Integrate iOS device camera and motion features to produce augmented reality experiences in your app or game using ARKit.

ARKit Documentation






Multi-User AR
I'm developing a motion tracking app that takes requires a real-time view of an iPhone camera to capture the person's body. The motion is mapped to a virtual body. Currently this appears overlayed on the person that the iPhone sees. However, I want to transmit this real time 3D virtual body to a different Apple device, as an AR app, that the other user can place in their environment. Any suggestions on how I can get this 3d model to be viewable by another user (and maintain live updating based on motion tracking)?
Mar ’24
RealityKit framework crash: cv3d::applecv3d::concurrent_sd::SurfaceDetection::PushAndDetect
I have a RealityKit based app in TestFlight and I see the following crash happening twice. It appears to be coming from the RealityKit framework itself in cv3d::applecv3d::concurrent_sd::SurfaceDetection::PushAndDetect has anyone seen this before and have you discovered what is causing it? Thread 32 Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001cfd81fbc __pthread_kill + 8 (:-1) 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f271f680 pthread_kill + 268 (pthread.c:1681) 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x000000019069ab90 abort + 180 (abort.c:118) 3 Recon3D 0x0000000211b8cd7c cv3d::acv::surfacedetection::DepthMapPlaneDetector::detect(cv3d::esn::arr::ArrayView<float const, cv3d::esn::dim::DX<2u>, float const*>, cv3d::esn::arr::ArrayView<float const, cv3d::esn::dim::DX<2u... + 6136 (DepthMapPlaneDetector.cpp:346) 4 Recon3D 0x0000000211bb0fe4 cv3d::acv::surfacedetection::SurfaceDetector::detectAndTrack(cv3d::acv::surfacedetection::SurfaceDetector::DetectAndTrackWithDepthParams const&) + 844 (SurfaceDetector.cpp:635) 5 Recon3D 0x000000021142fd24 cv3d::applecv3d::concurrent_sd::SurfaceDetection::PushAndDetect(cv3d::applecv3d::concurrent_sd::InputSemanticsWithDepthBundle const&) + 2672 (SurfaceDetection.cpp:645) 6 Recon3D 0x00000002114678ec cv3d::kit::concurrency::detail::ProcessorInputMessageHandlingStrategy<cv3d::applecv3d::concurrent_sd::InputSemanticsWithDepthBundle, std::experimental::expected<cv3d::applecv3d::concurrent_sd::Surf... + 92 (ProcessorInputMessageHandlingStrategy.h:136) 7 Recon3D 0x00000002114675b4 std::__1::__function::__func<void cv3d::kit::concurrency::detail::Processor<cv3d::applecv3d::concurrent_sd::InputSemanticsWithDepthBundle, std::experimental::expected<cv3d::applecv3d::concurrent_sd... + 184 (function.h:356) 8 Recon3D 0x0000000211794330 void std::__1::__invoke_void_return_wrapper<void, true>::__call<std::__1::future<void> cv3d::esn::thread::IWorkQueue::DispatchAsync<void>(std::__1::function<void ()>&&)::'lambda'()&>(std::__1::futu... + 68 (invoke.h:487) 9 Recon3D 0x0000000212387830 dispatch_async_C_CallBack + 76 (GrandCentralDispatchUtil.cpp:94) 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001905e2300 _dispatch_client_callout + 20 (object.m:561) 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001905e9964 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 956 (queue.c:3885) 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001905ea3f8 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 432 (queue.c:3976) 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001905eb6a8 _dispatch_workloop_invoke + 1756 (queue.c:4485) 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001905f5004 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh + 288 (queue.c:6913) 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001905f4878 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 404 (queue.c:6507) 16 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f271b964 _pthread_wqthread + 288 (pthread.c:2629) 17 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f271ba04 start_wqthread + 8 (:-1)
Mar ’24
Frequent session interruption events when running a modified RoomPlan.
When running a modified version of the RoomPlan Demo I get frequent Session Interrupted conditions. In looking at the traces I find a status of SensorDidPause in the interruption Side of the error but am mystified as to how to determine which sensor it was that paused and how to diagnose it. It appears there is a bitmap of available and active sensor devices in the sensor info passed with the session data on the error. In looking at the error status I can see that one or two of the motion sensors have had a problem. How do I do further diagnostic checks on what the cause of the error is? I am also curious why the error occurred as soon as the AR Session for my test started via the “” call. The documentation in this area seems difficult to find. Attached are traces from running the test and stack dumps for the calls. Please send me guidance on how to proceed. The device in question is an iPad iPhone(3) that is attached to the Mac mini named “Hawkeye”. There is no known direct involvement for the Hawkeye system
Mar ’24
Having issue with two ar session togather
I have the following issue regarding running 2 AR service. I am trying to develop an app for my masters thesis. Case 1: I first scan the room using the roomplan api. Then I stop the roomplan api session and start the realitykit session. When the realitykit session starts, the camera is not showing anything but black screen. Case 2: When I had the issue with case one, I tried a seperate test app where I had 2 seperate screen for roomplan api and realitykit. There is no relation. but as soon as I introduced roomplan api, realitykit stopped working, having the same black screen as above. There might be any states that changed by the roomplan api, that's why realitykit is not able to access the camera. Let me know if you have any idea about it or any sample. I am using the following stack: Xcode - Latest; Swiftui; latest os in mac mini and iphone
Apr ’24
Vision Pro - viable for industry applications?
