It is a very strange situation I am suffering now.
I am hosting thingsboard CE on AWS EC2 (443, 1883, 80 and 8080 port are opened), I can access the console GUI through domain name, public IP and my ESP32 device can register and report MQTT data, all the widgets everything work like a charm !
I can use Simulator (iPhone 16 Plus Max) to access the dashboard, widgets, alarms, devices and audit logs, and I can install the Runner on my iPhone 16 Plus Max through Xcode and the Runner works well as expected on the Simulator.
Whereas, when I created Testflight app, download and install the testing release in on my iPhone, I can access the GUI, see the dashboard, but after click the dashboard, all widgets cannot be loaded, thingsboard icon continues spinning ! The alarms, devices and audit logs on the Testflight app works well, no issues.
Did you ever experience such issue?
Thanks !