Drag&Drop broken in iOS18.0?


I've encountered the following phenomenon when comparing drag&drop in iOS 18.0 with iOS 17.5:

Let's say you have a small child view sitting on top of a larger parent view.

In iOS 18.0, when hovering over the child view with a drag object and leaving the child view, the child view will propagate a "dropInteraction:sessionDidExit:" call to the UIDropInteractionDelegate of its parent view.

The parent view now thinks, that the drag object is moved away from it (which is not the case!) and in turn its delegate doesn't receive any "dropInteraction:performDrop:" calls anymore.

In iOS 17.5 this case is handled correctly (without "dropInteraction:sessionDidExit:" being propagated wrongly by child views to their parent views).

Is this change in behavior intended or is this a bug?


It's wasn't a Drop&Drop bug. I've implemented a custom "hitTest" method that screwed things up. However, the logic when a "becomeFirstResponder" call is successful or not has obviously changed in iOS 18.

Nevertheless, I could fix my bug. Thanks.

Drag&Drop broken in iOS18.0?