value for the process ID attribute. One drawback with using scalar instance variables is that there is no unambiguous way to represent a nil value. The NSKeyValueCoding protocol defines a special method—setNilValueForKey:—that allows you to specify what happens if an attempt is made to set a scalar value to nil.

Implementing the Managed Object Subclass

Create the Class Files

The first step is to create the files for the new class. If you had a managed object model as a project resource, you could use the New File assistant to create a managed object class from an entity in the model. In this case, however, you do not, so create the files as you would for any other Objective-C class.

You declare properties for the managed object’s attributes. Core Data automatically implements accessors for managed object properties at runtime, so typically you don’t have to implement them yourself. To indicate to the compiler that the accessor methods will be made available through another mechanism, declare the properties as dynamic.

In the awakeFromInsert method (see Implement the Initializer), you set a value for a Run object’s date property when it is first created. To avoid recording an undo operation for the new date, you use a primitive accessor instead of the usual property accessor. Primitive accessors set do not emit key-value observing (KVO) change notifications that cause the change to be recorded as a separate undo event. You declare primitive accessors using a property with the name primitive<PropertyName>, so for the date property the primitive property is primitiveDate.

To create the basic implementation of the Run class
  1. In Xcode, add a new Objective-C class file (.h and .m files) for the Run class.

  2. Complete the interface for the Run class.

    In the Run.h file, set the class’s superclass to NSManagedObject, and declare properties for date and processID. Import the Core Data framework header file. The interface should look like this:

    #import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
    @interface Run : NSManagedObject
    @property (strong) NSDate *date;
    @property (assign) NSInteger processID;
  3. Primitive properties should only be used by the class that implements them, so should not be declared publicly. You can “hide” the declaration of the primitiveDate in a class extension in the the Run.m file.

    Before the @implementation block in the Run.m file, add the following:

    @interface Run ()
    @property (strong) NSDate *primitiveDate;
  4. Indicate that the properties are dynamic.

    In the @implementation block in the Run.m file, add the following:

    @dynamic date, primitiveDate, processID;

Dealing With nil Values

If you represent an attribute using a scalar value, you should specify what happens if the value is set to nil using key-value coding. You do this with the setNilValueForKey: method. In this case, simply set the process ID to 0.

To deal with nil values
  • Implement an appropriate setNilValueForKey: method.

    If the key is “processID” then set processID to 0.

    - (void)setNilValueForKey:(NSString *)key {
        if ([key isEqualToString:@"processID"]) {
            self.processID = 0;
        else {
            [super setNilValueForKey:key];

Implement the Initializer

NSManagedObject provides a special method—awakeFromInsert—that is invoked only when a new managed object is first created (strictly, when it is inserted into the managed object context) and not when it is subsequently fetched from a persistent store. You can use it here to record the date and time when a new record is created (the value won’t then be updated when an object is fetched).

To implement the initializer
  • Implement an awakeFromInsert method that sets the receiver’s date to the current date and time.

    - (void) awakeFromInsert {
        [super awakeFromInsert];
        self.primitiveDate = [NSDate date];

Create an Instance of the Run Entity

To create a new instance of a given entity and insert it into a managed object context, you usually use the NSEntityDescription convenience method insertNewObjectForEntityForName:inManagedObjectContext:. The advantage of using the convenience method is that it’s convenient! In this case, though, you’ll perform the set-up operations yourself. Given the new instance, you can set its process ID to the ID of the current process, then send the managed object context a save message to commit the change to the persistent store.

To create and save an instance of the Run entity
  1. In the main source file, import the header for the Run class.

    #import "Run.h"
  2. In the main function, after the invocation of the managedObjectContext() function, create a new instance of the Run class.

    You must retrieve the Run entity description from the managed object model so that you can tell the new managed object of what entity it is an instance.

    NSEntityDescription *runEntity = [[mom entitiesByName] objectForKey:@"Run"];
    Run *run = [[Run alloc] initWithEntity:runEntity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:moc];
  3. Get the process ID of the current process, and set the process ID of the Run object.

    NSProcessInfo *processInfo = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
    run.processID = [processInfo processIdentifier];
  4. Commit the changes to the persistent store by saving the managed object context.

    Check for any errors, and exit if an error occurs.

    NSError *error;
    if (![moc save: &error]) {
        NSLog(@"Error while saving\n%@",
            ([error localizedDescription] != nil) ? [error localizedDescription] : @"Unknown Error");

Build and Test

Build and run the utility. It should compile without warnings. When you run the utility, it should not log any errors. You should see a new file created in the application log directory. If you inspect the file, you should see that it contains details of run objects.

Test some of the other features. Comment out the line that sets the Run object’s process ID. Build and run the utility. What happens (recall that the default value for the process ID is -1)? Do you see the localized error message (defined in Add a Localization Dictionary)? Use key-value coding to set the process ID to nil. Build and run the utility. Again, what happens? And finally, comment out the setNilValueForKey: method and test once more.

Complete Listings

The Run Class

A complete listing of the declaration and implementation of the Run class is shown in Listing 5-2.

Listing 5-1  Complete listing of theRun.h file

#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
@interface Run : NSManagedObject
@property (strong) NSDate *date;
@property (assign) NSInteger processID;

Listing 5-2  Complete listing of the Run.m file

#import "Run.h"
@interface Run ()
@property (strong) NSDate *primitiveDate;
@implementation Run
@dynamic date, primitiveDate, processID;
- (void) awakeFromInsert
    [super awakeFromInsert];
    self.primitiveDate = [NSDate date];
- (void)setNilValueForKey:(NSString *)key
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"processID"]) {
        self.processID = 0;
    else {
        [super setNilValueForKey:key];

The main() Function

The main function is shown in Listing 5-3.

Listing 5-3  Listing of the main function

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSManagedObjectModel *mom = managedObjectModel();
        NSLog(@"mom: %@", mom);
        if (applicationLogDirectory() == nil) {
            NSLog(@"Could not find application logs directory\nExiting...");
        NSManagedObjectContext *moc = managedObjectContext();
        NSEntityDescription *runEntity = [[mom entitiesByName] objectForKey:@"Run"];
        Run *run = [[Run alloc] initWithEntity:runEntity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:moc];
        NSProcessInfo *processInfo = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
        run.processID = [processInfo processIdentifier];
        NSError *error;
        if (![moc save: &error]) {
            NSLog(@"Error while saving\n%@",
                ([error localizedDescription] != nil) ? [error localizedDescription] : @"Unknown Error");
        // Implementation will continue...
    return 0;