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Siri Intent Dismiss callback issue
I am opening the Siri shortcut screen from the viewDidLoad method, as follows: override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Present the Siri Shortcut screen to add Card Payment Intent let viewController = INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController(shortcut: INShortcut(intent: self.cardPaymentIntent)!) viewController.modalPresentationStyle = .pageSheet // Setting Delegate viewController.delegate = self self.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } // Delegate Method Conformance :: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate @available(iOS 12.0, *) func addVoiceShortcutViewController(_ controller: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController, didFinishWith voiceShortcut: INVoiceShortcut?, error: Error?) { controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) // The issue is here. Whether we add the or Dismiss the Siri shortcut screen without adding it, this delegate gets called. } @available(iOS 12.0, *) func addVoiceShortcutViewControllerDidCancel(_ controller: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController) { controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } // Card Payment Intent public var cardPaymentIntent: CardPaymentIntent { let intent = CardPaymentIntent() intent.suggestedInvocationPhrase = NSLocalizedString("Pay my credit card", comment: "") return intent } Whenever I present the siri shortcut screen, either I add the shortcut or dismiss the screen without adding. In both cases , the shortcut is added. And this method is called every time func addVoiceShortcutViewController(_ controller: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController, didFinishWith voiceShortcut: INVoiceShortcut?, error: Error?) Any solution ? while I dismiss the screen, i want it not to be added into the shortcut
Jul ’24
Xcode 15.3 AppIntentsSSUTraining warning: missing the definition of locale # variables.1.definitions
Hello! I've noticed that adding localizations for AppShortcuts triggers the following warnings in Xcode 15.3: warning: missing the definition of zh-Hans # variables.1.definitions warning: missing the definition of zh-Hans # variables.2.definitions This occurs with both legacy strings files and String Catalogs. Example project: https://github.com/gongzhang/AppShortcutsLocalizationWarningExample
Mar ’24
Disable App Shortcuts without releasing a new build
I'm trying to create an App Shortcut so that users can interact with one of my app's features using Siri. I would like to be able to turn this shortcut on or off at runtime using a feature toggle. Ideally, I would be able to do something like this. struct MyShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { // This shortcut is always available AppShortcut( intent: AlwaysAvailableIntent(), phrases: ["Show my always available intent with \(.applicationName)"], shortTitle: "Always Available Intent", systemImageName: "infinity" ) // This shortcut is only available when "myCoolFeature" is available if FeatureProvider.shared.isAvailable("myCoolFeature") { AppShortcut( intent: MyCoolFeatureIntent(), phrases: ["Show my cool feature in \(.applicationName)"], shortTitle: "My Cool Feature Intent", systemImageName: "questionmark" ) } } } However, this does not work because the existing buildOptional implementation is limited to components of type (any _AppShortcutsContentMarker & _LimitedAvailabilityAppShortcutsContentMarker)?. All other attempts at making appShortcuts dynamic have resulted in shortcuts not working at all. I've tried: Creating a makeAppShortcuts method that returns [AppShortcut] and invoking this method from within the appShortcuts Extending AppShortcutsBuilder to support a buildOptional block isn't restricted to a component type of (any _AppShortcutsContentMarker & _LimitedAvailabilityAppShortcutsContentMarker)? Extending AppShortcutsBuilder to support buildArray and using compactMap(_:) to return an empty array when the feature is disabled I haven't used SiriKit before but it appears that shortcut suggestions were set at runtime by invoking setShortcutSuggestions(_:), meaning that what I'm trying to do would be possible. I'm not against using SiriKit if I have to but my understanding is that the App Intents framework is meant to be a replacement for SiriKit, and the prompt within Xcode to replace older custom intents with App Intents indicates that that is indeed the case. Is there something obvious that I'm just missing or is this simply not possible with the App Intent framework? Is the App Intent framework not meant to replace SiriKit and should I just use that instead?
