SceneView camera viewpoint restoration

SceneKit SCNScene MacOS 15.1 Xcode 16.0

SceneView(scene: <created scene>, options:[autoenablesDefaultLighting, allowsCameraContol]

there is:



<scene>.rootNode.nestedChildNodes each with its own animation

when the object is animated and dragged by mouse to change the view point, I can't return the view to the previous view. I have reinstated a clone of the original cameraNode, positions of all childNodes, removed and re-activated all animations... in vain. I have also cloned, removed and replaced <scene>, in vain.

The documentation states the camera is "attached" to an SCNNode but does not say how. I make no declaration to associate <scene>.rootNode.cameraNode to <scene> yet if either is absent there is no scene to view.

What am I missing?


SceneKit and SwiftUI are both imported. The documentation shows SceneView is a member of both yet after SceneView is initiated any attempt to access ".defaultCameraController" gives the error "This property is defined on SCNView and may not be available in this context." And indeed, is not. So I'm guessing the SwiftUI-SceneView overrides the SceneKit-SceneView and it has no ".defaultCameraController" nor a camera as far as I can tell.

Every search involves importing AVFoundation which seems like another can of worms. Converting to ARKit, likewise.

If the user chooses to manipulate the viewpoint, then he'll just have to restore it himself. <mirthful sigh>

SceneView camera viewpoint restoration