Discuss spatial computing on Apple platforms and how to design and build an entirely new universe of apps and games for Apple Vision Pro.

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Vision pro not pairing Macbook with pro
I'm having trouble pairing my apple vision pro to my macbook pro M3, my macbook pro is on sonoma 14.6 and i have tested pairing a visionOS1.2 and 2.0 vision pro but it still doesn't work, i have a mac mini that pairs and connects fine to the headsets and those are the steps i tried to do on vision pro and macbook pro to pair them together until now but with no success : On the same windows wifi hotspot On the same iPhone hotspot On an other wifi hotspot Tried to clear remote devices, still not recognized tried to turn off and turn on developper mode still nothing tried to reset network parameters tried to restart headset tried to restart Xcode tried to restart mac just after restart the headset showed up and i clicked pair and typed in the code but then the headset was still in "disconnected" and couldn't connect to mac tried to restart mac and headset tried to rename headset tried to switch mac tried 1 headset on at a time tried to clean build folder deleted contents of ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData tried sudo defaults write "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist NoMulticastAdvertisements" -bool true tried to deactivate the firewall
Aug ’24
Control of LongPressGesture-created element
I have been implementing the LongPressGesture to have a menu come up upon a long press. I love the functionality and it is very close to being where I want it to be. I don't know if this is a visionOS-specific thing, but I am hoping to control the corner radius of the pulled-out element behind my "button." I've wrangled hover effects in the past with overlays, but I'm not sure what to target in this case. Worst case, I'll have to change the border radius on all of my tiles to match this LongPressGesture-controlled behavior, or I could possibly change the radius onLongPressGesture to match. Is there a simpler solution? Thanks!
USDZ Models from RealityKitContentBundle loosing textures (show all black)
In my VisionPro app, I'm facing a problem with loading USDZ models from a RealityKitBundle package, created using Reality Composer Pro. It was working fine until I added more models to the package. As I added more models with large textures in the project, the app started to show them with texturing problems. So, when I load the models from the RealityView using Entity(named:in), the mesh loads correctly, but all black, with no textures, as below: However, when I load the same USDZ directly from the main bundle, using ModelEntity(named:in), it loads fine. I know that large textures can cause memory issues, but when talking about one single model, I know that it's not enough to cause a memory overflow in the VisionPro. This USDZ model is about 40MB with something around 800MB of texture memory (from the RealityComposerPro Statistic tab). I've built experiences in VisionPro with much heavier models, and they do present the same texture issues, but only after there's more than 3 huge models enabled in the Reality scene. But that's not the case. The un-textured model appears right from the beginning, so it seems to me that's not a runtime issue in the device, but rather some issue in the packaging process from RealityComposerPro to XCode to the Device, am I correct? I'm also using a simple Mac Mini with M2 but only 8MB of RAM. Maybe that's the issue? As I still want to use RealityComposerPro to build more dev-friendly and interesting applications, I'd really appreciate some guidance here! Thanks in advance!
Send messages to the scene
I saw onnoffitacation in the Behavior configuration of Reality Composer pro, which asked me to enter the Nofficatition name, that is to say, this requires swift in Xcode to send a message. There is a message name in the message, so I hope you can write a list for me how to use Swift in Xcode to send a message containing the message name.(There is an answer in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/756978, but it doesn't work.) and in the time line in Reality Composer Pro, there is a Notification action, which is used to send messages to swift. How can I ask swift to detect whether the Notification action has sent a message?(There is an answer in https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2024/10102/, but it doesn't work.) I have asked this question before (https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/756978). Those answers were available before, but now they are all invalid in the latest system. I hope you can help me. Thank you.
How to disable the download option from Quicklook PreviewApplication?
Hi, Following the wwdc24 video - What’s new in Quick Look for visionOS, I've managed to open a 3D model using PreviewApplication by calling let previewItem = PreviewItem(url: modelURL, displayName: "Easter", editingMode: .disabled) _ = PreviewApplication.open(items: [previewItem]) However, the "Save to Downloads" option is aways there(see attached screenshot). As the models are user generated content, and I don't want the download option to be available to all users. How to disable it?