Aug ’24
EntityPropertyQuery with property from related entity
Hi, I am working on creating a EntityPropertyQuery for my App entity. I want the user to be able to use Shortcuts to search by a property in a related entity, but I'm struggling with how the syntax for that looks. I know the documentation for 'EntityPropertyQuery' suggests that this should be possible with a different initializer for the 'QueryProperty' that takes in a 'entityProvider' but I can't figure out how it works. For e.g. my CJPersonAppEntity has 'emails', which is of type CJEmailAppEntity, which has a property 'emailAddress'. I want the user to be able to find the 'person' by looking up an email address. When I try to provide this as a Property to filter by, inside CJPersonAppEntityQuery, but I get a syntax error: static var properties = QueryProperties { Property(\CJPersonEmailAppEntity.$emailAddress, entityProvider: { person in person.emails // error }) { EqualToComparator { NSPredicate(format: "emailAddress == %@", $0) } ContainsComparator { NSPredicate(format: "emailAddress CONTAINS %@", $0) } } } The error says "Cannot convert value of type '[CJPersonEmailAppEntity]' to closure result type 'CJPersonEmailAppEntity'" So it's not expecting an array, but an individual email item. But how do I provide that without running the predicate query that's specified in the closure? So I tried something like this , just returning something without worrying about correctness: Property(\CJPersonEmailAppEntity.$emailAddress, entityProvider: { person in person.emails.first ?? CJPersonEmailAppEntity() // satisfy compiler }) { EqualToComparator { NSPredicate(format: "emailAddress == %@", $0) } ContainsComparator { NSPredicate(format: "emailAddress CONTAINS %@", $0) } } and it built the app, but failed on another the step 'Extracting app intents metadata': error: Entity CJPersonAppEntity does not contain a property named emailAddress. Ensure that the property is wrapped with an @Property property wrapper So I'm not sure what the correct syntax for handling this case is, and I can't find any other examples of how it's done. Would love some feedback for this.
Jul ’24
Using OpenIntents with voice
Hi, I am working with AppIntents, and have created an OpenIntent with a target using a MyAppContact AppEntity that I have created. This works fine when running from Shortcuts because it pops up a list of options from the 'suggestedEntities` method. But It doesn't work well when using with Siri. It invokes the AppIntent, but keeps repeatedly asking for the value of the 'target' entity, which you can't really pass in with voice. What's the workaround here? Can an OpenIntent be activated by voice as well?
Aug ’24
translationTask does not execute when content appears
The documentation for translationTask(source:target:action:) says it should translate when content appears, but this isn't happening. I’m only able to translate when I manually associate that task with a configuration, and instantiate the configuration. Here’s the complete source code: import SwiftUI import Translation struct ContentView: View { @State private var originalText = "The orange fox jumps over the lazy dog" @State private var translationTaskResult = "" @State private var translationTaskResult2 = "" @State private var configuration: TranslationSession.Configuration? var body: some View { List { // THIS DOES NOT WORK Section { Text(translationTaskResult) .translationTask { session in Task { @MainActor in do { let response = try await session.translate(originalText) translationTaskResult = response.targetText } catch { print(error) } } } } // THIS WORKS Section { Text(translationTaskResult2) .translationTask(configuration) { session in Task { @MainActor in do { let response = try await session.translate(originalText) translationTaskResult2 = response.targetText } catch { print(error) } } } Button(action: { if configuration == nil { configuration = TranslationSession.Configuration() return } configuration?.invalidate() }) { Text("Translate") } } } } } How can I automatically translate a given text when it appears using the new translationTask API?
Jun ’24
Disable AppIntent for iPadOS
My application is being supported by both iOS and iPadOS platforms. I would like to add AppIntents only on iOS and not on iPadOS. I have not found any blogs related to it. Is it possible? If so, May I know how can we do it? If not, what is the best practice to avoid showing Siri shortcuts on iPad.
