Discuss spatial computing on Apple platforms and how to design and build an entirely new universe of apps and games for Apple Vision Pro.

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Importing USDZ into Reality Composer Pro doesn't include textures
I'm trying to import the USDZ file of a model with multiple textures attached to each part of the model. When I preview the file by double-clicking on the USDZ, it views fine. However, when I import it into Reality Composer Pro, it only shows the pink striped model. I also get the message - "Multiple root level objects exist for HU_EVO_SPY-8.usdc". There are so many components of the model that binding each texture to each component will be very difficult to do manually. How can I fix the file such that when I import to Reality Composer Pro, textures are attached to the model?
Feb ’24
How to use SceneReconstruction with persisted WorldAnchors and AnchorEntities
Hi, I'm prototyping a visionOS app for which I'm trying to create the following behavior in mixed immersive space: users pinch and drag to position a model entity in the real world starting from the ray-cast of the pinch, meaning that the initial position should be on a MeshAnchor from scene reconstruction (I got that working, even though it's less precise than I expected) once the model entity is positioned, I want to anchor this to the world so that it will always stays there no matter what, from what I understand I need to create and add a WorldAnchor to a WorldTrackingProvider for that after positioning the model entity, users should be able to pinch and drag the entity to change its position and have that be persisted from then onwards It's not clear to me what the relationship between AnchorEntity(world:) and WorldAnchor is (looks like AnchorEntity(anchor:) isn't available in visionOS). What is the recommended way to keep these together? Afterwards, what is the recommended way to covert coordinate spaces between repositioned scene coordinate space and the anchor entity hierarchy coordinate space? I tried a DragGesture on the model entity and convert the translation to the scene, that works only when the scene origin hasn't changed. After it has changed, the translation is using the wrong coordinate space. Thanks for the help! Geert
Feb ’24
ARKit for BIM
Hi, Please forgive me if i am asking a basic question. Because after my R&D I didn't see how can I build a solution where user can scan a QR code hanging on a specific wall at a specific fixed position. So when workers scan qr code from their iOS device they could see all the wirings, pipeline e.t.c. It would be really helpful If someone can let me know if its possible with ARKit and how.
Feb ’24
TestFlight for iPad (iOS) App in Apple Vision Pro issue (visionOS)
I have an iPad App that works/available on visionOS store. However, TestFlight releases are displaying that this in iOS app only, and Incompatible on this Apple Vision Pro. How do I enable my iPadOS app for TestFlight in vision OS PS. Native visionOS can appear there, I don't have any approved or released builds yet for visionOS. I also see the same issue with "app not compatible" in TestFlight without visionOS section present. The same app is available in App Store in visionOS/iPad apps
Feb ’24
Limitations of visionOS
Hi, What are the limitations and capabilities of visionOS? I cannot find answers to the questions I have. Let's say you have some USDZ files stored in a cloud service, there are so many of them that the app would be huge if you put them in assets. You want to fetch the one you are interested in and show it while an app is running. Is it possible to load USDZ files at runtime from the network? Is there a limit to how many objects can be visible at once? Let's say I am in an open space, with no walls. I want to place 100 3D objects somewhere in space. Is it possible? What if I placed 500, 1000? Is there a way to save the anchor point of the object? I want to open the app again and have an object in the same place I left it. I would like to arrange my space and have objects always in the same spots. How does the OS behave if objects are in different rooms? Is it possible to walk around, visit different rooms, and have objects anchored there? Would it behave like real objects? Is it possible to color a plane? Let's say there is a wall and it's black. I want this wall to be orange. Is it possible?
Feb ’24
Is it possible to implement a Billboard System in a volumetric window?
When i call queryDeviceAnchor in my Billboard system I get transform updates but I'm unsure how to process them (similar to the Diorama sample app). Is it a bug that I recieve these updates? The documentation says that ARKit data is only provided in a full space so I would expect this not to work at all. But if this is the case, why am I getting deviceAnchor values in this situation?
