How to disable the download option from Quicklook PreviewApplication?


Following the wwdc24 video - What’s new in Quick Look for visionOS, I've managed to open a 3D model using PreviewApplication by calling

let previewItem = PreviewItem(url: modelURL, displayName: "Easter", editingMode: .disabled)
_ = [previewItem])

However, the "Save to Downloads" option is aways there(see attached screenshot). As the models are user generated content, and I don't want the download option to be available to all users. How to disable it?

Hi @kevin_wang

There is no way to remove this option in the Quicklook application, please file a feature request using the Feedback Assistant if this is something you'd like to see.

It's true QuickLook provides a lot of out-of-the-box functionality for previewing content to users, but I suspect for the experience you are trying to achieve it may make more sense to go with a Model3D view or a RealityView with ModelEntities. Can you share a bit more about how you'd like to display your 3D models to your users? The Diorama sample, for example, goes over loading and displaying a 3D model in front of the user in an immersive space, which seems similar to what you'd like to do.

How to disable the download option from Quicklook PreviewApplication?