Jul ’24
Documentation and usage of BNNS.NormalizationLayer
Hello everybody, I am running into an error with BNNS.NormalizationLayer. It appears to only work with .vector, and matrix shapes throws layerApplyFail during training. Inference doesn't throw but the output stays the same. How to correctly use BNNS.NormalizationLayer with matrix shapes? How to debug layerApplyFail exception? Thanks let array: [Float32] = [ 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, ] // let inputShape: BNNS.Shape = .vector(6 * 3) // works let inputShape: BNNS.Shape = .matrixColumnMajor(6, 3) let input = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Float32.self, shape: inputShape) let output = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Float32.self, shape: inputShape) let beta = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocate(repeating: Float32(0), shape: inputShape, batchSize: 1) let gamma = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocate(repeating: Float32(1), shape: inputShape, batchSize: 1) let activation: BNNS.ActivationFunction = .identity let layer = BNNS.NormalizationLayer(type: .layer(normalizationAxis: 0), input: input, output: output, beta: beta, gamma: gamma, epsilon: 1e-12, activation: activation)! let layerInput = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocate(initializingFrom: array, shape: inputShape) let layerOutput = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Float32.self, shape: inputShape) // try layer.apply(batchSize: 1, input: layerInput, output: layerOutput, for: .inference) // No throw try layer.apply(batchSize: 1, input: layerInput, output: layerOutput, for: .training) _ = layerOutput.makeArray(of: Float32.self) // All zeros when .inference
Jul ’24
Training a Segmentation model
Hi there,I’m a Computer Science student and I have a MacBook Pro 2019 and I’m thinking in buying a new Mac either a Mac Studio or a MacBook Pro but I want to use it for ML. I’m now doing a segmentation model and I’m wondering if I could use Core Ml or the Apple Neural Engine in the new M3 chips to train it, I’m now using colab and tensorflow to create the model but it’s not doing the job, I’m falling short of Cuda memory. Thanks :)
Jul ’24
Div calculation issue in metal
Hi, all. I've been writing various computational functions using Metal. However, in the following operation functions, unlike + and *, there is an accuracy issue in the / operation. This is a function that divides a matrix of shape [n, x, y] and a scalar [1]. When compared to numpy or torch, if I change the operator of the above function to * or + instead of /, I can get completely the same results, but in the case of /, there is a difference in the mean of more than 1e-5. (For reference, this was written with reference to the metal kernel code in llama.cpp) kernel void kernel_div_single_f16( device const half * src0, device const half * src1, device half * dst, constant int64_t & ne00, constant int64_t & ne01, constant int64_t & ne02, constant int64_t & ne03, uint3 tgpig[[threadgroup_position_in_grid]], uint3 tpitg[[thread_position_in_threadgroup]], uint3 ntg[[threads_per_threadgroup]]) { const int64_t i03 = tgpig.z; const int64_t i02 = tgpig.y; const int64_t i01 = tgpig.x; const uint offset = i03*ne02*ne01*ne00 + i02*ne01*ne00 + i01*ne00; for (int i0 = tpitg.x; i0 < ne00; i0 += ntg.x) { dst[offset + i0] = src0[offset+i0] / *src1; } } My mac book is, Macbork Pro(16, 2021) / macOS 12.5 / Apple M1 Pro. Are there any issues related to Div? Thanks in advance for your reply.