Feb ’24
Issue with Xcode while creating a "Hello World" App
Dear Apple Developer Forum Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek assistance regarding an error I encountered while attempting to create a "Hello World" application using Xcode. Upon launching Xcode and starting a new project, I followed the standard procedure for creating a simple iOS application. However, during the process, I encountered an unexpected error that halted my progress. The error message I received was [insert error message here]. I have attempted to troubleshoot the issue by see two images, but unfortunately, I have been unsuccessful in resolving it. I am reaching out to the community in the hope that someone might have encountered a similar issue or have expertise in troubleshooting Xcode errors. Any guidance, suggestions, or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time and assistance. Sincerely, Zipzy games y Games
Feb ’24
Detecting the Anchor/Position of the Scene Glass Window in an Immersive View in VisionOS
I have a main app window that presents an Immersive style in Mixed Reality. I am trying to determine the anchor/position of this glass window in the 3D space and place a Sphere entity right next to it. The goal is to ensure that if the user moves the window, the Sphere entity remains attached to it. Does anyone have insights on how to achieve this? The below code snippet provides the position of the device, and I have positioned it 0.5 meters away from the z-axis. However, my objective is to obtain the position of the glass window and anchor the sphere to it. Any guidance on achieving this would be appreciated. import RealityKit import RealityKitContent import ARKit struct ImmersiveView: View { let visionProPose = VisionProPose() var body: some View { RealityView { content in Task { await visionProPose.runArSession() } // Add the initial RealityKit content if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Immersive", in: realityKitContentBundle) { content.add(scene) } } update: { content in if let scene = content.entities.first { if let sphere = scene.findEntity(named: "Sphere") as? ModelEntity { Task { let transfrom = await visionProPose.getTransform() sphere.position = [Float((transfrom?.columns.3.x)!), Float((transfrom?.columns.3.y)!), Float((transfrom?.columns.3.z)!) - 1 ] } } } } } } @Observable class VisionProPose { let session = ARKitSession() let worldTracking = WorldTrackingProvider() func runArSession() async { Task { try? await session.run([worldTracking]) } } func getTransform() async -> simd_float4x4? { guard let deviceAnchor = worldTracking.queryDeviceAnchor(atTimestamp: 1) else { return nil } let transform = deviceAnchor.originFromAnchorTransform return transform } }
Feb ’24
RealityKit: "annotating" an object
Hello, I want to be able to tap on a previously-placed ModelEntity box and add a dot or a text at that location on the box (kind of like I'm adding an annotation on the box) I have something like this, but not sure how I should do it correctly: class MyARView: ARView { // ... private func didTap(_ gestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) { let pos = gestureRecognizer.location(in: self) if !didPlaceCube { placeCube(pos) return } let hitTestResult = self.hitTest(pos) guard let firstResult = hitTestResult.first else { return} let entity = firstResult.entity let textEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateText("Hello there", extrusionDepth: 0.4, font: .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 0.05), containerFrame: .zero, alignment: .center, lineBreakMode: .byWordWrapping)) textEntity.setPosition(entity.position + firstResult.position, relativeTo: entity) entity.addChild(textEntity) } // ... }
Feb ’24
Trouble loading ModelEntity from RealityKitContent package
Hi, I'm working on a simple visionOS app and I'm testing on device. For one part of the app, I load an object in and place it on the user's hand. If I use a primitive shape, like a sphere or cylinder, this works fine. However, now I'm trying to load a an object from my RealityKitContent package. But everytime I try this, I get a an error message, resourceNotFound("Stone"), where "Stone" is one of my usda scenes. This is what the guts of my function looks like that should return a ModelEntity: do { let entity = try await ModelEntity(named: "Stone", in: realityKitContentBundle) entity.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true) return entity } catch { print("Error \(error)") } I can see the "Stone" in my Xcode sidebar as part of the RealityKitContent package and inside that scene, there is a simple sphere, but alas I always get this in the Xcode console, "Error resourceNotFound("Stone")" I'm probably doing something pretty silly, hopefully it's obvious to someone else. Thanks for the help. Ian
Feb ’24
How to show immersive picture behind current window in visionOS?
