"hotels" query brings me to an hotel in Ramallah

When trying the request "hotels" on MapKitJS with searchRegionPriority=default, it will return an hotel in Ramallah even if the searchRegion is very far from there. It can happen if your search region is very broad in most place (above Europe if you zoom out a lot, over Turkey and Middle East even if the bounding box is narrower), but on specific places it happens even with a small search region (like in Tripoli, Lebanon, whatever the zoom level). With searchRegionPriority=required, many hotels can be found in the same area.

Reproduce with: https://maps-api.apple.com/v1/search?q=hotels&searchRegion=34.45512816097114,35.849070061159864,34.428418939926146,35.80795182731595&lang=en&searchRegionPriority=default

"hotels" query brings me to an hotel in Ramallah