Jul ’24
tensorflow-metal problems (tf.random.normal) and disappointments
"Last year, I upgraded to an M2 Max laptop, expecting that tensorflow-metal would facilitate effective local prototyping utilizing the Apple Silicon's capabilities. It has been quite some time since tensorflow-metal was last updated, and there appear to be several unresolved issues noted by the community here. I've personally observed the following behavior with my setup: Without tensorflow-metal: import tensorflow as tf for _ in range(10): print(tf.random.normal((3,)).numpy()) [-1.4213976 0.08230731 -1.1260201 ] [ 1.2913705 -0.47693467 -1.2886043 ] [ 0.09144169 -1.0892165 0.9313669 ] [ 1.1081179 0.9865657 -1.0298151] [ 0.03328908 -0.00655857 -0.02662632] [-1.002391 -1.1873596 -1.1168724] [-1.2135247 -1.2823236 -1.0396363] [-0.03492929 -0.9228362 0.19147137] [-0.59353966 0.502279 0.80000925] [-0.82247525 -0.13076428 0.99579334] With tensorflow-metal: import tensorflow as tf for _ in range(10): print(tf.random.normal((3,)).numpy()) [ 1.0031303 0.8095635 -0.0610961] [-1.3544159 0.7045493 0.03666191] [-1.3544159 0.7045493 0.03666191] [-1.3544159 0.7045493 0.03666191] [-1.3544159 0.7045493 0.03666191] [-1.3544159 0.7045493 0.03666191] [-1.3544159 0.7045493 0.03666191] [-1.3544159 0.7045493 0.03666191] [-1.3544159 0.7045493 0.03666191] [-1.3544159 0.7045493 0.03666191] Given these observations, it seems there may be an issue with the randomness of tf.random.normal when using tensorflow-metal. My current setup includes MacOS 14.5, tensorflow 2.14.1, and tensorflow-macos 2.14.1. I am interested in understanding if there are known solutions or workarounds for this behavior. Furthermore, could anyone provide an update on whether tensorflow-metal is still being actively developed, or if alternative approaches are recommended for utilizing the GPU capabilities of this hardware?
Jul ’24
muting SIRI via AppIntents
We're using App Intents to launch are control our app via Siri. Siri's responses have been fairly random, some with a "Done" popup, others with a verbal confirmation, others saying "I'm sorry, there's been a problem". The latter is bogus and doesn't look good to potential investors when the app is actually working fine. There appears to be no way in code that I've been able to find so far that would have been tell Siri to STFU. Let us handle our own errors. Otherwise is there a means to supply Siri with a dictionary of restored messages that could be triggered inside the app?
Jul ’24
DisplayRepresentation.Image and custom SF Symbol
Hi, I have a AppEnum and I try to use a custom SF Symbol as DisplayRepresentation.Image but it's not working. I get a blank image when AppEnum picker appears. The custom SF Symbol is stored in the target's asset catalog and it works in the target (eg: Image(named: "custom_sfsymbol"). The issue occurs when I try to use it in a DisplayRepresentation static var caseDisplayRepresentations: [Self: DisplayRepresentation] = [ .sample : DisplayRepresentation(title: "sample_title", image: DisplayRepresentation.Image(named: "custom_sfsymbol")), Can we use a custom SF Symbol in a DisplayRepresentation.Image?
Jul ’24
SiriKit Extension still needed with AppIntents?
I have followed the SoupChef example in migrating Custom Intents from SiriKit to AppIntents. However, we only require one iOS release back, so we can require iOS 17. Thus, I eliminated everything that was strictly for backwards compatibility, most notably the SiriKit Extension that required enormous amounts of code to try to coordinate with the real app which worked poorly anyway. I tested for example that an NFC tag Automation created in Shortcuts works to execute an AppIntent while the app is backgrounded. I am now receiving a beta report that indicates someone trying to execute one of our migrated AppIntents from their HomePod is not working, and they say it used to work sometimes (not all the time). I'm sure most such cases used to require the SiriKit Extension in the old SiriKit world. I am terrified that I may need to rebuild that monster once again when the new (to me) AppIntent API seemed so beautiful without it and seemed to work without it. The AppIntent API documentation seems to indicate that SiriKit Extensions are no longer related or required. What is the truth here? Do I need to re-implement everything twice in the SiriKit Extension like a barbarian, or can we live in the new world with AppIntents? Thank you.