I'm in Europe, Vision Pro isn't available here yet. I'm a developer / designer, and I want to find out whether it's worthwhile to try and sell the idea of investing in a bunch of Vision Pro devices as well as in app development for it, to the people overseeing the budget for a project I'm part of. The project is broadly in an "industry" where several constraints apply, most of them are security and safety. So far, all the Vision Pro discussion I've seen is about consumer-level media consumption and tippy-tappy-app-stuff for a broad user base. Now, the hardware and the OS features and SDK definitely look like professional niche use cases are possible. But some features, such as SharePlay, will for example require an Apple ID and internet connection (I guess?). This for example is a strict nope in my case, for security reasons. I'd like to start a discussion of what works and what doesn't work, outside the realm of watching Disney+ in your condo. Potentially, this device has several marks ticked with regards to incredibly useful features in general. very good indoor tracking pass through with good fidelity hands free operation The first point especially, is kind of a really big deal, and for me, the biggest open question. I have multiple make or break questions with regard to this. (These features are not available in the simulator) For sake of argument, lets say the app I'm building is Cave Mapper. it's meant to be used by archeologists inside a cave system where we have no internet, no reliable compass, and no GPS. We have a local network that we can carry around though. We can also bring lights. One feature of the app is to build out a catalog of cave paintings and store them in a database. The archeologist wants to walk around, look at a cave painting, and tap on it to capture its position relative to the cave entrance. The next day, another archeologist may work inside the same cave, and they would want to have synchronised access to the same spatial data from the day before. For that: How good, precise, reliable, stable is the indoor tracking really? Hyped reviewers said it's rock solid, others have said it can drift. How well do the persistent WorldAnchor objects work? How well do they work when you're in a concrete bunker or a cave without GPS? Can I somehow share a world anchor with another user? is it possible to sync the ARKit map that one device has built, with another device? Other showstoppers? in case you cannot share your mapped world or world anchors: How solid is the tracking of an ImageAnchor (which we could physically nail to the cave entrance to use as a shared positional / rotational reference) Other, practical stuff: can you wear Vision Pro with a safety helmet? does it work with gloves?
Apr ’24
Restarting a stopped ARKitSession in VisionOS causes app to crash
Flow: User enters app and starts an arkit session with worldtracking and scene reconstruction. User closes app so we stop the session. User re-enters app and we try to run the session but app crashes with error: "It is not possible to re-run a stopped data provider. If we remove code to stop the session, when the user re-enters the app the scene reconstruction doesn't work properly and shows inaccurate meshing data. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here? Any ideas or insight are appreciated
Apr ’24
Removed WorldAnchors reappear
While WorldTrackingProvider.removeAnchor() completes without error, the WorldAnchor might be back the next time the App is run. This can easily be replicated by the ObjectPlacement sample. Just add 10 objects, Remove All, then run App again. The first run the anchors might be gone, but run the App a couple more times and the anchors will come back. This becomes a big problem when paired with the issue that anchors are not always found when the App enter Immersive mode. When an anchor is not found our App will add an anchor. That usually works fine for that run. The next run, however, the other anchors will show up. Anchors accumulate and it becomes difficult to track.
Apr ’24
visionOS 3D tap location offset by ~0.35m?