Seize the entity
How to make a specified entity in RealityView be captured by users: This entity has physical and collision components, and the user will not change when he does not grasp the action. However, when the user makes a grab hand gesture and is very close to the entity (there can be a small deviation), an Anchor component will be enabled to bind the entity to the hand, but when the user lets go, he will fall along the y-axis of the current position (affected by the physical component). I hope you can help me. Thank you.
VisionOS slow image tracking and enterprise API questions
To set the stage: I made a prototype of an app for a company, the app is to be used internally right now. Prototype runs perfectly on iOS, so now I got VP to port the app to its final destination. The first thing I found out is that the image tracking on VP is useless for moving images (and that's the core of my app). Also distance at which image is lost seems to be way shorter on VP. Now I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to fix/work around it in any way and I'm wondering if Enterprise API would change anything. So: Is it possible to request Enterprise API access as a single person with basic Apple Developer subscription? I looked around the forum and only got more confused. Does QR code detection and tracking work any better than image detection, or anchor updates are the same? Does the increased "object detection" frequency affect in any way image/QR tracking, or is it (as name implies) only for object tracking? Would increasing the CPU/GPU headroom make any change to image/QR detection frequency? Is there something to disable to make anchor updates more frequent? I don't need complex models, shadows, physics, etc. Greetings Michal
Is this the easiest way create scene planes that allow for collision with Realitykit entities
In my Vision OS app I am using plane detection and I want to create planes that have physics I want to create an effect that my reality kit entities rest on real world detected planes. I was curious to see that the code below that I found in the Samples is the most efficient way of doing this. func processPlaneDetectionUpdates() async { for await anchorUpdate in planeTracking.anchorUpdates { let anchor = anchorUpdate.anchor if anchorUpdate.event == .removed { planeAnchors.removeValue(forKey: anchor.id) if let entity = planeEntities.removeValue(forKey: anchor.id) { entity.removeFromParent() } return } planeAnchors[anchor.id] = anchor let entity = Entity() entity.name = "Plane \(anchor.id)" entity.setTransformMatrix(anchor.originFromAnchorTransform, relativeTo: nil) // Generate a mesh for the plane (for occlusion). var meshResource: MeshResource? = nil do { let contents = MeshResource.Contents(planeGeometry: anchor.geometry) meshResource = try MeshResource.generate(from: contents) } catch { print("Failed to create a mesh resource for a plane anchor: \(error).") return } var material = UnlitMaterial(color: .red) material.blending = .transparent(opacity: .init(floatLiteral: 0)) if let meshResource { // Make this plane occlude virtual objects behind it. entity.components.set(ModelComponent(mesh: meshResource, materials: [material])) } // Generate a collision shape for the plane (for object placement and physics). var shape: ShapeResource? = nil do { let vertices = anchor.geometry.meshVertices.asSIMD3(ofType: Float.self) shape = try await ShapeResource.generateStaticMesh(positions: vertices, faceIndices: anchor.geometry.meshFaces.asUInt16Array()) } catch { print("Failed to create a static mesh for a plane anchor: \(error).") return } if let shape { entity.components.set(CollisionComponent(shapes: [shape], isStatic: true)) let physics = PhysicsBodyComponent(mode: .static) entity.components.set(physics) } let existingEntity = planeEntities[anchor.id] planeEntities[anchor.id] = entity contentEntity.addChild(entity) existingEntity?.removeFromParent() } } } extension MeshResource.Contents { init(planeGeometry: PlaneAnchor.Geometry) { self.init() self.instances = [MeshResource.Instance(id: "main", model: "model")] var part = MeshResource.Part(id: "part", materialIndex: 0) part.positions = MeshBuffers.Positions(planeGeometry.meshVertices.asSIMD3(ofType: Float.self)) part.triangleIndices = MeshBuffer(planeGeometry.meshFaces.asUInt32Array()) self.models = [MeshResource.Model(id: "model", parts: [part])] } } extension GeometrySource { func asArray<T>(ofType: T.Type) -> [T] { assert(MemoryLayout<T>.stride == stride, "Invalid stride \(MemoryLayout<T>.stride); expected \(stride)") return (0..