Core Data modifications not saved in two of three tables

I'm a bit lost because of a problem I never experienced before: I create entries in 3 Core Data tables and link them. As long as the app is open, everything is fine, I can see the database entries in the three tables. Once the App is closed and restarted, however, the new entries in two of the three tables are gone.

I use Core Data for data storage and DB Browser for SQLite for inspecting the database running in the Simulator.

Here's the relevant function where all Core Data handling happens:

 Creates a new ComposedFoodItem from the ComposedFoodItemViewModel.
 Creates the related FoodItem and the Ingredients.
 Creates all relationships.
 - Parameter composedFoodItemVM: The source view model.
 - Returns: A Core Data ComposedFoodItem; nil if there are no Ingredients.
static func create(from composedFoodItemVM: ComposedFoodItemViewModel, generateTypicalAmounts: Bool) -> ComposedFoodItem? {
    debugPrint(AppDelegate.persistentContainer.persistentStoreDescriptions) // The location of the .sqlite file
    let moc = AppDelegate.viewContext
    // Create new ComposedFoodItem (1)
    let cdComposedFoodItem = ComposedFoodItem(context: moc)
    // No existing composed food item, therefore create a new UUID = UUID()
    // Fill data
    cdComposedFoodItem.amount = Int64(composedFoodItemVM.amount)
    cdComposedFoodItem.numberOfPortions = Int16(composedFoodItemVM.numberOfPortions)
    // Create the related FoodItem (2)
    let cdFoodItem = FoodItem.create(from: composedFoodItemVM, generateTypicalAmounts: generateTypicalAmounts)
    // Relate both (3)
    cdComposedFoodItem.foodItem = cdFoodItem
    // Add cdComposedFoodItem to composedFoodItemVM
    composedFoodItemVM.cdComposedFoodItem = cdComposedFoodItem
    // Add new ingredients (4)
    if let cdIngredients = Ingredient.create(from: composedFoodItemVM) {
        cdComposedFoodItem.addToIngredients(NSSet(array: cdIngredients))
        // Save new composed food item
        // Return the ComposedFoodItem
        return cdComposedFoodItem
    } else {
        // There are no ingredients, therefore we delete it again and return nil
        return nil

What the function does:

  1. Creates a new entry in table ComposedFoodItem
  2. Creates another new entry in another table FoodItem
  3. Relates both entries
  4. Creates another 1..n entries in a third table Ingredient and links these to the entry created in step 1

All this works fine, I can see all relations and entries in the database.

Then I quit and restart the app. The entry created in step 2 is still there, but the entries created in steps 1 and 4 are gone, as well as the relationships (of course).

My suspicion: I recently implemented a Core Data migration from Data Model version 1 ("EasyFPU") to version 2 ("EasyFPU 2"). In this migration, I have two custom migration policies for exactly the two tables, which are not stored. The migration policies are pretty simple (and identical for both tables):

 No Ingredient is created in the destination model, i.e., there will be no Ingredients
override func createDestinationInstances(forSource sourceIngredient: NSManagedObject, in mapping: NSEntityMapping, manager: NSMigrationManager) throws {
    // Do nothing on purpose
    debugPrint("Not migrating Ingredient with ID: \((sourceIngredient as? Ingredient)?.id.uuidString ?? "unknown")")

And what I suspect is, that this migration policies are somehow called when restarting the app, but I have no idea why, because the migration has already happened before. If I set a breakpoint in the debugPrint line of the code snippet above, I actually never reach this breakpoint - as expected. Nevertheless are the two tables Ingredient and ComposedFoodItem empty after restart.

My AppDelegate Core Data persistentContainer variable looks like this:

lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentCloudKitContainer = {
    let container = NSPersistentCloudKitContainer(name: "EasyFPU")
    container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, error) in
        if let error = error as NSError? {
            fatalError("Unresolved error \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
    return container

I tried to replace "EasyFPU" with "EasyFPU 2", but this apparently is not the version, but the container name.

Any idea? Thanks in advance!

Core Data modifications not saved in two of three tables