- I do not understand much at all about how to write shaders
- I do not understand the math associated with page-curl effects
I am trying to:
- implement a page-curl shader for use on SwiftUI views.
I've lifted a shader from HIROKI IKEUCHI that I believe they lifted from a non-metal shader resource online, and I'm trying to digest it.
One thing I want to do is to paint the "underside" of the view with a given color and maintain the transparency of rounded corners when they are flipped over.
So, if an underside pixel is "clear" then I want to sample the pixel at that position on the original layer instead of the "curl effect" pixel.
There are two comments in the shader below where I check the alpha, and underside flags, and paint the color red as a debug test.
The shader gives this result:
The outside of those rounded corners is appropriately red and the white border pixels are detected as "not-clear". But the "inner" portion of the border is... mistakingly red?
I don't get it. Any help would be appreciated. I feel tapped out and I don't have any IRL resources I can ask.
// PageCurl.metal
// ShaderDemo3
// Created by HIROKI IKEUCHI on 2023/10/17.
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <SwiftUI/SwiftUI_Metal.h>
using namespace metal;
#define pi float(3.14159265359)
#define blue half4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
#define red half4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
#define radius float(0.4)
// そのピクセルの色を返す
[[ stitchable ]] half4 pageCurl
float2 _position,
SwiftUI::Layer layer,
float4 bounds,
float2 _clickedPoint,
float2 _mouseCursor
) {
half4 undersideColor = half4(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);
float2 originalPosition = _position;
// y座標の補正
float2 position = float2(_position.x, bounds.w - _position.y);
float2 clickedPoint = float2(_clickedPoint.x, bounds.w - _clickedPoint.y);
float2 mouseCursor = float2(_mouseCursor.x, bounds.w - _mouseCursor.y);
float aspect = bounds.z / bounds.w;
float2 uv = position * float2(aspect, 1.) /;
float2 mouse = mouseCursor.xy * float2(aspect, 1.) /;
float2 mouseDir = normalize(abs(clickedPoint.xy) - mouseCursor.xy);
float2 origin = clamp(mouse - mouseDir * mouse.x / mouseDir.x, 0., 1.);
float mouseDist = clamp(length(mouse - origin)
+ (aspect - (abs(clickedPoint.x) / bounds.z) * aspect) / mouseDir.x, 0., aspect / mouseDir.x);
if (mouseDir.x < 0.)
mouseDist = distance(mouse, origin);
float proj = dot(uv - origin, mouseDir);
float dist = proj - mouseDist;
float2 linePoint = uv - dist * mouseDir;
half4 pixel = layer.sample(position);
if (dist > radius)
pixel = half4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // background behind curling layer (note: 0.0 opacity)
pixel.rgb *= pow(clamp(dist - radius, 0., 1.) * 1.5, .2);
else if (dist >= 0.0)
// map to cylinder point
float theta = asin(dist / radius);
float2 p2 = linePoint + mouseDir * (pi - theta) * radius;
float2 p1 = linePoint + mouseDir * theta * radius;
bool underside = (p2.x <= aspect && p2.y <= 1. && p2.x > 0. && p2.y > 0.);
uv = underside ? p2 : p1;
uv = float2(uv.x, 1.0 - uv.y); // invert y
pixel = layer.sample(uv * float2(1. / aspect, 1.) * float2(bounds[2], bounds[3])); // ME<----
if (underside && pixel.a == 0.0) { //<---- PIXEL.A IS 0.0 WHYYYYY
pixel = red;
// Commented out while debugging alpha issues
// if (underside && pixel.a == 0.0) {
// pixel = layer.sample(originalPosition);
// } else if (underside) {
// pixel = undersideColor; // underside
// }
// Shadow the pixel being returned
pixel.rgb *= pow(clamp((radius - dist) / radius, 0., 1.), .2);
float2 p = linePoint + mouseDir * (abs(dist) + pi * radius);
bool underside = (p.x <= aspect && p.y <= 1. && p.x > 0. && p.y > 0.);
uv = underside ? p : uv;
uv = float2(uv.x, 1.0 - uv.y); // invert y
pixel = layer.sample(uv * float2(1. / aspect, 1.) * float2(bounds[2], bounds[3])); // ME
if (underside && pixel.a == 0.0) { //<---- PIXEL.A IS 0.0 WHYYYYY
pixel = red;
// Commented out while debugging alpha issues
// if (underside && pixel.a == 0.0) {
// // If the new underside pixel is clear, we should sample the original image's pixel.
// pixel = layer.sample(originalPosition);
// } else if (underside) {
// pixel = undersideColor;
// }
return pixel;