I have a simple visionOS app that uses a RealityView to map floors and ceilings using PlaneDetectionProvider and PlaneAnchors. I can look at a location on the floor or ceiling, tap, and place an object at that location (I am currently placing a small cube with X-Y-Z axes sticking out at the location). The tap locations are consistently about 0.35m off along the horizontal plane (it is never off vertically) from where I was looking. Has anyone else run into the issue of a spatial tap gesture resulting in a location offset from where they are looking? And if I move to different locations, the offset is the same in real space, so the offset doesn't appear to be associated with the orientation of the Apple Vision Pro (e.g. it isn't off a little to the left of the headset of where I was looking). Attached is an image showing this. I focused on the corner of the carpet (yellow circle), tapped my fingers to trigger a tap gesture in RealityView, extracted the location, and placed a purple cube at that location. I stood in 4 different locations (where the orange squares are), looked at the corner of the rug (yellow circle) and tapped. All 4 purple cubes are place at about the same location ~0.35m away from the look location. Here is how I captured the tap gesture and extracted the 3D location: var myTapGesture: some Gesture { SpatialTapGesture() .targetedToAnyEntity() .onEnded { event in let location3D = event.convert(event.location3D, from: .global, to: .scene) let entity = event.entity model.handleTap(location: location3D, entity: entity) } } Here is how I set the position of the purple cube: func handleTap(location: SIMD3<Float>, entity: Entity) { let positionEntity = Entity() positionEntity.setPosition(location, relativeTo: nil) ... }
Apr ’24
Access persona on VisionOS
I am planning to build a VisionOS app and need to get access to the persona (avatar). I have not found any information regarding integration possibilities in the docs. Does anyone know if and how I can access the user's persona? Other applications like Zoom and Teams for VisionOS use the persona, so I think it is basically possible. Apparently (if it's not fake) there is also a chess game with integrated persona: Any help is very welcome, thanks.
Apr ’24
ARGeoAnchor: Supplement imagery in private locations
I am developing an iOS app intended to be used only a specific location (a campus). In this case, I'd like to use ARGeoAnchor to anchor content across a relatively large space, though in the pedestrian-only areas this is not supported and tracking begins to fail. Is it possible to additionally use ARReferenceObject to re-localize to a specific location when I am walking in an unsupported area. (FB13719373)
Apr ’24
ARKit ARWorldTrackingConfiguration doesn't recognize faces
Hi all, I am trying to use ARWorldTrackingConfiguration to find any faces in my scene. However when I query the scene, using the same type of query one would use in ARFaceTrackingConfiguration, I don't get an Entity back. Here's my code: var entityCollection : Set<Entity> = [] let faceEntity = scene.performQuery(query1).first { $0.components[SceneUnderstandingComponent.self]?.entityType == .face } Every single time faceEntity returns as empty. Any help/pointers would be appreciated!
Apr ’24
When using ARImageTrackingConfiguration, the entity in the scene keeps shaking
When isAutoFocusEnabled is set to true, the entity in the scene keeps shaking. No focus when isAutoFocusEnabled is set to false. How to set up to solve this problem. override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() arView.session.delegate = self guard let arCGImage = UIImage(named: "111", in: .main, with: .none)?.cgImage else { return } let arReferenceImage = ARReferenceImage(arCGImage, orientation: .up, physicalWidth: CGFloat(0.1)) let arImages: Set<ARReferenceImage> = [arReferenceImage] let configuration = ARImageTrackingConfiguration() configuration.trackingImages = arImages configuration.maximumNumberOfTrackedImages = 1 configuration.isAutoFocusEnabled = false } func session(_ session: ARSession, didAdd anchors: [ARAnchor]) { anchors.compactMap { $0 as? ARImageAnchor }.forEach { let anchor = AnchorEntity(anchor: $0) let mesh = MeshResource.generateBox(size: 0.1, cornerRadius: 0.005) let material = SimpleMaterial(color: .gray, roughness: 0.15, isMetallic: true) let model = ModelEntity(mesh: mesh, materials: [material]) model.transform.translation.y = 0.05 anchor.children.append(model) arView.scene.addAnchor(anchor) } }
Apr ’24
Trying to use ARView session's currentFrame camera transforms to identify wall corners in capturedImage
I am trying to determine the corners of a RoomPlan-detected wall using the information available in the ARView session's frame, but can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong. The corners appear to be correct relative to each other, but the wall appears too large when I render it. (I'm also not sure I'm handling the image rotation correctly either, which may be compounding my problem). Here is the code I currently have, along with a sample image, and the resulting image when I pass it through the perspective filter. it is close but isn't cropping the walls and floors correctly. func captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didChange room: CapturedRoom) { for surface in room.walls { if let frame = self.arView.session.currentFrame { var image: CGImage? = nil VTCreateCGImageFromCVPixelBuffer(frame.capturedImage, options: nil, imageOut: &image) let wallTransform = surface.transform let cameraTransform = let intrinsics = let projectionMatrix = let width = surface.dimensions.y let height = surface.dimensions.x let inverseCameraTransform = simd_inverse(cameraTransform) let wallTopRight = simd_float4(width/2, height/2, 0, 1) let wallTopLeft = simd_float4(-width/2, height/2, 0, 1) let wallBottomRight = simd_float4(width/2, -height/2, 0, 1) let wallBottomLeft = simd_float4(-width/2, -height/2, 0, 1) let worldTopRight = wallTransform * wallTopRight let worldTopLeft = wallTransform * wallTopLeft let worldBottomRight = wallTransform * wallBottomRight let worldBottomLeft = wallTransform * wallBottomLeft let cameraTopRight = projectionMatrix * inverseCameraTransform * worldTopRight let cameraTopLeft = projectionMatrix * inverseCameraTransform * worldTopLeft let cameraBottomRight = projectionMatrix * inverseCameraTransform * worldBottomRight let cameraBottomLeft = projectionMatrix * inverseCameraTransform * worldBottomLeft let imageTopRight = intrinsics * simd_float3(cameraTopRight.x / cameraTopRight.w, cameraTopRight.y / cameraTopRight.w, cameraTopRight.z / cameraTopRight.w) let imageTopLeft = intrinsics * simd_float3(cameraTopLeft.x / cameraTopLeft.w, cameraTopLeft.y / cameraTopLeft.w, cameraTopLeft.z / cameraTopLeft.w) let imageBottomRight = intrinsics * simd_float3(cameraBottomRight.x / cameraBottomRight.w, cameraBottomRight.y / cameraBottomRight.w, cameraBottomRight.z / cameraBottomRight.w) let imageBottomLeft = intrinsics * simd_float3(cameraBottomLeft.x / cameraBottomLeft.w, cameraBottomLeft.y / cameraBottomLeft.w, cameraBottomLeft.z / cameraBottomLeft.w) let topRight = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(imageTopRight.x), y: CGFloat(imageTopRight.y)) let topLeft = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(imageTopLeft.x), y: CGFloat(imageTopLeft.y)) let bottomRight = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(imageBottomRight.x), y: CGFloat(imageBottomRight.y)) let bottomLeft = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(imageBottomLeft.x), y: CGFloat(imageBottomLeft.y)) if let image { let filter = CIFilter.perspectiveCorrection() filter.inputImage = CIImage(image: UIImage(cgImage: image)) filter.topRight = topRight filter.topLeft = topLeft filter.bottomRight = bottomRight filter.bottomLeft = bottomLeft let transformedImage = filter.outputImage if let transformedImage { let context = CIContext() if let outputImage = context.createCGImage(transformedImage, from: transformedImage.extent) { let wall = Wall(id: surface.identifier, image: outputImage, surface: surface) self.walls.append(wall) } } } } } }
Apr ’24
Map ARSkeleton3D of ARBodyAnchor to normalized camera image
I am trying to map the 3D skeleton joint positions of an ARBodyAnchor to the real body on the camera image. I know I could simply use the "detectedBody" of the ARFrame, which would already deliver the normalized 2D position of each joint, but what I am mostly interested in is the z-axis (the distance of each joint to the camera). I am starting a ARBodyTrackingConfiguration, setting the world alignment to ARWorldAlignmentCamera (in which case the camera transform is an identity matrix) and multiplying each joint transform in model space (via modelTransformForJointName:) with the transform of the ARBodyAnchor. And then tried many different ways to get the joints to line up with the image, by for example multiplying the transforms with the projectionMatrix of the ARCamera. But whatever I do, it never lines up correctly. For example, the doesn't really seem to be a scale factor in the projectionMatrix or the ARBodyAnchor transform, no matter the distance of the camera to the detected body, the scale of the body is always the same. Which means I am missing something important, and I haven't figured out what. So does anyone have an example of how I can get the body align to the camera image? (or get the distance to each joint in any other way?) Thanks!
May ’24
VisionOS programmatically toggle .showSceneUnderstanding
I was executing some code from Incorporating real-world surroundings in an immersive experience func processReconstructionUpdates() async { for await update in sceneReconstruction.anchorUpdates { let meshAnchor = update.anchor guard let shape = try? await ShapeResource.generateStaticMesh(from: meshAnchor) else { continue } switch update.event { case .added: let entity = ModelEntity() entity.transform = Transform(matrix: meshAnchor.originFromAnchorTransform) entity.collision = CollisionComponent(shapes: [shape], isStatic: true) entity.components.set(InputTargetComponent()) entity.physicsBody = PhysicsBodyComponent(mode: .static) meshEntities[] = entity contentEntity.addChild(entity) case .updated: guard let entity = meshEntities[] else { continue } entity.transform = Transform(matrix: meshAnchor.originFromAnchorTransform) entity.collision?.shapes = [shape] case .removed: meshEntities[]?.removeFromParent() meshEntities.removeValue(forKey: } } } I would like to toggle the Occlusion mesh available on the dev tools below, but programmatically. I would like to have a button, that would activate and deactivate that. I was checking .showSceneUnderstanding but it does not seem to work in visionOS. I get the following error 'ARView' is unavailable in visionOS when I try what is available Visualizing and Interacting with a Reconstructed Scene
May ’24