I am trying to submit my subscription review using the https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/subscriptionSubmissions API from Apple. The data I submitted is:{"subscriptionSubmissionCreateRequest": {"data":{"type":"subscriptionSubmissions","relationships":{"subscription":{"data":{"type":"subscriptions","id":"6737030290"}}}}}} My subscription information is complete and correct. However, the Apple interface prompts an error and returns the following information:{"err":"unexpected status code 409: { "errors" : [ { "id" : "4267a135-2d27-4764-bcb3-85bd0247e60a", "status" : "409", "code" : "STATE_ERROR.INVALID_REQUEST_ENTITY_STATE_INVALID", "title" : "Thissubscriptionisnotinavalidstate.", "detail" : "Thissubscriptioncannotbereviewed,pleasecheckassociatederrors.", "meta" : { "associatedErrors" : { "/v1/subscriptions/6737030290" : [ { "id" : "e1db8b8f-a73a-4146-bc58-dd12c171379b", "status" : "409", "code" : "STATE_ERROR.SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_SUBMITTED", "title" : "YoucannotsubmityourSubscriptionforreviewwhenitisnotsubmittablestate." } ] } } } ] }"}
In Apple's Developer Console, the "Submit" button appears blue, which indicates that I haven't submitted the data before and it's not currently under review. However, when I click the button, I still get the same error message. I would like to understand why I'm unable to submit the review. Where could the issue be? I hope someone can assist me with this.
I've identified the issue. When I was setting the sales regions, I didn’t select all 175 countries. However, I set the availableInNewTerritories attribute to true. As a result, I wasn't allowed to submit for review. If all 175 countries are selected for sale and availableInNewTerritories is set to true, submission for review is allowed. But if fewer than 175 countries are selected, the availableInNewTerritories attribute should be set to false in order to submit for review.