Following this thread I'm able to render a simple picture in a Plane material, however, I'm unable to scale it to show bigger than the window itself, or move it behind the window. Here's my relevant code so far.- var body: some View { ZStack { RealityView { content in var material = UnlitMaterial() material.color = try! .init(tint: .white, texture: .init(.load(named: "image", in: nil))) let entity = Entity() let component = ModelComponent( mesh: .generatePlane(width: 1, height: 1), materials: [material] ) entity.components.set(component) let currentTransform = entity.transform var newTransform = Transform(scale: currentTransform.scale, rotation: currentTransform.rotation, translation: SIMD3(0, 0, -0.2)) entity.move(to: newTransform, relativeTo: nil) /* let scalingPivot = Entity() scalingPivot.position.y = entity.visualBounds(relativeTo: nil).center.y scalingPivot.addChild(entity) content.add(scalingPivot) scalingPivot.scale *= .init(x: 1, y: 1, z: 1) */ } } } It belongs to an ImmersiveSpace I'm opening directly from my main window, but I have several issues: The texture shows always in front of the window I'm unable to scale it (scaling seems to affect to the texture coordinates inside the material instead of scaling the mesh itself) I can only see the texture in the canvas preview (not in simulator)
Feb ’24
The json decoded by capturestructure lacks the capture room data of this merger, but the usdz and plist generated by the export method are complete
I am using the room plan api to implement the function of multiple space merging, but I found that after performing multiple space merging, the generated json would miss some of the newly added areas, but the usd file and plist file were complete.Does anyone have this problem? Look forward to official support this is my code: public func mergeScan(_ data:String,_ scanName:String,_ directoryName:String){ var capturedRoomArray: [CapturedRoom] = [] //解析主结构 let jsonURL = getRootURL().appending(path: "/\(directoryName)/\(scanName)/scan.json") guard let mainStructureRoom = try?loadCapturedRoom(from: jsonURL) else { return } capturedRoomArray.append(mainStructureRoom) // 添加子结构 if let subStructureRoom = try? loadCapturedRoom(from: data) { os_log("loadCapturedRoom string data success: %@", type: .error, String(describing: data)) capturedRoomArray.append(subStructureRoom) } os_log("merge scan capturedRoomArray: %@", type: .error, String(describing: capturedRoomArray.count)) //合并 Task { do { finalStructureResults = try await structureBuilder.capturedStructure(from: capturedRoomArray) }catch { print("Merging Error:\(error.localizedDescription)") return } do{ //保存 //导出json guard let finalStructureResults else { return } try exportJson(from: finalStructureResults, to: jsonURL) //导出usd let meshDestinationURL = jsonURL.deletingPathExtension().appendingPathExtension("usdz") //导出plist let metadataDestinationURL = jsonURL.deletingPathExtension().appendingPathExtension("plist") try finalStructureResults.export(to: meshDestinationURL, metadataURL: metadataDestinationURL, exportOptions: [.mesh]) } catch { print("Merge Error:\(error.localizedDescription)") return } } } func exportJson(from capturedStructure: CapturedStructure, to url: URL) throws { let encoder = JSONEncoder() encoder.outputFormatting = [.prettyPrinted, .sortedKeys] let data = try encoder.encode(capturedStructure) try data.write(to: url) } Note: Only json is missing the content of this or the next scan, usdz and plist are complete
Feb ’24
Progressive immersive space and Digital Crown (and ARKit)
I am new to visionOS development, just slowly figuring out the difference in immersion styles to figure out how I want my app to behave. It seems that when you use a progressive immersive space the minimum immersion level (set via the digital crown) is not 0? Meaning, there is no way to go from mixed to full by using the Digital Crown. Even when I try to set it to 0 (such as in the Destination Video sample), it pops back up to around 30-40%, and I always see the background. Is this expected behavior, or are there some settings that allow me to change this minimum immersion level? Further, in the video 'Meet ARKit for spatial computing', it is stated that to get access to ARKit tracking data you must use a 'Full Space', not the 'Shared Space'. This wording is confusing to me. Is an ImmersiveSpace set to the .mixed (or .progressive) immersion style still a 'Full Space' (because it isn't in the shared space, with other apps)? OR, is ARKit only available in an ImmersiveSpace with the .full immersion style? Just feels like maybe 'full' is being used in two different ways here... Thanks in advance, -pj
Feb ’24
How to use the CharacterControllerComponent with RealityView on VisionOS
I am trying to implement a game where the character walks on the scene mesh. I am controlling the character with a game controller. I noticed there is a character controller component in Reality Composer Pro, I am aware that when this component is added, the player cannot have a collision or a physics component. I need an example that covers adding an entity with the character controller component to the scene and then moving the character using the moveCharacter function. I was also looking at the documentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/realitykit/entity/movecharacter(by:deltatime:relativeto:collisionhandler:) Here it is also looking for deltaTime. Where do we get the deltaTime from? does it come from a system's update function, does that also mean that the character controller needs to be moved in the update method? Thanks, Sarang
Feb ’24