Unable to export App via Jenkins pipeline

Hi Team,

Exporting the archive through the Jenkins pipeline (executing commands on a Mac EC2 instance as a Jenkins agent) isn't working, while exporting directly from the Mac terminal successfully generates the IPA file. What might be the cause?

When we execute it on directly Mac terminal, it asks Keychain password first time & after that it automatically generates IPA file.

Note : We are using below working command to open keychain access. security unlock-keychain -p "my_password" /Users/ec2-user/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db

Export command : xcodebuild -exportArchive
-archivePath $PWD/build/Archive/MyApp.xcarchive
-exportPath $PWD/build/IPA
-exportOptionsPlist ../../Dev_exportOptions.plist

Current details:

Node version : node-v18.17.0-darwin-arm64
Npm version : 9.6.7
Ionic version : 5.2.6
Xcode version : 15.4
Macos : Sonoma 14.6.1

Unable to export App via Jenkins pipeline