[MapkitJS] Uncaught TypeError: [MapKit] Expected a number for `x` in MapRect constructor but got `NaN` instead.

Hi, I'm building a nextjs app based on of MapkitJS. I tried to pass a new value to cameraZoomRange like the code below. As long as I put in this part map.cameraZoomRange, the error shows up. Not sure it's my fault, or the bug of MapkitJS.

const map = new window.mapkit.Map(element, {
    colorScheme: mqMatchLightTheme
      ? window.mapkit.Map.ColorSchemes.Light
      : window.mapkit.Map.ColorSchemes.Dark,
    showsCompass: window.mapkit.FeatureVisibility.Hidden,
    showsMapTypeControl: false,
    showsZoomControl: false,
    showsUserLocation: true,
    tracksUserLocation: true,
    isRotationEnabled: true,
    isZoomEnabled: true,

map.cameraZoomRange = new window.mapkit.CameraZoomRange({
    minCameraDistance: 14,
    maxCameraDistance: Infinity,

[MapkitJS] Uncaught TypeError: [MapKit] Expected a number for `x` in MapRect constructor but got `NaN` instead.