<count).map { buffer.contents().advanced(by: offset + stride * Int($0)).assumingMemoryBound(to: T.self).pointee } } func asSIMD3<T>(ofType: T.Type) -> [SIMD3<T>] { asArray(ofType: (T, T, T).self).map { .init($0.0, $0.1, $0.2) } } subscript(_ index: Int32) -> (Float, Float, Float) { precondition(format == .float3, "This subscript operator can only be used on GeometrySource instances with format .float3") return buffer.contents().advanced(by: offset + (stride * Int(index))).assumingMemoryBound(to: (Float, Float, Float).self).pointee } } extension GeometryElement { subscript(_ index: Int) -> [Int32] { precondition(bytesPerIndex == MemoryLayout<Int32>.size, """ This subscript operator can only be used on GeometryElement instances with bytesPerIndex == \(MemoryLayout<Int32>.size). This GeometryElement has bytesPerIndex == \(bytesPerIndex) """ ) var data = [Int32]() data.reserveCapacity(primitive.indexCount) for indexOffset in 0 ..< primitive.indexCount { data.append(buffer .contents() .advanced(by: (Int(index) * primitive.indexCount + indexOffset) * MemoryLayout<Int32>.size) .assumingMemoryBound(to: Int32.self).pointee) } return data } func asInt32Array() -> [Int32] { var data = [Int32]() let totalNumberOfInt32 = count * primitive.indexCount data.reserveCapacity(totalNumberOfInt32) for indexOffset in 0 ..< totalNumberOfInt32 { data.append(buffer.contents().advanced(by: indexOffset * MemoryLayout<Int32>.size).assumingMemoryBound(to: Int32.self).pointee) } return data } func asUInt16Array() -> [UInt16] { asInt32Array().map { UInt16($0) } } public func asUInt32Array() -> [UInt32] { asInt32Array().map { UInt32($0) } } } I was also curious to know if I can do this without ARKit using SpatialTrackingSession. My understanding is that using SpatialTrackingSession in RealityKit I can only get the transforms of the AnchorEntities but it won't have geometry information to create the collision shapes.
Envision the future: Build great apps for visionOS
I am honored that I successfully participated in the "Envision the future: Build great apps for visionOS"(https://developer.apple.com/events/view/ZCH7ZUY24C/dashboard) conference. However, unfortunately, I am in China, and due to the visa problem (because it usually takes at least 2 months to apply for a visa, but it only takes about 10 days from the time I received the notice to the meeting), I can't go to the United States to participate in the site. So I hope Apple can place an iPad on site and create a FaceTime link, and then I can make a call to this iPad. I also told Apple about this suggestion, but now there are only a few days left to start. They didn't reply to me. Even Apple has sent me the ticket to the Developer Center and asked me to add it to the Apple Wallet App, which means that Apple has not There is a request to deal with me. So I hope you can give me some advice or help me for those who know about this aspect. For Apple's internal engineers, if possible, I hope you can contact the person who manages this meeting. I'm very grateful for this. Thank you.
visionOS RealityKit's physics simulation stops for certain entity.scale values
The setup:
 My Vision Pro app loads uszd models created by a 3rd party app. These models have to be scaled to the right dimension for RealityKit. I want to use physics for realistic movement of these entities, but this does not work as expected. I thus wrote a demo test app based on Apple's immersive space app template (code below).
This app has two entities, a board and above a box that is a child of the board.
 Both have a collision component and a physics body.
 The board, and thus also its child the box, are scaled. The problem:
 If the scale factor is greater or equal 0.91, the box falls under gravity towards the board where it is stopped after some movements. This looks realistic.
 However, if the scale factor is below 0.91, even 0.9, the movement of the box is immediately stopped on the board without any physics simulation.
 Unfortunately, I am not able to upload screen recordings, but if the demo app is executed, one sees the effect immediately. The question:
 I cannot imagine that this behavior is correct. Can somebody confirm that this is a bug? If so I will write a bug report.
