Adding new accessory with AccessorySetupKit disconnect existing accessories

I'm using AccessorySetupKit to use multiple devices in my app.

The problem I'm facing right now is that each time I want to add a new device with an ASAccessorySession, the CBCentralManager state (which was previously .poweredOn, as I has already connected a device) rapidly changes states from .poweredOn to .poweredOff, and back to .poweredOn again. The consequence of these state changes is that any connected device is instantly disconnected, and I need to reconnect them one by one.

Is that the normal behavior?

Furthermore, I was thinking about saving the already connected peripheral by calling centralManager.retrieveConnectedPeripherals in order to re-connected them after, but it returns an empty array although I have 2 connected peripherals 🤯.

Adding new accessory with AccessorySetupKit disconnect existing accessories