Unwanted callback from Apple to our Pass Server

We have a Web server for Apple Pass and we received a complaint from a user because the Pass is being deleted every few days from the Apple Wallet App and the user had to reinstall the pass every time.

Upon checking our server logs we found DELETE (unregister) requests that were not initiated by the user. Here are some (there are more) of those logs (I replaced some details with * for privacy):

  1. From July

[29/Jul/2024:23:06:30 +0000] "DELETE /apple_wallet/v1/devices/****/registrations/pass.com..*/** HTTP/1.1" 200 31 "-" "passd/1.0 CFNetwork/1496.0.7 Darwin/23.5.0"

  1. From August

[17/Aug/2024:22:51:33 +0000] "DELETE /apple_wallet/v1/devices/****/registrations/pass.com..*/** HTTP/1.1" 200 31 "-" "passd/1.0 CFNetwork/1498.700.2 Darwin/23.6.0"

  1. From September

[08/Sep/2024:23:32:11 +0000] "DELETE /apple_wallet/v1/devices/****/registrations/pass.com...*/** HTTP/1.1" 200 31 "-" "passd/1.0 CFNetwork/1498.700.2 Darwin/23.6.0"

Other information for this specific user/device:

  • Phone 14 Pro Max - iOS 17.6
  • User has few other passes installed but none has disappeared only our issued pass.

We are hoping to get some help from Apple to figure out why the DELETE request is being sent out to our server without being initiated by the user.

I have already filed a ticket to Apple with Case-ID: 9315232 But I haven't gotten any feedback after a few weeks and some follow ups.

Hi @Norly,

I'll need more information from the affected device and/or server to begin my investigation into this issue. Please see the following post and respond here with the Feedback ID, once completed:

Gathering Required Information for Troubleshooting Apple Pay In-App Provisioning or In-App Verification Issues



Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Hi @DTS Engineer I've submitted feedback with id: FB15497808

Hi @DTS Engineer is there any update on this issue? Thanks.

Hi @Norly,

I'm suspecting I have a similar situation, but it seems to occur so seldom that it's difficult to get ahold of the problem.

Furthermore, I've also noticed that I'm sometimes missing the device registration request altogether, even though the pass is generated and installed to the device correctly. Have you seen this issue?


Unwanted callback from Apple to our Pass Server