I tested the life cycle of TabView and its sub-Views through the demo and found something strange. Please help analyze it. Thank you.
The demo project is here https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/15629780
Operation steps:
- Step 1: launch app
- Step 2: click Login button
the below log is correct
- SettingsViewModel init
- HomeViewModel init
- HomeView appear
Step 3: click Settings tab
- SettingsView appear (correct)
Step 4: click Refresh TabView button the below log is incorrect
- Refresh TabView
- StatusViewModel init
- AccountViewModel init
- StatusViewModel init (weird)
- AccountViewModel init (weird)
- HomeView appear (weird)
- StatusViewModel deinit
- AccountViewModel deinit
- AccountView appear
- SettingsViewModel deinit
- HomeViewModel deinit
Expect log:
- Refresh TabView
- SettingsViewModel deinit
- HomeViewModel deinit
- StatusViewModel init
- AccountViewModel init
- AccountView appear