Jul ’24
Siri not calling AppIntents
I am very new to App Intents and I am trying to add them to my On Device LLM ChatBot app so my users can get answers to any questions anywhere in iOS. I have the following code and it is working wonderfully in the Shortcuts app. import AppIntents struct AskAi: AppIntent { static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = false static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Ask Ai About" static let description = "Gets an answer from Ai for your question." @Parameter(title: "Question") var question: String static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary("Ask Ai About \(\.$question)") } @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ReturnsValue<String> { let bot: Bot = Bot() await bot.respond(to: self.question) return .result( value: bot.output ) } } class AppShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: AskAi(), phrases: [ "Ask \(.applicationName) \(\.$question)", "Get \(.applicationName) answer for \(\.$question)", "Open \(\.$question) using \(.applicationName) ", "Using \(.applicationName) get help with \(\.$question)" ], shortTitle: "Ask Ai", systemImageName: "sparkles" ) } } I can create a shortcut for this AppIntent and that allows me say speak the response. I can call my shortcut via iOS 18 Beta 1 by the Shortcut name I set in the Shortcuts app and that allows it to work. It does not work at all by just Asking Siri any of the phrases I have defined. The info.plist has an app name alias defined just to be sure. I even added the Siri capability in Xcode-beta. I also tried using the ProvidesDialog return type too. Whatever I do the AppIntent is invisible to Siri. Siri tries to search the web, looking for my app name in the contacts or have an error Apple Cash which has nothing to do with what I was talking about. Is there anything else I am missing for setting up iOS AppIntents to work with Siri?
Jun ’24
Error generating files in compilation cause AppEntity and Widget Extension on iOS17
When I add AppEnity to my model, I receive this error that is still repeated for each attribute in the model. The models are already marked for Widget Extension in Target Membership. I have already cleaned and restarted, nothing works. Will anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Unable to find matching source file for path "@_swiftmacro_21HabitWidgetsExtension0A05ModelfMm.swift" import SwiftData import AppIntents enum FrecuenciaCumplimiento: String, Codable { case diario case semanal case mensual } @Model final class Habit: AppEntity { @Attribute(.unique) var id: UUID var nombre: String var descripcion: String var icono: String var color: String var esHabitoPositivo: Bool var valorObjetivo: Double var unidadObjetivo: String var frecuenciaCumplimiento: FrecuenciaCumplimiento static var typeDisplayRepresentation: TypeDisplayRepresentation = "Hábito" static var defaultQuery = HabitQuery() var displayRepresentation: DisplayRepresentation { DisplayRepresentation(title: "\(nombre)") } static var allHabits: [Habit] = [ Habit(id: UUID(), nombre: "uno", descripcion: "", icono: "circle", color: "#BF0000", esHabitoPositivo: true, valorObjetivo: 1.0, unidadObjetivo: "", frecuenciaCumplimiento: .mensual), Habit(id: UUID(), nombre: "dos", descripcion: "", icono: "circle", color: "#BF0000", esHabitoPositivo: true, valorObjetivo: 1.0, unidadObjetivo: "", frecuenciaCumplimiento: .mensual) ] /* static func loadAllHabits() async throws { do { let modelContainer = try ModelContainer(for: Habit.self) let descriptor = FetchDescriptor<Habit>() allHabits = try await modelContainer.mainContext.fetch(descriptor) } catch { // Manejo de errores si es necesario print("Error al cargar hábitos: \(error)") throw error } } */ init(id: UUID = UUID(), nombre: String, descripcion: String, icono: String, color: String, esHabitoPositivo: Bool, valorObjetivo: Double, unidadObjetivo: String, frecuenciaCumplimiento: FrecuenciaCumplimiento) { self.id = id self.nombre = nombre self.descripcion = descripcion self.icono = icono self.color = color self.esHabitoPositivo = esHabitoPositivo self.valorObjetivo = valorObjetivo self.unidadObjetivo = unidadObjetivo self.frecuenciaCumplimiento = frecuenciaCumplimiento } @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade) var habitRecords: [HabitRecord] = [] } struct HabitQuery: EntityQuery { func entities(for identifiers: [Habit.ID]) async throws -> [Habit] { //try await Habit.loadAllHabits() return Habit.allHabits.filter { identifiers.contains($0.id) } } func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [Habit] { //try await Habit.loadAllHabits() return Habit.allHabits// .filter { $0.isAvailable } } func defaultResult() async -> Habit? { try? await suggestedEntities().first } }
Nov ’23