
A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   N   O   P   S   T   

application margins 1
Carbon Printing Manager
  compared to old Printing Manager 1
  converting old code to use 1
  defined 1
CFCopyLocalizedString function 1
CFRelease function 1 2
CFStringCreateWithFormat function 1
CFStringGetPascalString function 1
CopyWindowTitleAsCFString function 1
default printers 1
deferred printing style 1
draft printing style 1
DraftBitsOp opcode 1
drawing area 1
EnableColorMatchingOp opcode 1
errors, handling 1
formatting printers 1
functions for printing objects 1+
  calling sequence 1 2
  Carbon compared to Classic 1
  scope of use 1
  used with page format objects 1
  used with print settings objects 1
  used with printing session objects 1
functions, unsupported 1
GetApplicationTextEncoding function 1
GetPortBounds function 1
GetPSInfoOp opcode 1
getRotnOp opcode 1
GetRslDataOp opcode 1
hardware margins 1
imageable area 1
job dialog boxes 1
kGetPrinterInfo opcode 1
kIsSamePrinterInfo opcode 1
kLoadCommProcsOp opcode 1
kPMDestinationFile constant 1
kPMDocumentFormatPDF constant 1
kPMDontWantBoolean constant 1
kPMNotImplemented constant 1 2
kPMOutOfScope constant 1
kPrEnablePartialFonts opcode 1
kPrinterDirectOpCode opcode 1
kPrVersionOp opcode 1
kSetDefaultPrinterInfo opcode 1
kUnloadCommProcsOp opcode 1
NoDraftBitsOp opcode 1
NoGrayScl opcode 1
opcodes for PrGeneral 1
orientation of pages 1
page format objects 1
page format
  defined 1
  flattening 1
  saving and retrieving 1+
  unflattening 1
page rectangles
  adjusted 1
  defined 1
Page Setup command, responding to 1+
Page Setup dialogs
  displaying 1 2
  handling dismissal of 1+
  illustrated 1
  calculating maximum 1
  drawing 1
paper rectangles
  adjusted 1
  defined 1
paper sheet size 1 2
PDF files
  saving a document as 1+
  setting as the destination 1
picture comments 1
PMCreatePageFormat function 1 2
PMCreatePrintSettings function 1 2
PMCreateSession function 1 2
PMFlattenPageFormat function 1 2
PMFlattenPrintSettings function 1
PMGetAdjustedPageRect function 1
PMGetAdjustedPaperRec function 1
PMGetCopies function 1
PMGetFirstPage function 1 2
PMGetLastPage function 1 2
PMGetOrientation function 1
PMGetPageFormatExtendedData function 1 2
PMGetPageRange function 1
PMGetPrintSettingsExtendedData function 1
PMGetScale function 1
PMGetUnadjustedPageRect function 1
PMGetUnadjustedPaperRect function 1
PMPageFormat data type 1 2 3
PMPrintSession data type 1 2
PMPrintSettings data type 1 2 3
PMRelease function
  and page format objects 1
  and print settings objects 1
  and printing session objects 1
  when to use 1
PMSessionBeginDocument function 1 2
PMSessionBeginDocumentNoDialog function 1
PMSessionBeginPage function 1
PMSessionBeginPageNoDialog function 1
PMSessionDefaultPageFormat function 1 2
PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings function 1 2 3
PMSessionEndDocument function 1 2
PMSessionEndDocumentNoDialog function 1
PMSessionEndPage function 1 2
PMSessionEndPageNoDialog function 1
PMSessionError function 1
PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter function 1
PMSessionGetDataFromSession function 1
PMSessionGetGraphicsContext function 1 2
PMSessionPageSetupDialog function 1 2
PMSessionPrintDialog function 1 2
PMSessionSetDataInSession function 1 2
PMSessionSetDestination function 1 2
PMSessionUseSheets function
  for Page Setup dialogs 1 2 3
  for Print dialogs 1 2 3
  in sequence of functions 1
  introduced 1
PMSessionValidatePageFormat function 1 2
PMSessionValidatePrintSettings function 1
PMSetCopies function 1
PMSetFirstPage function 1
PMSetJobNameCFString function 1
PMSetLastPage function 1 2
PMSetOrientation function 1
PMSetPageFormatExtendedData function 1 2 3
PMSetPageRange function 1 2
PMSetPrintSettingsExtendedData function 1
PMSetResolution function 1 2
PMSetScale function 1
PMUnflattenPageFormat function 1 2
PMUnflattenPrintSettings function 1
portable document format files. See PDF files 1
PrClose function 1
PrCloseDoc function 1
PrClosePage function 1
PrCtlCall function 1
PrDlgMain function 1
PrDrvrClose function 1
PrDrvrDCE function 1
PrDrvrOpen function 1
PrDrvrVers function 1
PrError function 1
PrGeneral function 1 2
Print command, responding to 1+
Print dialogs
  displaying 1 2
  handling dismissal of 1+
  illustrated 1
print jobs
  defined 1
  setting the destination 1
print loops 1+
  independence of 1
  pseudocode 1
  with No Dialog functions 1
  writing 1+
Print One Copy command 1
print records 1 2
print settings 1
print settings objects 1
PrintDefault function 1
printing dialog extensions 1
printing dialogs. See Page Setup dialogs, Print dialogs, printing status dialogs
Printing Manager
  compared to Carbon Printing Manager 1
  converting old printing code 1 2
printing objects 1+
printing session objects
  and scope 1
  defined 1
printing status dialogs 1
printing styles 1
printing tasks
  high-level 1+
  printing the print job 1 2 3+
  printing without dialogs 1+
  setting up print settings 1 2 3+
  setting up the page format 1 2 3+
PrJobDialog function 1
PrJobInit structure 1
PrJobMerge function 1
PrLoadDriver function 1 2
PrNoPurge function 1
PrOpen function 1
PrOpenDoc function 1
PrOpenPage function 1
PrPicFile function 1
PrPurge function 1
PrSetError function 1
PrStlDialog function 1
PrStlInit function 1
PrValidate function 1
PSAdobeOp opcode 1
PSIntentionsOp opcode 1
PSPrimaryPPDOp opcode 1
sample functions
  MyDoPageSetup 1
  MyDoPrint 1
  MyDoPrintLoop 1
  MyFlattenAndSavePageFormat 1
  MyLoadAndUnflattenPageFormat 1
  MyPageDrawProc 1
  MyPageSetupDoneProc 1
  MyPostPrintingError 1
  MyPrintDialogDoneProc 1
  MySetupPageFormatForPrinting 1
scaling of drawing area 1
SetPort function 1
SetRslOp opcode 1
StandardAlert function 1
style dialog boxes 1
TPrInfo structure 1
TPrint structure 1 2
TPrJob structure 1
TPrStl structure 1