Polylines do not stay on map

When I create a polyline and add it to the map, it will disappear if the map is moved. If I add a polygon or annotation, it remains on the map if the map is moved:

    const polyline = new mapkit.PolylineOverlay(path, {
      style: new mapkit.Style({
        lineWidth: 5,
        strokeColor: '#007AFF',
        lineJoin: 'round',
        lineCap: 'round'
    // disappears if the map moves or zoom changes

    const polygon = new mapkit.PolygonOverlay(shapes, {
      style: new mapkit.Style({
        fillRule: 'evenodd'
       enabled: false
     // remains on map when map moves or zoom changes

Why is it inconsistent? How can I make the polyline stay until I explicitly remove it?

Polylines do not stay on map