I'm trying to use the simulator from Xcode to emulate an iPhone. I have created a sandbox account and logged in but pressing the Apple Pay button doesn't do anything. I have also tried the demo website for Apple Pay and that doesn't work either.
Does the simulator work at all for Apple Pay on the Web?
Hi @ccheungtyro,
Apple Pay button should work in Simulator. However, the behavior would match the PassKit API—the pass library returns an empty array of passes, and any payload or token received.
For the Apple Pay button specifically, please submit a bug report via Feedback Assistant. In your report, please include the Xcode version, iOS version, and Simulator version. You may use the Apple Pay on the Web Demo as an example of the unexpected behavior.
Once submitted, please reply here with the Feedback ID so I can escalate this with the Apple Pay, Simulator or Safari engineering teams to investigate.
As a workaround, please use a physical device or Safari on macOS.
Paris X Pinkney | WWDR | DTS Engineer