 My demo app uses Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d), simulator Version 16.0 (1038) and visionOS 2.0. The code: import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct ImmersiveView: View { @Environment(AppModel.self) var appModel var body: some View { RealityView { content in let boardEntity = makeBoard() content.add(boardEntity) let boxEntity = makeBox() boardEntity.addChild(boxEntity) moveBox(boxEntity, parentEntity: boardEntity) } } func makeBoard() -> ModelEntity { let mesh = MeshResource.generateBox(width: 1.0, height: 0.05, depth: 1.0) var material = UnlitMaterial(); material.color.tint = .red let boardEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: mesh, materials: [material]) let scale: Float = 0.91 // Physics does not run if scale < 0.91 boardEntity.scale = [scale, scale, scale] boardEntity.transform.translation = [0, 0, -3] boardEntity.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: false) boardEntity.physicsBody = PhysicsBodyComponent(massProperties: .default, material: PhysicsMaterialResource.generate(friction: .infinity, restitution: 0.8), mode: .static) return boardEntity } func makeBox() -> ModelEntity { let mesh = MeshResource.generateBox(size: 0.2) var material = UnlitMaterial(); material.color.tint = .green let boxEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: mesh, materials: [material]) boxEntity.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: false) boxEntity.physicsBody = PhysicsBodyComponent(massProperties: .default, material: PhysicsMaterialResource.generate(friction: .infinity, restitution: 0.8), mode: .dynamic) return boxEntity } func moveBox(_ boxEntity:Entity, parentEntity: Entity) { // Set position and orientation of the box let translation = SIMD3<Float>(0, 0.5, 0) // Turn the box by 45 degrees around the y axis let rotationY = simd_quatf(angle: Float(45.0 * .pi/180.0), axis: SIMD3(x: 0, y: 1, z: 0)) let transform = Transform(rotation: rotationY, translation: translation) boxEntity.transform = transform } }
VisionOS 2.0 Main Camera Access Enterprise Entitlement Not Recognized in XCode
I am working on a project that requires access to the main camera on the Vision Pro. My main account holder applied for the necessary enterprise entitlement and we were approved and received the Enterprise.license file by email. I have added the Enterprise.license file to my project, and manually added the com.apple.developer.arkit.main-camera-access.allow entitlement to the entitlement file and set it to true since it was not available in the list when I tried to use the + Capability button in the Signing & Capabilites tab. I am getting an error: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: " doesn't include the com.apple.developer.arkit.main-camera-access.allow entitlement. I have checked the provisioning profile settings online, and there is no manual option for adding the main camera access entitlement, and it does not seem to be getting the approval from the license.
Is visionpro support facial recognition app?
Hello everyone, I'm a Computer Science student. My supervisor has given me some topics for my final year project, and one of them involves using Vision Pro for facial recognition—specifically, identifying a designated face to display specific information. As a developer, my understanding of Vision Pro is quite limited. I've done some research online and found that Unity and Xcode are used as development tools. Traditionally, facial recognition is done using OpenCV. However, I've come across articles stating that Apple, due to security reasons, cannot implement facial recognition. I’d like to ask if that’s true. Also, with VisionOS 2 featuring object tracking and image tracking, could these methods potentially replace facial recognition?
Positioning share sheet on VisionOS
I am trying to position the share sheet popped up by the shareLink API on VisionOS, but the share sheet is always anchored by at the label position. I checked the Photos app is achieving this already, the share sheet there appears at very center of the window while the share button locates at the corner inside the menu. How is this possible to make it?
Trouble with initializing a SharePlay and using GroupSessionJournal.
I am having trouble with initializing the SharePlay. It works but we have to leave the game (click the close button) and rejoin it, sometimes several times, for it to establish the connection. I am also having trouble sharing images over SharePlay with GroupSessionJournal. I am not able to get it to transfer any amount of data or even get recognition on the other participants in the SharePlay that an image is being sent. We have look at all the information we can find online and are not able to establish a connection. I am not sure if I am missing a step, or if I am incorrectly sending the data through the GroupSessionJournal. Here are the steps I took take to replicate the issue I have: FaceTime another person with the app. Open the app and click the SharePlay button to SharePlay it with the other person. Establish the SharePlay and by making sure that the board states are syncronized across participants. If its not click the close button and click open app again to rejoin the SharePlay. (This is one of the bugs that I would like to fix. This is just a work around we developed to establish the SharePlay. We would like it so that when you click SharePLay and they join the session it works.) Once the SharePlay has been established, change the image by clicking change 1 image. Select a jpg image. The image that represents 1 should be not set. If you dont see the image click on any of the X in the squares and it will change to the image. The image should appear on the other participant in the SharePlay. (This does not happen and is what we have not been able to figure out how to get working.) Here are the classes for the example project I created: Content View Game Model Class Activity Manager Main Starter Class