Sub-account Wallet Passes

Hi! I need to generate multiple separated wallet passes, When ever I create a Sub-account - or sub-brand (in my web-app), I need to generate a wallet pass - stand alone - meaning new, new logo, new name and not all in a course format, I have a web-app that can do all but when it creates new sub-account (new brand) passes, will add them to same account in a carousel style, below an example that will make it clear (I hope). Also attached an image showing the 2 passes (2 different brands) in one main wallet pass (carousel) instead of having two different wallet passes (one for each brand - Sub-account). How could I be able to accomplish this? Thanks in advance!!

REFERENCE: Main Apple Dev Account (ME) Sub-Account (My Client) User (Client of Sub-Account)

CASE NEEDED: ME->Sub-Account A (Own Wallet Card stand alone pass no Carousel) -> Users: Only sees Account A Pass

ME->Sub-Account B (Own Wallet Card stand alone pass no Carousel) -> Users: Only sees Account B Pass

Users can be client of both sub-accounts, but must see each wallet pass as stand alone, do that sub-accounts are different brands.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 810084022

Hi @Alera,

These groups of related passes are due to the reuse of the same pass type identifier. You can create and distribute individual passes by creating a separate pass type identifier for each pass. To learn more about this process, please see the documentation below:

Building a pass


Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Hi @Alera,

These groups of related passes are due to the reuse of the same pass type identifier. You can create and distribute individual passes by creating a separate pass type identifier for each pass. To learn more about this process, please see the documentation below:

Building a pass


Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Hi @DTS Engineer, thanks for your answer!

But I think this doesn't resolve my problem, that is having same pass type identifier for multiple brands under my certificate. I have multiple brands and they still group in carousel mode, I don't want to have to open an Apple Developer Account for each brand, do you know if this is feasible?

TIA! Cheers Alex

Hi @Alera,

You wrote:

[...] I have multiple brands and they still group in carousel mode, I don't want to have to open an Apple Developer Account for each brand, do you know if this is feasible? [...]

The grouping is due to using the same pass type identifier for each pass. You can create a new pass type identifier for each brand/pass to prevent the grouping in Wallet. For example, Brand A could be defined as:

  • com.example-company.passes.ticket.event-4631A

And Brand B could be defined as:

  • com.example-company.passes.ticket.event-4631B


Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Sub-account Wallet Passes